Does anyone here struggle with ADD?

AmberElaine84 Posts: 964 Member
After many, many years of hating how disorganized I was, how much I lacked the ambition to do well in school, to stay focused on one thing at a time, I had finally had enough. As I was doing some research online, I came across a title that caught my eye. ARE YOU STRUGGLING WITH ADULT ADD?

I don't know, am I?

After a few hours of researching the subject, I matched nearly ALL of the criteria. In EVERY category. I was completely in shock. I was remembering incidents while growing up that I could never figure out. Why couldn't I get decent grades in school, yet get lead parts in plays? Why couldn't I keep my locker clean, my desk clean. Why can't I keep things organized in my house? Why does it feel like there is a block right in the middle of my brain when I am trying to figure out problems or clean the house? It's not that I dislike to do any of these things, but I can't seem to focus and get the job done.

Now, I am NOT one to jump on board with EVERYTHING I read. I've never been one to think that I am anything BUT healthy. I have always been mad at myself though, and I have had enough. I am scheduling an appointment with my doctor who is homeopathic, because I'd like to see what I can do to help myself, WITHOUT taking medicine.

How many of you suffer with this? When did you figure out that you had it? Do you take any sort of herbal supplement, or any extra vitamins that they notice a definite change with? I want to go into the doctor with a good idea of what I'd like to do to get this under control.


  • DylanFriesen
    I have it
    I feel like an idiot
  • in_it_2_win_it
    I have had add/adhd since I was 3.. and have been taking meds since I was 5.. and I know how that feels.. I am 23.. and now how this all is
  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    i have been diagnosed with ADD for 2 yrs (im 18 now)
    after i started taking concerta everything got so much easier
    i can sit down and do my homework for hrs in a row
    i WANT to get things done, to clean my house or to work out
    i know a lot of people will tell you you just have to get over it and that dr's are just putting people on meds
    but if you really believe you want an aid, it really helps. my grades went up to A's even.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    I did a little reading about this recently and I seem to have all the symptoms. That would explain a lot about me if I have it. I am planning to go talk to someone about it sooner than later. I have heard accounts of how getting treatment can be really life-changing.
  • Mrsbonno
    Mrsbonno Posts: 38 Member
    i have the same problem... i figured out, tho, if i have someone to talk to while i'm cleaning (thank god for friends), i focus on things much better... its weird, but it works!
  • alyssa623
    I have it. I'm a college student. I was just "diagnosed" this past fall. I have Graves disease (thyroid condition) and lack of focus is a major part of it. I started taking adderall once in the morning and then a smaller dose at supper (if I have a lot of homework). It has made ALL the difference in the world. My grades are so much better, I can pay attention in class and get things done around the house. The only downsides is that it can keep you awake if you take it too late in the day or combine with too much caffiene and it is an appetite suppressant...although that's not bad if you are trying to lose weight. Although that should most definitely not be a reason anyone should take adderall.
  • Mrs_McFadden
    Not trying to be a jerk, I promise, but for the above poster you don't have it since you were three. You either have it or you do not and it's either diagnosed..or it is not.
    I have ADHD combination disorder.
    I have taken adderall for it and I found that to be the best for my own purposes. I have spoken to MANY adults with ADHD and opinions and options for treatment and medication vary with your own circumstances.
    I'm pretty ..relatively..severe. I'm hyper- I talk super fast..I do everything fast basically and I'm restless and I forget things like there's no tomorrow. I mean I really related to that Memento movie let us just say. Short term memory is just non existent at times.
    Get to a psychologist and get appraised/diagnosed officially.
    Read some books regarding it it's one of those things that is entirely counterintuitive to truly understand given the huge amount of misinformation and the high degree of ignorance regarding what it truly means, expresses itself and its impact on your life.
    I also suggest you join some ADHD/ADD forums to find a community of people dealing with your same struggle.

    This condition is easily made fun of, overlooked, and chastised as being fake. Proceed with some caution about who you tell because the world is full of them regarding ADHD.

    Feel free to PM me if you have any questions.
  • Mrs_McFadden
    I have it. I'm a college student. I was just "diagnosed" this past fall. I have Graves disease (thyroid condition) and lack of focus is a major part of it. I started taking adderall once in the morning and then a smaller dose at supper (if I have a lot of homework). It has made ALL the difference in the world. My grades are so much better, I can pay attention in class and get things done around the house. The only downsides is that it can keep you awake if you take it too late in the day or combine with too much caffiene and it is an appetite suppressant...although that's not bad if you are trying to lose weight. Although that should most definitely not be a reason anyone should take adderall.

    Adderall is a good clean drug. The other major downfall if you're not careful however is the rebound once your meds drop off in your system. It can make you a SERIOUS grouch snappy's just something I like to warn people about.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,129 Member
    Not trying to be a jerk, I promise, but for the above poster you don't have it since you were three. You either have it or you do not and it's either diagnosed..or it is not.
    I have ADHD combination disorder.

    It has been postulated that ADD can be genetic (which would be lifelong) OR caused by an outside force, such as head injury or drug abuse or illness.

