In Japan


I wanted to see if there were many others on here who are currently living in Japan.

I'm down south in Kagoshima Prefecture on one of the islands before Okinawa teaching English. But, originally from the States.

Nice to meet others!



  • elcyclista
    iie. ima kariforunia de sundeimasu. zenzen nihon ni ikimasen.
  • Dancer4Lifee
    I'm currently living in California, but I was born in Japan and lived there before I moved(: NIhongo ga hanasemasuka?
  • lavacava
    はい、ちょっとしか 話せません。また勉強しっている!

    I'm by no means fluent, but learning more and more each day!

    It helps asking my students questions during free periods. But with their teachings, I'm going to be speaking like a Japanese middle-schooler instead of a proper adult. oops!
  • Dancer4Lifee
    Hahah dame, dame. The best way to learn the language is total immersion, so you're set :)