getting depressed....

and once again I am not losing at all. I'm pretty fed up with this. The scales I usually use show no change, the new one my flatmate bought shows me to be even heavier than I thought and it just isn't moving!!

I've been at this for a few weeks now, am logging my foods, I generally cook for myself and try and eat healthily with no processed food. I probably am not drinking enough fluids and am not exercising enough.

Am I eating too little for changes to happen? I would like to up my exercise so I am at the gym running and doing weights at least 3 times a week, start c25k plus a weekly yoga class. If I do that I will clearly need to eat more although I don't know how!!

any suggestions on how I can kick start my wieght loss into action?


  • slimchica
    Good Morning~

    Don't give up...if you have a buddy, plan a menu together...went grocery shopping to start this week. ONE day at a atime. Working on my walking pace and's your cardio?
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    I'd consider ditching the scale, to start. As you lose fat and/or gain muscle, that number will go up and down which can be a very big frustration. However, if you go by the tape measure you get a much more true reading of your progress.

    The weight training will definitely help because the muscle takes more energy to maintain, so it increases your metabolism, so that would be a great addition if you aren't already lifting. If you also do cardio on a lifting day, then do it after you lift. If you do the cardio first, your muscles will already be fatigued and you won't be lifting at your best.

    When you only have a little to lose, you don't see results quite as quickly and the best way to target that last bit of belly fat is to really, really, really clean up your diet. That means no processed foods, watch the 'garbage' carbs and cut the alcohol down.

    You seem to have a pretty good plan overall - stick with it, ditch the scale and hang in there - you will make it!

    Good luck!
  • lbissett79
    lbissett79 Posts: 38 Member
    You really need to incorporate exercise into your routine. It helps to get the blood flowing and jump start your metabolism. You should also make sure you're truly honest with yourself when logging in your diary. The information you put into the diary is only as accurate as you are willing to be. Once you get into a rhythm you won't be guessing at how much you ate or where that food came from. Once you put these things into practice the weight has no choice but to fall off.
  • stacy_eckley
    For years I had the same problem, and my biggest enemy was portions. I have to actually measure and weigh my food. Also, water is way more important than I ever thought. I always drank water, but also drank diet soda. Ditching the diet soda and only drinking water has helped. Hang in there!!!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    I just got a body fat monitor and it has been helping me a lot because even if the scale doesn't move I can tell if I've been losing fat. I got one pretty cheaply on amazon, I would give it a try. Also great incentive to exercise to get that number down!
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    If you also do cardio on a lifting day, then do it after you lift. If you do the cardio first, your muscles will already be fatigued and you won't be lifting at your best.

    Thanks for that tip - I tend to start on the treadmill and alternate between cardio and weights, but that makes sense.

    thanks people for the motivation to carry on - I know I have to kick this excess away and I know just how much better I'll feel (and more energised) once I have.

    Once the weather warms up I'll be only too keen to exercise but right now it's a struggle and I have to force myself into it. Last time I measured myself there was no change there either, so I'm interested in this body fat monitor - is this an electronic thing or calipers? As soon as I can see some measurable change I'll feel a bit more motivated, but until then, I'm happy to be shouted at, or given words of encouragement!!
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I feel like a broken record....What are your current stats and what are you goals? How long have you been at this? People need more information to help you.

    Also, looking at your food diary it seems like you just started logging 2 weeks ago and your calories have been pretty inconsistent.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    I feel like a broken record....What are your current stats and what are you goals? How long have you been at this? People need more information to help you.

    Also, looking at your food diary it seems like you just started logging 2 weeks ago and your calories have been pretty inconsistent.

    5 foot.

    goal - 118lbs

    I've been at this about 4 or five weeks but only on MFP for 2 weeks (hence why only 2 weeks logging). In that time i've had two birthdays when the calories have been way off the scale but I didn't think they'd been THAT inconsistent - I'm hovering around the 1200-1300 mark I thought.

    I see a lot of people who have their signature with goals in but I honestly don't know how to do that on my post. I have lost less than 2lbs over that time.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    If you also do cardio on a lifting day, then do it after you lift. If you do the cardio first, your muscles will already be fatigued and you won't be lifting at your best.

    Thanks for that tip - I tend to start on the treadmill and alternate between cardio and weights, but that makes sense.

    thanks people for the motivation to carry on - I know I have to kick this excess away and I know just how much better I'll feel (and more energised) once I have.

    Once the weather warms up I'll be only too keen to exercise but right now it's a struggle and I have to force myself into it. Last time I measured myself there was no change there either, so I'm interested in this body fat monitor - is this an electronic thing or calipers? As soon as I can see some measurable change I'll feel a bit more motivated, but until then, I'm happy to be shouted at, or given words of encouragement!!

    The calipers will give a more accurate measurement then the body fat monitors. They send an electrical impulse through your body to test the density of fat and muscle. But there are too many variables (like water) inside us to mess those results up. There can be up to a 3% difference. Even with calipers you need to measure a number of areas to get a more accurate number. I have the calipers and I only measure the suprailic. That tells me I'm at about 25% body fat and I know that isn't right. I'm probably a little higher
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I feel like a broken record....What are your current stats and what are you goals? How long have you been at this? People need more information to help you.