    Don't be too quick to judge someone else's diagnosis.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    I have a son that starting meds at 5. He took himself off in the 7th grade and has done wonderful since then. He has always excelled in school. Taking all advance classes and getting an advance HS diploma. He is disorganized but I don't think its the ADD now. I think its just his teen years. He is 18 and his room looks like a normal 18 yr olds. A little messy but not over the top. The one thing I never allowed him to do was to use his ADD as an excuse to not try. I didn't want him to see it as a crutch so he didn't even know he was ADD until the 5th grade.

    The one thing I suggest to you that helped him tremedously is finding a counselor that specializes in ADD/ADHD. They will help you learn how to focus better by giving you "life tools" to work with. Also they can help you with your diet.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    I have it. I'm a college student. I was just "diagnosed" this past fall. I have Graves disease (thyroid condition) and lack of focus is a major part of it. I started taking adderall once in the morning and then a smaller dose at supper (if I have a lot of homework). It has made ALL the difference in the world. My grades are so much better, I can pay attention in class and get things done around the house. The only downsides is that it can keep you awake if you take it too late in the day or combine with too much caffiene and it is an appetite suppressant...although that's not bad if you are trying to lose weight. Although that should most definitely not be a reason anyone should take adderall.

    Adderall is a good clean drug. The other major downfall if you're not careful however is the rebound once your meds drop off in your system. It can make you a SERIOUS grouch snappy's just something I like to warn people about.

    My son took 1/2 pill of Adderall XR Mon-Fri. No week-ends, holidays or school breaks. It worked very well for him also. The only side effects he had in the beginning was an upset stomach and insonmia. It only lasted for about a week and then he was good.
  • Mrs_McFadden
    Forgot to own son takes Vyvanse.
    My son has ADHD, I do, and so do both of my younger brothers (although they are both in total denial and refuse to get checked out and just live in the chaos inertia that happens when you just wing it w/out realizing how to deal with it at minimum cognitively)
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    I was diagnosed a while ago. I am on medication for it and it makes a huge difference, my grades in school have dramatically increased, and for the first time in my life I am actually understanding and keeping up in my math class. Adderall has definately changed my life ( I am on the lowest dose possible)
  • Mrs_McFadden
    Not trying to be a jerk, I promise, but for the above poster you don't have it since you were three. You either have it or you do not and it's either diagnosed..or it is not.
    I have ADHD combination disorder.

    It has been postulated that ADD can be genetic (which would be lifelong) OR caused by an outside force, such as head injury or drug abuse or illness.

    Don't be too quick to judge someone else's diagnosis.

    I've seen those studies and I understand what you are saying. I'm going to take a leap here and say that most people don't get a head injury and then have adhd all of a sudden. <--that isn't a scientific statement so I'm not here to debate the veracity, it just seems unlikely that the majority of us that have adhd have had a head bump/injury or illness that caused it.
    For example: my own family with myself, my brothers and my son...I would place a bet on genetics.
  • AmberElaine84
    AmberElaine84 Posts: 964 Member
    Wow. Thank you everyone for your advice and input. I am very eager to get a professional opinion/diagnosis. I am happy to hear that after finding something that helped, you were able to study better and FOCUS!!
  • SkyeBows
    I was diagnosed when I was in 3rd I was put on meds and my grades got better as I got older I started to refuse to take it. I personally at my young age didn't care for a drug that wouldn't let me be me. Now that I am 24 with two kids I can see my problems I too have issues with keeping the house clean or just keeping it organized for that matter. I still do not take meds and do not plan on it. Now I don't go to school and I don't work I just take care of the kids so I don't see a real need for it. I will say from a positive outlook I believe having ADHD makes me very outgoing and keeps me interested in learning new things. I have an array of things that I learned on my own sewing, crochet, and knitting I do jump from project to project but I think its the ADHD that keeps me open minded and not to OCD about certain things. There are a bunch of books out there about how you can actually work on yourself through foods. For my children if I ever come to that point that is were I will start them I prefer not to mess with meds in my opinion a lot of Dr's make too much money :)
  • Mrs_McFadden
    My son has above average intelligence and would flunk subjects if not for meds. I'm a SAHM and I'm getting back on my meds ASAP. I have a *ton* of things I need to do. Right now I nurse my baby constantly as soonas that is finished I have to get back to being uber mom.
  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    I have adult ADHD. Lots of adults do. After almost 15 years of refusing medical treatment I'm finally having to cave in and get help. There is no shame in seeking help if you think you need it. Life with a neurological issue can be hell.

    I have TS+ (Tourete's Syndrome, combination ADHD, OCD, and anxiety disorders). My problem with seeking treament in the form of pills for any issue,however, is that the other issues will always be negatively affected. Because I am at the point where I need medication to pass my courses I had to try it...but then my other issues got so bad that I still couldn't get my work done most of the time. I chose to take a year off of school and explore all my options (drugs, cognitive behavior therapy, etc). I'll go back when I have it all sorted out.

    Hope my story helps :)
  • DylanFriesen
  • samkaca
    samkaca Posts: 28 Member
    I was diagnosed with ADHD years ago and for personal reasons have decided not to take any medications. For quite awhile I was able to manage it okay- but the last couple years have been tough. I'm in my 4th year as a double-majoring college student now, and I will admit it gets the better of me. I know I need to see a doctor to reconsider the possibilities of medication, but without insurance it kinda sucks, too. I'm working on it, but yeah, ADHD sucks. Sometimes it's alright, but for the most part not focusing and constantly having to move around is a big pain in the butt.