The 1200-calorie/Starvation Mode Myth



  • randyv99
    randyv99 Posts: 257 Member
    As I posted in another thread on the topic:

    Being 'not hungry' does NOT mean you have taken in adequate nutrition.

    In some cases, it can simply mean your ghrelin hormone levels have adjusted to the lower calorie intake and since ghrelin controls your hunger, you feel less hungry. Ghrelin also promotes fat storage during low (food) intake periods. The problem is, once you begin to eat normally again (after you've lost the weight), your ghrelin levels will increase, as will your hunger. Subsequently, 95% of dieters who lost more than 10 pounds will, within 1 year, regain all the weight they've lost.

    So, eating enough food to fuel your body helps maintain the delicate balance of metabolic hormones.

    Healthy, long term, sustainable weight loss IS more than just calories in/calories out.

    Also, on, the women who are working to lose weight are eating 1600-2000 calories, and doing so very, very successfully (that includes exercise calories). Why do people here think that they have to eat 1200 calories to lose? It's unnecessary for most, in my opinion.

    Exactly! I want everyone who is worried about 1200 calories to read this thread and read all the information we have all put forward here to understand that calories don't tell the whole story. I'm certainly enjoying all of the responses this post has been receiving.
  • buggaboo73
    I am so *&^%$#@!!! sick of this topic.
  • eveunderground
    eveunderground Posts: 236 Member
    I think this is a nice thread, lots of people weighing in on the discussion constructively.

    My opinion regarding listening to your body, is that people with weight issues and/or eating disorders have trained themselves to bypass those signals in order to follow the path they desire (overeating or starvation). So it is not easy to just start hearing those messages and acting on them. In addition there are also certain types of food (usually highly processed) that cause the wrong signals to be sent "keep eating more", when actually you've already eaten enough calories, but you don't feel like you have.

    I've been maintaining for 9+ yrs and I still can't interpret any signals (the only signals I feel are when I'm very hungry or very full...but nothing in between), it's the visual assessment of portion sizes and the mental math of total calorie count that stops me from over eating, it's not listening to signals.

    I agree the 1200 calories per day is not a magical number and has nothing to do with starvation mode. I consider 1200 calories to be a guideline that helps prevent people (who may have very limited knowledge about nutrition) from creating their own weight loss plan that involves practicing extended periods of under-eating. Periods of extreme restriction can put their health at risk. Also operating at a very large calorie deficit for an extended period of time often results in overeating/bingeing once the "diet has ended"...followed by fast weight gain, bringing on the next cycle of extreme restriction, on so on. I believe the goal of enforcing 1200 calories per day minimum is mainly to prevent this very common but also very unhealthy behavior.
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230

    Also, on, the women who are working to lose weight are eating 1600-2000 calories, and doing so very, very successfully (that includes exercise calories). Why do people here think that they have to eat 1200 calories to lose? It's unnecessary for most, in my opinion.

    This is because these women are burning 1000+ calories a day in their weight lifting routine. If they were eating only 1200 calories they would soon starve to death.

    I can easily burn 600-700 calories in a good 2-3 hour lifting day - and I am not a competitor. I just love the buzz of endorphins that I get from lifting... it's akin to an alcohol buzz only my senses don't get dulled and my body is relaxed instead of numb. I hear that some people can get this from running... they call it the "Runner's High". Running for me is more like a death sprint. :smile:

    I would suggest that anyone with a high calorie burn rate might be endangering their health if they eat 1200 calories a day for long. You simply cannot get enough nutrients and protein to offset the demands on your body. You'd likely get signals like feeling light headed and even fainting if you did this.

    But again, that's listening to your body.

    I think the issue here is that the number 1200 is a baseline... and can go up with additional exercise.

    I just got back from 6 days in Cancun where I consumed about 2000 calories a day OVER my baseline (gotta love those mango daiquiris :drinker: ) AND where I did nothing but lie in the sun and an occasional dip into the ocean. I put on a good 4 pounds.

    So my current baseline is 1300 calories a day. This will get me back to my original weight in about one month. (BTW - it was SO worth the 6 days of decadence :happy: ) However, this doesn't mean that I am only consuming 1300 calories a day. I burn about 400-800 calories a day in exercise. If I burn 400 calories, I usually consume all 400. However, if I burn 800, I will usually not consume all 800. I will make sure I have enough protein and other nutrients and I will take the extra deficit gladly... as long as I am not going to bed hungry.
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    This is a great post! I love your opening quote! For me and my body, I stay away from going as low as 1200 calories. I workout hard, I need energy. I know I would put myself into starvation mode... BUT that's ME!

