nkraft Posts: 11 Member
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise
Has anyone used this new device called BodyMediaFit? It's an arm band that measures your hear rate, while exercising and even while you are sleeping. It's supposed to really be able to help you monitor your activity levels and to see where you have deficiencies...but it's not cheap.



  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    I've had one for a few days so far. I wrote up my first impressions last night....

    What I do know is that almost invariably, whoever owns one loves it to death.

    I'll will check out those other threads too.
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    I just got mine on Saturday and I am amazed by it. I have been losing about 1 lb a week. I feel like I'm eating clean and exercising daily but as big as I am the wt is slow. I would like to lose at least 2 lbs a week and I'm hoping this will help. I have had it 3 days and so far so good.
  • staciesnacks
    staciesnacks Posts: 1 Member
    I currently use one. Just got it less than a month ago. I must say, I do like it, but for a fraction of the cost, you can get the same use out of a hrm minus the sleep monitoring (but I didn't really need this thing to tell me I don't sleep enough). LOL! I was surprised to see that when I was asleep, apparently my sleep quality is pretty good. ie...I sleep like the dead! (but I knew that too). Seriously though, it does help me track more accurately ALL of the calories I expend during the day and not just estimate or back calculate those that I burn when excersicing. Knowing that and knowing when those peaks are and what kinds of activities you were doing at the time can be useful tools. Just depends if you think it's worth the $180 plus subscription to find out. I think I will re-gift mine to a family member once I reach my goal. At least it will feel like I got more of my money's worth. For me, it's a good motivational tool when I need to get moving and a good deterrent when I'm about to reach for a no-no just before bed. Sorry for the long reply. :0,
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    It's on sale at Costco right now for $149.99 with a 12 month subscription, an extra armband and shipping included.

    I did a crap-ton of research on it and when I finally decided to pull the trigger, I had missed the sale price of $159.99 last monthby one day, so I was very happy to see it come on sale again so soon, and for even less. I ordered mine yesterday and can't wait for it to arrive.
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