calorie counting and exercise

gunny34 Posts: 68
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise
I was wondering how each of you count calories while you workout? Do you depend on the machines that you workout on to determine? You just punch in on this site to determine automatic count? heart rate monitor while you workout? I wanted some feedback because I would like an accurate count and I would love to pick everyones brain on this topic. Some people post that they have burned around 2,000 calories on a single workout! That just seems crazy high to me.
I'm new to this so if anyone could shed some light on this I would really appreciate it. :O)


  • I use a heart rate monitor, now. It's the most accurate. I think the calorie count on gym machines are way off.
  • i use the heart rate mon. and enter it all in at one time under 1 workout

    f.y.i. if you use one get the ones with the chest strap
  • I've been relying on the gym's machines for my calorie count. I recently ordered a Polar heart monitor/calorie counter to obtain more accurate readings. Based on user reviews, these seem to provide a reliable reading. Good luck with reaching your fitness goals.
  • jencap
    jencap Posts: 1 Member
    I go by a heart rate monitor. The calories on the machine are usually inaccurate because we are all so different. However you can put in your age/weight and maybe sex? on the machine to try to get closer. Usually it will say that you have burned more than you actually did and then you are in the hole more than you are ahead. Sometimes I don't had 50-100 calories of exercise just to hope to balance it out more. Also - if you have a heart rate monitor you can get a better feel for what you average is for a workout depending on the activity.

    Hope this helps!
  • slaos07
    slaos07 Posts: 53 Member
    I use a heart rate monitor as well. I was relying on the counter on my elliptical, then I tried to the EA ACtive on the XBox and it kicked my butt but only burned 200 calories in 30 minutes. So I began to question how the elliptical could burn 500 in 30 mins. I bought my HRM and found out I had been logging more than twice the calories (based on the machine) than I was actually burning based on my HRM. Now that I've fixed that problem I'm seeing my weight drop much faster than before. Its because when I thought I was coming in WAY under my calorie goal I was actually at or just above it because I was "lying" about my calories burned. HRM was $70 at's New Balance and I LOVE IT! Best $70 spent on this new lifestyle!
  • jram72
    jram72 Posts: 9 Member
    When I doubt the machine I am on or am using a machine or doing an exercise I don't know the calorie burn for I have used's database. It has been very useful. You can input your weight and the type of exercise you are doing and it gives you the calories burned.
  • The heart rate monitor is the way to go... My heart rate monitor is a Polar FT4, and it seems pretty accurate. There is a HUGE difference between MFP's calculation for the exercise and my HRM's calculation, though... the HRM is lower calorie burn. But I'd rather not overestimate my calorie burn and eat it back, so I go with the HRM. :)
  • Jenn728
    Jenn728 Posts: 683 Member
    Right now I just enter in my activity here and let it calculate it. I know this isn't accurate though. I'm getting a HRM soon.
  • Anything that goes by heart rate/age/weight alone will be somewhat inaccurate. Heart rate monitors and the equipment at the gym use the same formula (age, weight, heart beats per minute) so they are essentially the same and prone to up to a 30% error rate.

    The more data a method involves the more accurate. Devices that take into account body fat percentage and hydration are among the most accurate (like BodyBugg). The more you are comprised of muscle, the more calories you burn whether at rest or exercising.

    Personally, I just go by the default value in the MFP database. I do not "eat back" those calories, so I figure no matter what, I am burning more than I'm consuming.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I got an HRM at the weekend - tried it out on a hill walking session, and the result was pretty close to what MFP suggested. I'll be trying it tonight at the gym for a Body Pump class and a Body Balance class. Don't know if I'll wear it all teh time though, it feels like it might get in the way a bit. We shall see!
  • AWESOME! Thanks for the quick responses... I currently use a HRM ...mine is built in my watch. (Never knew about the chest monitor...will look into that) I was hoping that I was doing it right because I kept reading that people are burning crazy amounts of calories for doing less time than me and posting WAY more than i burn. I think that the HRM is the way to go then. THANKS SO MUCH. You guys are great! :)
  • I use a heart rate monitor that calculates calories burned. However, the machines in my gym allow me to enter my age and weight. I have compared their count to my heart rate monitor and it wasn't too far off but I would still suggest using a HRM. It will probably be the most effective and accurate.

    Oh and I find that I burn crazy calories doing Zumba! :)
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    Is it a watch only? Usually those will not give you a very accurate reading, that's why someone suggested getting a HRM with a chest strap.
  • It's a digital watch that has a button you press and hold for it to give you your HR for those few seconds and I just keep pressing it as my workout pass changes. It would be a lot more convientent to NOT have to continue to press the button down and hold it while it counts my HR but thats what I currently do. Around how much does a chest HM cost?
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I'm in the UK and mine was £29.

    It was actually failry comfortable last night - I thought the chest starp might annoy me during the yoga parts, but it didn't My instructor told me to watch teh BPM during the squat track, as he reckoned that would be the biggest burner (he was right)

    All in all, 55 mins of Body Pump used 450 calories, and 45 mins of Body Balance 250. Those figures weren't too far off the estimates I'd been using on MFP.
  • It's a digital watch that has a button you press and hold for it to give you your HR for those few seconds and I just keep pressing it as my workout pass changes. It would be a lot more convientent to NOT have to continue to press the button down and hold it while it counts my HR but thats what I currently do. Around how much does a chest HM cost?

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