    If there is one thing I've learned about this journey I've been focused on for 2.5 yrs, it's that so many things we may believe are finite, end up proving us wrong, or being different for someone else.

    Fitness/Health/Nutrition are all sciences, but very complex ones. There are so many components that go into weight management, fitness, body fat loss. What works for one person, isn't always going to work for everyone else. Some people swear by supplements, other people think they are evil!

    I think the important thing to remember, especially when supporting one another is to let our voices be heard and share our insights with one another, but not to cram our opinions down everyone else's throats. It's hard sometimes because we get so passionate about what we've learned and what has worked so well for us, that we really want to convert people sometimes.

    People are also at different stages of their goals and maybe they are good at managing their calories, but they are not ready yet or ever to completely give up fast food. I think we just need to, again, be a support system, voice our opinion on the matter, then leave well enough alone for people to find what works for them and their goals.

    Anyhow, I didn't mean to get on a soapbox, lol. I've had these thoughts in my head and thought this was a good thread to express them on. Thanks for being so open-minded. :)
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member

    Also, on, the women who are working to lose weight are eating 1600-2000 calories, and doing so very, very successfully (that includes exercise calories). Why do people here think that they have to eat 1200 calories to lose? It's unnecessary for most, in my opinion.

    This is because these women are burning 1000+ calories a day in their weight lifting routine. If they were eating only 1200 calories they would soon starve to death.

    I'm not talking about the competitive body builders, the ones I am referring to are normal women, with school, jobs, and kids who are trying to get in shape in an hour or less a day.
  • twistygirl
    twistygirl Posts: 517 Member
    Thank-you for writing this, I have never eaten my exercise calories until I joined this site. I had never been told to do so and my weight loss has been very slow. I been tripping over my calorie intake this all feels like a full time job that many days make me want to call off and quit. You have open my eyes, I have to rethink the way I'm doing things. I want to enjoy the journey instead of thinking about food intake and calorie burn constantly..........thanks.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    unfortunately, like any system that is broken, you can't just say "Eat when you're hungry" to an obese person any more than you can count on a broken thermostat in a house to regulate heat correctly.

    the body has an enormous capacity to adapt. And there many studies done that prove this concept out.

    So while I agree that for a healthy person, it's generally acceptable to "listen to your body", that's not necessarily the case for someone who has issues with over eating or under eating. There is a concept called metabolic adaptation that occurs during prolonged periods of under or over feeding, for someone who chronically under eats you can't just tell them to "eat when you're hungry". Likewise, as the body very slowly reduces it's RMR to account for under-nutrition, most people never recognize when they are feeling sluggish or have a lack of energy (at least not unless they are looking for it or measuring it). Similar to theory of a frog and a slowly boiling pot of water (and yes, I recognize that this is a myth, it's here for insight only not direct comparison), you don't realize you're in danger until well into the process if that process is slow enough.

    Cited studies:

    Thanks for this!! One of the most well-written explanations I've seen for why you can't always just listen to your body. I'll have to check out those studies...
  • DKWaggoner
    I eat almost 1900 calories a day & have lost weight.The thing I always tell people is.."ok if you want a piece of chocolate cake its fine,ya just have to make up for it with exercise" i realize as I continue to lose weight I wont be able to keep that caloric intake but to me its not really hard to figure out that I have to burn any extra calories i eat..
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I eat almost 1900 calories a day & have lost weight.The thing I always tell people is.."ok if you want a piece of chocolate cake its fine,ya just have to make up for it with exercise" i realize as I continue to lose weight I wont be able to keep that caloric intake but to me its not really hard to figure out that I have to burn any extra calories i eat..

    you'll be surprised at how little your maintenance calories change. Put it this way, I lost 60 plus pounds and my maintenance went from about 2850 or so to 2650, not that much IMHO. Mostly because fat is a metabolically inactive tissue, I.E. it doesn't really require much in the way of energy, so losing it doesn't really change your body's metabolic needs that much. There is some minor change because muscles don't need to work as hard, but it's not that big of a difference.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    unfortunately, like any system that is broken, you can't just say "Eat when you're hungry" to an obese person any more than you can count on a broken thermostat in a house to regulate heat correctly.

    the body has an enormous capacity to adapt. And there many studies done that prove this concept out.