    Also, looking at your food diary it seems like you just started logging 2 weeks ago and your calories have been pretty inconsistent.

    5 foot.

    goal - 118lbs

    I've been at this about 4 or five weeks but only on MFP for 2 weeks (hence why only 2 weeks logging). In that time i've had two birthdays when the calories have been way off the scale but I didn't think they'd been THAT inconsistent - I'm hovering around the 1200-1300 mark I thought.

    I see a lot of people who have their signature with goals in but I honestly don't know how to do that on my post. I have lost less than 2lbs over that time.

    They have been pretty inconsistent.....going over your goal by 144, 947, 347, 150, 290, 109, 1,382 and then one day going under by over 600 one day. I think you just might need to be more disciplined. Over the next month try and really stick to your goal (not going over and not going too far under either.) Log everything (fruits, condiments etc) and remember to log your exercises too.

    If you really stick to your goals and you still are not seeing any results after a month (about .5-2 pounds a week), then you may want to look at changing things up. For now though, I would just focus on sticking to your current goals.

    Don't get discouraged! Healthy weight loss doesn't come fast or easy. Hang in there and good luck!
  • knovello82
    knovello82 Posts: 110 Member
    I had the same problem for a while, but in the last couple of weeks the pounds started to come off. Here's what I changed:

    Less splerging on the weekends/less alcohol
    I changed to eating instant oatmeal every morning for breakfast, even on the weekends
    I have a lot less stress in my life in the last couple of weeks...are you stressed? (work, school, whatever)
  • sarahanne40
    sarahanne40 Posts: 69 Member
    For years I had the same problem, and my biggest enemy was portions. I have to actually measure and weigh my food. Also, water is way more important than I ever thought. I always drank water, but also drank diet soda. Ditching the diet soda and only drinking water has helped. Hang in there!!!

    I hear you on this one! I am ever so slightly anal about measuring - but sometimes I go out and try to keep things totted up in my head, get home, note them in MFP and get a big (bad) surprise. If you are choosing the generic meals from the MFP database rather than adding each individual item on your plate then you might be missing some vital clues about the fats / sugars / sodium your body is having to deal with. I would suggest (for example) if your having a pasta bake, add in the amount of pasta, the amount of sauce and the cheese as individual things - the same goes for full english breakfast - the generic in MFP is 750 cals (not something I have all the time, trust me) but when I totted up all the individual items I got to about 800 - 825 cals, its these small things that add up over the course of a week. If you're going over daily by just 100 cals then thats a net calorie intake just 2800 below the your recommended to maintain your weight and it will take more than a week to lose a lb.

    Remember - your net calorific intake must be 3500 calories less, per week, to lose just one single lb !! Thats not taking into account the effects of muscle gain, sodium intake etc already stated by others :wink:
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    I've been at this about 4 or five weeks but only on MFP for 2 weeks (hence why only 2 weeks logging).
    I have lost less than 2lbs over that time.

    You don't have masses to lose.

    Judging by what your BMR would be you won't be losing more than 0.5 pounds a week based on diet alone. You want more of a deficit you'll have to exercise.
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    They have been pretty inconsistent.....going over your goal by 144, 947, 347, 150, 290, 109, 1,382 and then one day going under by over 600 one day. I think you just might need to be more disciplined.


    And you could save over 1000 calories a week in alcohol alone. Equivalent of a 10-mile run!!
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    I hear you on this one! I am ever so slightly anal about measuring - but sometimes I go out and try to keep things totted up in my head, get home, note them in MFP and get a big (bad) surprise. If you are choosing the generic meals from the MFP database rather than adding each individual item on your plate then you might be missing some vital clues about the fats / sugars / sodium your body is having to deal with. I would suggest (for example) if your having a pasta bake, add in the amount of pasta, the amount of sauce and the cheese as individual things - the same goes for full english breakfast - the generic in MFP is 750 cals (not something I have all the time, trust me) but when I totted up all the individual items I got to about 800 - 825 cals, its these small things that add up over the course of a week. If you're going over daily by just 100 cals then thats a net calorie intake just 2800 below the your recommended to maintain your weight and it will take more than a week to lose a lb.

    Remember - your net calorific intake must be 3500 calories less, per week, to lose just one single lb !! Thats not taking into account the effects of muscle gain, sodium intake etc already stated by others :wink:

    hmmm. This helps a lot. I can't see how anyone could possibly be bang on their goal in calories, but certainly when you look at the weekly deficit I am not losing enough.

    I do try to be careful to pick proper foods on the database, although it took a while to understand that some of the things there eg. scrambled eggs, are things people have created themselves the way they like them, and that I should create my own recipe based on individual ingredients (my pasta bake is just that)

    I have had a couple of birthday celebrations recently so that is why the alcohol is high on those occasions, but I need to keep things at a regular calorie deficit level I agree.

    Today I have been drinking more water during the day and it is remarkable the effect it is having on me - all week so far I have been feeling sluggish and yet today, not sluggish at all.

  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    hmmm. This helps a lot. I can't see how anyone could possibly be bang on their goal in calories

    It just takes a little practice.