Low Sodium Premade Lunches

AndyBee Posts: 171 Member
Any ideas for some lunches I can premake to take to lunch? I've been taking Lean Cusine and the like, but it still has a big chunk of sodium. I'm wanting something yummy that can be frozen, or that would keep well for a week or so.

I love pretty much everything except fish and seafood.


  • kk_stephens
    kk_stephens Posts: 129 Member
  • deannarey13
    I have the same issue. I had eaten Lean Cuisine for a while, but then decided to try to get away from the sodium myself. I have been doing sandwiches with salads, but the sodium content in lunchmeat is almost just as bad.

    I will be keeping an eye on this post for ideas too. Thanks for posting!
  • Nysie5
    Nysie5 Posts: 215 Member
    bump it!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Try your dinner leftovers. Or a big tossed salad with beans and meat. I really eat leftovers quite frequently for lunch. YUmmy!
  • twistygirl
    twistygirl Posts: 517 Member
    I make my own frozen meals measured out and ready to eat, I purchase those ziploc plastic containers that go from the freezer to the microwave and they are reusable under $4. I put my own rice, veggie and meat in there and I also keep veggie soup on hand so I just pop them out the freezer and take with me. Also you can check out the low sodium cook books from the library they have good recipes in them to help you make sound choices for your lifestyle. Hope this helps I have a sodium problem and eating out or process foods is not an options for me.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Make your lunch the night before. You can bring salads with chicken, sandwiches, any microwaveable leftovers from dinner.
  • AngieP91
    AngieP91 Posts: 4 Member
    Progresso has some new low sodium soups out. I had the Tomato Parmasean today. It was really filling and tasty.
  • petey49
    petey49 Posts: 58 Member
    Make a batch or two of soup on the weekend or chili. Freeze in individual containers. Over a few weekends you should get a variety and not have to eat the same thing everyday. Microwave a sweet potato for lunch. Tuna packed in water, drain add a bit of salsa and a low sodium tortilla. Measure out frozen fruit and mix in plain yogurt with a bit of granola. Mash 1/2 avocado with some sprouts on bread. Leftover home cooked meat instead of deli meat.