Looking forward to a brand new me!

OK, here I am, and hopefully this time I can get somewhere... REALLY liking this site so far and anxious to keep reading all of your blogs and entries. Seems like a GREAT way to keep getting hints and help! Super excited to do this and to hold myself "accountable"... Maybe this place is the key?! Onward! :):love:


  • 18HeatherF
    18HeatherF Posts: 28 Member
    Hello and welcome!!I've only been on this site a couple weeks but it's so great! you will find support and motivation:)
    good luck as you get started !!
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    It is great to have a nice little community where everyone is in the same boat! Just throw your questions out there and you will be bound to get your answers just like that! Makes it kind of fun! Good luck to you!
  • dtwrybhpy
    Thanks for responding.... This will be fun! :)
  • dtwrybhpy
    Thanks! I am really excited about this and I LOVE the set up so far :)
  • Aetarac
    Aetarac Posts: 135 Member
    Welcome to the site, have been here a few weeks and really like the tools, huge database, and the community has been wonderful.
  • dtwrybhpy
    Just testing out the new ticker! :)