hello all

Hi everyone. I am Katy and I have been using the phone app for about a week. I have always struggled with my weight but now I at my heaviest at 195 and I am 34. I am having a hard time at night and on the weekends with staying within my calories. I hope to lose at least 10 pounds by April vacation, any help, support or advise would be great.


  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    Welcome Katy! I started with my phone app about 2 months ago and love the convenience. I only found the community aspect about 2 weeks ago, but it is nice to have support of others. Good luck on your fitness journey!
  • SheliaN1960
    SheliaN1960 Posts: 454 Member
    Hi Katy, welcome to MFP!!! You are in the right place. I can not believe that I was so lucky to find MFP!!! It is loaded with the best support and inspiration. The peeps here are wonderful and so very helpful!! If you give a little of your time each day the benefits are amazing!!!! Best wishes to you on your new journey!!!
  • bayles1
    bayles1 Posts: 408 Member
    Hi Katy,

    I think we all struggle a little when we get started but you will soon get into a routine.Just drink plenty of water and dont dip under the 1200 mark and you will soon get yourself sorted.Good luck and best wishes...:smile:
  • magig
    magig Posts: 5
    Hard boiled eggs are great at making me feel full. When I am done with my calories for the day I brush my teeth.
    You can do it! You will feel so much better! Good luck
  • timmig
    I've just found the app this week---but I think it WILL help me keep on goal as I watch what I eat!! simple, and affective! Looking forward to reaching my goal weight by next year!! Good luck to all!!
  • octopusami
    octopusami Posts: 87 Member
    Welcome Katy! I know it was really hard for me when I first started with MFP to keep in my calories. The best thing I found was to keep veggies and fruit around to munch on when the craving hit. After a week or two my stomach shrunk and I didn't have a lot of cravings. I also started an exercise regiment. I started small (I got a pedometer) and had a goal of reaching 10,000 steps a day, now I run 3 miles most mornings. Just give yourself time and keep trying and you will definitely see results. I would highly recommend keeping track of your measurements as well as weight progress. There are weeks when the scale doesn't move and it can be very discouraging as well as frustrating when it is your only progress tool. Good luck!
  • kjc7
    kjc7 Posts: 14
    Hey Katy, welcome aboard. You can lose the weight you want and live the life for which you hope. Be patient, be kind and be persistent.

    I just finished a good book called "Ride Your Way Lean."

    I'm not affiliated w/ this book in any way, except I love to ride.

    Best of luck. You CAN do it.
  • Maztastic
    I too came to MFP through the phone app. I find it really helpful and is currently my 3rd most used app (after Facebook and Twitter). You'll find lots of lovely people on the forum who will support you through the challenging times and celebrate with you the good times.
  • jae6704
    jae6704 Posts: 458 Member
    thanks I will have to see if the local library has a copy of that book.
  • mrsannett
    mrsannett Posts: 257 Member
    Hi Katy! Well just wanted to say welcome aboard! Good luck on your new journey..we are all here for support!
  • jae6704
    jae6704 Posts: 458 Member
    I do eat a lot of eggs. I have 23 in the back yard:) They make me feel full and they have a good amount of protein in them.