
Today is my first day on this journey, after watching a friend post about all of her success using this application via Facebook. I'm currently in my final semester of nursing school and I'm planning a wedding...and I'm a big stress-eater! So I hope that writing down everything I consume will help me to make better choices and realize the junk that I can sometimes put in my body.

So far today, I'm STARVING! lol I better run out and get some fruits and veggies!


  • nichola_watters
    I started dieting at 226lbs, I dieted, hit a wall then got back on the wagin 2nd Jan, since then I have lost 16lbs, but 26 in total from my heaviest weight. I started with small simple changes like switch white bread for brown, whole milk to skimmed, coke for water, etc. since then it got easier, I didnt buy junk because if it wasnt in the house, I couldnt binge. I am now at a point where I can go and buy treats for my daughter and I wont touch them because I have altered my minset in such a way that it doesnt bother me. I dont deny myself things like crisps, but I am wiser and choose quavers at 88cal instead of walkers at 140cal. It will get easier, and if you slip, hey ho, just excercise the next day.
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    This site makes it much easier to lose weight because you can actually how many calories you're putting in your body. At least for me, if I can see how many I have to left to eat, I won't go over. Good luck!