IBS ??

Hey all :wink:

hope your all doing good with your diets :happy: .. Is anyone suffering with IBS becuase i do so bad and its really getting me down :sad: . In my first 2 weeks on MFP i lost 15lb, but now for the past 2 weeks ive lost nothing (TMI) but i havnt been to toilet for a long time. Just a probelm i suffer with sometimes i could go every day sometimes weeks on end :embarassed: anyone else have this problem ? Or sufferd from not loosing weight. Its making me upset so now i meauserd thesmorning in hope of next monday morning ill see a result from that instead. Thanks guys and keep up the good work :) Emily xx


  • PhilWeaver
    Hi, I just noticed your post, I wanted to let you know that I suffered from IBS getting progressively worse for about 10 years, I have been to the doctors and tried Buscopan, Mebeverine and Peppermit capsules to no avail. Eventually I more or less demanded to be seen by athe GI clinic, they prescribed me a low dose of amiytriptyline an old tri-cyclic antidepressant that has been found to help in some people with IBS as well as a C-scope which was all ok. The first three month the new meds made me very tired and if I took at night I was still tired in the morning but now I'm fine with them. The IBS has not completely disappeard but my life has changed, I've not had a day off work in over 6 months now and in the previous year I had 9 days when I was simply too ill to go in.
    Don't let a GP tell you there are no treatments there are, you just have to complain loud enough. Good luck.
  • PhilWeaver
    Hi, I just noticed your post, I wanted to let you know that I suffered from IBS getting progressively worse for about 10 years, I have been to the doctors and tried Buscopan, Mebeverine and Peppermit capsules to no avail. Eventually I more or less demanded to be seen by athe GI clinic, they prescribed me a low dose of amiytriptyline an old tri-cyclic antidepressant that has been found to help in some people with IBS as well as a C-scope which was all ok. The first three month the new meds made me very tired and if I took at night I was still tired in the morning but now I'm fine with them. The IBS has not completely disappeard but my life has changed, I've not had a day off work in over 6 months now and in the previous year I had 9 days when I was simply too ill to go in.
    Don't let a GP tell you there are no treatments there are, you just have to complain loud enough. Good luck.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    I've been dealing with IBS since I was 23. I'm 40 now. Try cutting out flours for a bit and see what that does. Things like bread - even whole wheat bread (not whole grains). I actually got a bit loose and emptied out. Since I've started eating healthier the symptoms haven't been nearly as bad. I try and have a big salad for lunch every day and at least one piece of fruit. I don't know if this is why I emptied. It could be just a coincidence but it might be worth a shot.

    I still go back and forth. I do my best to get at least 25-30 grams of fiber a day. Maybe you could do a little research online and see what you find too.
  • madijo41
    madijo41 Posts: 367 Member
    I suffer too, but in the opposite way. I go to the bathroom 20 times a day. I started following the directions of a Homeopath and he has made a huge difference in my ibs. I also have a hard time to lose weight because my body always feels it is starving because it was not getting the nutrients it needed to live. Measuring is the best way to go. My body fluctuates so much that I would be stark raving mad with the up and downs of my scale. Good luck and friend me if you want.
  • emilyjayne90
    thankyou all for your replys. Its such a horrible thing. i hate it and am getting so disheatrned to diet because of it :( good luck all and feel free to add me as a friend x
  • marber
    marber Posts: 118 Member
    I have been put on Mebeverine in the last few days.

    So far there has been improvement. I don't feel sick all the time and less stomach pain.

    I am trying to work out if some foods make it worse.
  • kermode
    Have you cut out ALL dairy? I have what we are calling IBS for now (have more testing to go through) and found once I cut out the dairy and then started taking metamucil I became more regular and the bloating was a little better. Have you talked to your Dr. just to rule out Crohns or Colitis?
  • claire_b79
    claire_b79 Posts: 101 Member
    I have suffered from IBS for years. I really recommend this book. It changed my life.


    After I started seeing a naturopath my symptoms were way easier to control. I got some allergy tests done and it turns out that I am allergic to some very common foods including fruits and veggies. So now I take a super strong probiotic, some other supplements and I have cut out all the foods I am allergic too and I am feeling a lot better. I cut out all dairy too....turns out i was allergic not intolerant.

    My problem in the last few weeks has been not being able to go...when my problem before was going too much.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    If it gets that bad, I just take 'colofac', seems to get things moving again :bigsmile:
  • jessicamichalski
    I have the same issue mixed with lactose intolerance and it sucks pretty bad. I was trying everything to help..and if that's not enough, I was getting stressed, which as everyone here knows, makes IBS worse. On my final attempt before asking a dr for help, I started taking a probiotic and calcium supplements (I don't drink milk). The probiotic has changed my life. It helps so much! But I will admit, after taking one a day everyday, sometimes I have a hard time going, so if I know I have nothing going on on my Sundays, I don't take it Saturday just to help it along..it seems to work. Every body is different and some things might help one person while it doesn't work at all for another. If you want an OTC fix, try yogurts for the bacteria, an OTC probiotic, or they sell a med at walmart specifically for IBS symptoms (it worked for me but it was too strong). Other than that, I try to keep my stress down lol...
    Next step for me woulda been a dr visit...so that may not hurt either....Good luck either way!!!
  • emilyjayne90
    Thanks for all the replys :) the doctor have givven me many tablets, and medicine nothing seems to work. Its horrible. I feel everyones pain, and am here for anyone who needs to talk. Have anyone been so bloated that theyve not lost weight one week? Emily x
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    I've had IBS for about 12 yrs, doesn't it suck! hahaha.

    I have been ok whilst eating healthy. I have more trouble going now, when usually sometimes within 10 mins of eating my stomach disagrees with food and off I trot. Now that I am eating healthy though, if I eat junk food my IBS plays up for 2 days. I did really well on a diet from a specialist and taking the tablets etc recommended, but the food restrictions just sucked. At the time I wasn't allowed any fermented foods (cabbage, broccoli, garlic, onion etc), any dairy or any white foods (pasta, bread, potatoes). I now just really limit any potatoes, bread, pasta and only have milk in my tea each morning. I can't seem to be able to stomach yoghurt no matter how much I try to anyways. I keep away from any fatty foods. It's a shame IBS doesn't help you lose weight when it feels like your foods go straight through you :tongue:

    It is such a horrible thing to live with. Mostly whilst at work or a friend's place if it gets bad. How do you guys cope in those situations? It has also made me think about the cruise I want to go on next year, and how it will effect that. :embarassed: