Cardio DVD's

Can anyone chime in on their most favorite home cardio DVD...


  • ChancyW
    ChancyW Posts: 437 Member
    Definitely TurboFire!!! (anyone who knows me knows that I LOVE it and do it daily!) I burn crazy calories during it too!

    What's yours?
  • kibibi57
    Zumba is a very good workout, plus it is alot of fun.
  • thefreemans28
    thefreemans28 Posts: 267 Member
    I love Tony Horton's 10-minute trainer cardio.
    TONYGARGANO Posts: 1 Member
    Hey man,

    The best cardio or workout vids that i used on a daily basis and still get a butt kicking are the Bob
    Harper's Kettlebell workout vids or Bob Harper's yoga vids....they are awesome. The yoga vids are a great workout, they are easy (for a fat guy like me to do) and they wake up muscles that you never knew you had...

    Bob harper is the biggest loser can get the vids at Target or Walmart...or online Cincinnati, Ohio ...they are around $13.00
