

  • darthjohn
    These are all great comments, particularly preparing food the night before. What I do is whatever I make for dinner I prepare more of and take the extra for lunch along with any snacks I prepare after or before dinner. It does seem like a drag at first but the best way to get a handle on your diet is to develop a menu. Just write down the meals you're already eating to start, and then make realistic adjustments where and as you can until you reach your goal. Think of it as food budgeting. This website is an amazing tool for doing just that.
  • halphord
    halphord Posts: 379 Member
    I was going to suggest bringing lean pockets, or something you could microwave, but since I see you work on an ambulance, I see that isn't an option.

    If you can't pack a lunch with ice packs the night before or morning of (such as sandwich, apple, water, crackers, cheese, etc)
    and have to go to a drive thru somewhere...pick one that has healthier options.

    Taco Bell has the fresca style tacos and burritos that are healthier. Subway is always a great option. Wendy's salads are good, you just have to watch the dressings and croutons.

    I would stay away from McDonalds all together, but if you do have to go there, opt for apple dippers instead of fries...get a water or a diet soda....get a grilled chicken sandwich instead of a burger or a grilled chicken wrap.

    Good luck!!!
  • jsharpnack
    jsharpnack Posts: 37 Member
    I totally understand....I drive for my job all the time.....Mc donalds hamburgers only have 250 u could have 2 for a meal and be fine......they also have eapple dippers and the new fruit n oatmeal....also Arbys JR roast beef with arbys sauce, nothing creamy, its about 300 calories. You can do Taco bell alfresco with no cheese and get chicken and salsa only. i have a friend who drinks the slim fast shakes and the meal bars, says their pretty portable. Freeze grapes and eat them while driving...they are awesome!