Pain & Exercise!

Hi I'm new and I thought I'd ask a question that has always bothered me as my first proper 'big' post!

One of my major problems when it comes to exercise is the pain that comes with certain types. I have a problematic spine which means I can't do things which require bending a lot cause quite frankly it hurts!

(For those nosey folks among us, my spine is just a mess really and will eventually require surgery!)

I currently try to use my treadmill everyday but I feel like this is making my legs turn muscular and yet does nothing for any other part of my body. Obviously the cardio is great but I want something more.

I'm pretty much wondering how people get around stuff like this. Do you have a bad back and still exercise?

For the last few years I have used my bad back as an excuse and I'm not willing to let it get in the way any more.


  • glike
    glike Posts: 17
    I have continuous pain....Fibromyalgia, Arthritis, Scolioses of the Spine, and I'm not sure what's happening with my left hip recently. When I started here Dec. 30 2010 I was 175, the heaviest I've ever been. I'm now 165, and am working at going lower for sure because I feel better. I hear others say that many problems come from improper nutrition and not enough exercise. So decided to give it a try. I exercise everyday starting with 15 minutes of slowly stretching every muscle in my body just to be able to move for the remainder of the day. I refuse to do meds because there are too many complications, so that leaves the only other recourse as being exercise and nutrition. I hope this helps you, and good luck in your journey.
  • marber
    marber Posts: 118 Member
    I hurt my back many years ago. I started doing Pilates a couple of years ago and it really helped.

    I also went to the gym and started very slowly but now I can run and do most of the weight machines.
  • Louiselesley
    Louiselesley Posts: 166 Member
    pilates is something I really need to look into! i've heard so much about it helping your back but i've never done it!

    thank you both for your input and sorry about the late reply! been down with some sort of evil illness last few days (my food diary is terrifying!)