    So while I agree that for a healthy person, it's generally acceptable to "listen to your body", that's not necessarily the case for someone who has issues with over eating or under eating. There is a concept called metabolic adaptation that occurs during prolonged periods of under or over feeding, for someone who chronically under eats you can't just tell them to "eat when you're hungry". Likewise, as the body very slowly reduces it's RMR to account for under-nutrition, most people never recognize when they are feeling sluggish or have a lack of energy (at least not unless they are looking for it or measuring it). Similar to theory of a frog and a slowly boiling pot of water (and yes, I recognize that this is a myth, it's here for insight only not direct comparison), you don't realize you're in danger until well into the process if that process is slow enough.

    Cited studies:

    Interesting reading. Completely supports what's been said about energy expenditure and the body's ability to adapt to environmental energy stressors. My post is of course a generalization directed toward all the people actively taking part in changing their behavior who are needlessly stressing out about exactly how many calories they are taking in. There is no evidence to suggest that someone who is endeavoring on a new weight loss or fitness journey will be adversely affected by the occasional under 1200 calorie day or not eating exercise calories. It is more important for those individuals to be aware of the nutritional components of what they're putting in their bodies than to worry about starvation mode. Except for the clinically ill (i.e. those with eating disorders and/or malnourishment) and those without access to energy sources have to seriously worrying about the effects of starvation mode.

    I'm so delighted to start a conversation around this issue, I deliberately entitled "myth" to incite discussion.

    As someone who understands the judicious use of hyperbole, I have no problem with your title. :wink:
  • modernfemme
    modernfemme Posts: 454 Member
    For me, it's about 1200 calories not working into my lifestyle. I wouldn't be able to have a glass of wine ever again :( And to me, being super skinny isn't worth not enjoying the food I love. I just want to be healthy.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    I also think it's important to realize that most of the studies I have seen (and the ones cited by Banks) that look at "starvation" effects are looking at very low calorie diets--I mean in the 300-700 calories per day range.

    Whether it's undereating or Tabata, there is a pernicious tendency in the health and fitness area for people to inappropriately generalize the results of one study or a set of studies to situations that are completely different than the conditions under which the research was conducted.

    I see numerous posts on here all the type of people saying that they went into "starvation mode" because they skipped breakfast. I personally think that "starvation mode" is one of the most misused phrases used on this site. In my first 8 weeks on my weight loss program, I lost an average of 3.75 pounds per week (not planned--it just happened that way). My daily intake was 1500-1800 cals/day (starting weight about 260), which means my average deficit was about 1800-1900 per day. I did 6-8 hours of fairly intense cardio per week and lifted weights about 3 times every two weeks (not quite 2x/wk average). I had plenty of energy for my workouts (as long as I kept my carbs at a minimum of 50% of my total calories), put on at least 5 pounds of muscle during that time. Oh, and I never ate more than about 80g of protein per day (less than 20% of total calories).
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230

    Also, on, the women who are working to lose weight are eating 1600-2000 calories, and doing so very, very successfully (that includes exercise calories). Why do people here think that they have to eat 1200 calories to lose? It's unnecessary for most, in my opinion.

    This is because these women are burning 1000+ calories a day in their weight lifting routine. If they were eating only 1200 calories they would soon starve to death.

    I'm not talking about the competitive body builders, the ones I am referring to are normal women, with school, jobs, and kids who are trying to get in shape in an hour or less a day.

    The average woman will burn 250-400 calories an hour weight lifting (depending on style of lifting). If they have a base line of 1800 calories (more if they have significant muscles mass) and they want to create a deficit of at least 250 calories a day (1/2 pound a week), then consuming 1800 - 2000 calories a day will give them a steady loss of 1/2 lb to 1 lb a week.

    My point is that weight lifting is just like any other exercise... do more exercise, you burn more calories and you get to consume more calories and still maintain a weight loss deficit.

    Eating only 1200 calories isn't necessary if you exercise. If you are building muscle, it might be detrimental if you arent getting enough amino acids and antioxidents.
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    This is an excellent discussion. I love the way this website encourages everyone to think long-term about taking care of their bodies. Nothing about metabolism or exercise is a "no-brainer." I agree with the generalizations in the first post. And I've also had brief stints with extreme eating habits from eating nothing all day and having no appetite due to serious health issues, to eating all day long because I was hungry all day long day after day with no control.

