
Hi all! I just joined. I am 31 years old and a stay at home mom to 3 children, aged 6, 3 1/2 and 2. I need to lose a significant amount of weight and have failed so many times at doing so.


  • kuarta
    kuarta Posts: 65
    Welcome!! You have come to the right place. I have gone on too many diets to count. I have only been here since mid-January but have already lost 7lbs, which is great going for me. What I love is that this feels right - like it is a change for life, not just some impromptu diet.
    Good luck and stay focused.
  • vfinn
    vfinn Posts: 16
    hello, im 32 from fl and live in costa rica. i need to lose like 55lbs and have failed several times too but this time im trying and its hard
  • Woodman725
    Woodman725 Posts: 288 Member
    You'll definitely get a lot of support here. Use the forums, they are great. Stick to it, one meal and one day at a time.
  • vfinn
    vfinn Posts: 16
    thanks so much im trying but sometimes i dont have enough time but i know i need to stop w the soda and drink water and thats one of my biggest challenges! nice to meet u
  • vfinn
    vfinn Posts: 16
    thanks im workin on it not easy