Get running.....

Frankilou25 Posts: 57 Member
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi has anyone got the 'get running' app on their iphone? or know any good ones...I need some motivation to get out and around that park!!! thanks :smile:


  • Ally_Clare
    Ally_Clare Posts: 355 Member
    Just started couch to 5k.

    Very good in my opinion but im only on first week so once i hit the 4th week or something my opinion may change haha.
  • The 0 to 5k one is really good, highly recommended and totally free :bigsmile:
  • runningmanley
    runningmanley Posts: 9 Member
    map my run has a good mobile ap.
  • Frankilou25
    Frankilou25 Posts: 57 Member
    no!! I just paid for that app!! :grumble: oh well!! hopefully it encourages me to get of the couch lol
  • eatrunstretch
    eatrunstretch Posts: 233 Member
    For me, having the nike+ receiver to go on my ipod nano and the sensor in my shoe is keeping me motivated and focused on running longer/faster. Only downside is that its an investment but I think you only need the sensor if you have the iphone and that is only something like 13GBP. Itunes then sends the info straight to Nike+ website and it graphs your run and all other sorts of fun things! Its another community sort of like this one but focused on running!
  • Hi,

    I have just started running 5km four times a week. The app i use is Sprint GPS as i have an iphone 3g so the Nike one does not work. I really like this app as it tracks my run, gives me feedback and plays your music whilst running. Im on my 8th run and am doing the 5km in 33 mins. I have a huge blister on my foot but the other physical and mental benefits have have felt since starting keep me motivated to carry on. Fingers crossed i still have the same attitude in four weeks as well!
  • eatrunstretch
    eatrunstretch Posts: 233 Member
    My husband has the iphone 3gs and he uses the nike+ sensor no problems.
  • My DH has an app on his phone, links to a site called every trail. We use it mostly when we Kayak but we have used it when we have went for walks/rode bikes. It shows a map on the site, of your route, your average speed, and if you take pictures it will show on the map where the pics were taken. IDK if this will really work for runners, I don't see why it wouldn't, but it's great for hikes,... kayaking etc and it's free. Either way it's a cool app - we have even used it while GEOCaching with the kids. We have also used it to find new places in our local area, that we normally would not have known of to walk/bike/kayak, etc that others have mapped.
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