    Now I'm here and fighting to gain a sense of balance where my body is happy and strong. I value everyone's experiences with these issues and the stories they tell. I also value the scientific studies that point us in the right direction. Thanks for sharing, guys.
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    Funny point... today I finished planning my late night snack after dinner. Despite a rather decadent snack, I still have 666 calories left and this is with a 500 deficit (totaling 1166 calorie deficit for the day). However, I am way over on all of my nutrients and I most certainly wont be hungry after I finish my snack. In fact, I might have to cut it short to keep from going to bed full.

    I only ate 1386 calories today... but they were nutrient packed calories. And I burned over 750 calories with exercise (really good lifting day). The only meal I skipped was my morning snack.

    I'm looking at my foods and thinking that I could easily meet my nutrition needs with 1400 calories a day. I didn't think it was possible to get that much protein in so few calories (thank you Soy Milk, Egg Whites and Kale Soup!).

    So I have to say that I am rethinking the low calorie diet. With high nutrient foods and careful planning, I bet it is possible to live quite comfortably at a low calorie intake as long as once you meet your goals, you increase your intake to meet your burn rate.

    By the way, has anyone else checked out this veggie: Rapini

    It is AMAZING in how many nutrients are packed into 144 calories. Now if I can just find a tasty way to prepare it.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    Come on guys...there are so many topics dedicated to starvation mode at the moment...eek!

    No wonder people are confused!

  • cgwhite
    cgwhite Posts: 8 Member
    I am going to relight this thread... I believe that you have the wrong end of the stick here... Starvation starts to kick in when you eat 1200 calories less than your BMR. NOT less than 1200 calories per day total. That cannot be right as everyone is not the same. A 400 lb person would not survive on just 1200 calories per day.

    A human metabolism is built around change. We need a Base metabolic calorie intake to maintain our bodies. If you do no exercise above your basal metabolic rate you will maintain your weight. You will also have a ratio of lean body mass to fat that will not change very much. The body, due to the variability of food intake and exercise, will have a stable metabolism within a range of calorie intakes. This has been shown to be about 500 calories above your BMR + exercise calories, to about 1000 calories below this. Within this range the body will use fat as a stabiliser. Either adding to your fat store or reducing fat to balance the calorie difference. Thus eating 500 calories per day more will slowly add about a lb a week to your fat store. You slowly gain weight. 1000 a day less will reduce your weight by 2lb a week and the body is quite happy with this. Your metabolism will stay the same.

    So, from this we can see why MFP works so well. Eat up to 1000 calories less per day and you WILL lose weight.

    What happens when you have a deficit of 1200 or more calories per day is that your body will initially burn more fat. This will keep going for a period of time until your metabolism decides that it cannot cope with burning that much fat. So it slows down your metabolism to reduce the deficit. You become more lethargic and more tired and loose less weight per week. Eventually the body decides that it can't cope with this way of living and starts more drastic ways of dealing with the deficit. It starts to reduce muscle mass in order to reduce your BMR. BMR is mainly determined by your lean body mass not your fat. Not only this but it will also stop burning fat as it has a preservation mode that has decided that fat is more precious than muscle. You start to become a lightweight / fat person. Your fat % actually starts to increase as your lean body mass goes down.

    As you can see this method of dieting is not good for you. You are STARVING.

    I am a heavyweight / lean person. I am 52, 6' tall and weigh 198 lbs BUT I only have 28 lbs of fat. (14% fat). This means that I am overweight on my BMI but lean on Fat %. Hence my heavyweight / lean tag. By eating 1000 calories less per day I lose about 2lb a week of fat to start with. Without doing any exercise there is a point at which I will start to lose lean muscle. I will still loose weight and eventually I will come within my BMI range. Is that good? All the evidence suggests not. Think of power to weight ratios. It is easier to move around a 6' high body if you have more muscle to move it. Once you have muscle on your body it is important to maintain it.

    This is where exercise comes into play. It ensures that the body burns fat by maintaining lean body mass. BUT, you have to eat the calories that you burn exercising or you will slip into the 1200 deficit area. Then all the exercise does is turn you into an endurance athlete. Very fit, but with low lean body mass, skinny weight and no fat!

    My two penny worth.


    Chris. :smile: