Morning Exercise

dlynn08 Posts: 57
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
Anyone have any tips on how to be motivated to exercise in the morning?

It's so tough to get out of bed! Often times I can workout in the evening, but 2-3 times a week, there's something else going on and I skip my workout. :( I'd like to just be done with it in the morning. Any advice?


  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    It takes 21 days to make it a habit. Get out of bed - do it and be glad it is DONE for the DAY! I have to lecture and force myself most mornings too :-)
  • Katrina326
    Katrina326 Posts: 4 Member
    put your running gear (or whatever it is that you plan to do) on the radiator the night before - set your alarm and just get up - tell yourself that that extra 30 minutes in bed now is a waste of time because you have already broken your sleep. Get your gear on asap and just head out the door - saying that I missed this morning because it was cold, grey and wet!
  • byHISstrength
    byHISstrength Posts: 984 Member
    I say just set your alarm clock and push back the urge to stay in bed. Up until this year I COULD NOT get out of bed before 6AM, but then again, I never set my alarm clock. It has been 7 weeks now that I have been getting up at 4:15AM to fit my workouts in.

    Part of my motivation is knowing that after work I can concentrate on all the other stuff I need to do, another is how good I feel after my morning workings (before I was such a grump, and my husband appreciate my better mode too!). One other motivation for me is that so far I have perfect attendance since Jan 3rd of getting my morning workouts, and I do not want to mess that up until either my 90 days are up (I am doing P90X) OR I really am not feeling well.

    Well, hope this helps! You can do it. Just set your mind to it and do it.
  • teracallaway1
    teracallaway1 Posts: 51 Member
    working out in the morning seems to give me more energy throughout my day. i notice it on weekends when i sleep in i feel tired all day not matter what time i workout on the weekends. i feel better with the morning workouts. blast your favorite music and just know its worth it.
  • I'm trying to do this too. My goal is to go to bed by 11:30 and get up at 7:30. I usually stay up until well after midnight, so going to bed earlier is the key for me. This morning I ate breakfast, checked my e-mail, and went for a walk. You just have to force yourself to do it and in a couple weeks it will become a habit. Just be really strict about bedtime and what time you get up in the morning so that your body clock can adjust.
  • Allibaba
    Allibaba Posts: 457 Member
    I make sure I have my bag all packed up and everything is ready to go. Also if you are having trouble getting out of bed, perhaps just start waking up earlier just to read or watch TV as a baby step towards getting up to workout. I also started just arriving at work 20 mins earlier and taking a short walk before work.
  • RachM
    RachM Posts: 113 Member
    This might sound silly, but my alarm clock is across the room on my dresser. I have to get out of bed to turn it of, so it encourages me to just stay up. With my workout clothes layed out I just change quickly and go!
  • Ally_Clare
    Ally_Clare Posts: 355 Member
    :) i was meant to get up this morning for a run however i turned the net on and haven't left since...oops
  • I would leave the alarm clock accross the room so you HAVE TO get up to turn it off!! Since you are already up, you might as well make your time worthwhile, so exercise!! Also, I have heard of people sleeping in their workout clothes so they are always ready to go in the morning
  • This might sound silly, but my alarm clock is across the room on my dresser. I have to get out of bed to turn it of, so it encourages me to just stay up. With my workout clothes layed out I just change quickly and go!

    I do this too, alarm clock across the room. Once I'm up and have nearly tripped over the workout gear I've set up in the middle of the room the night before, I just grumble for a bit but get on with it.
  • I found by working out in the AM that I have more energy throughout the day. FYI if you are going to try, try to do for a couple weeks before you decide if you like!
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