Losing motivation

Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
edited September 19 in Motivation and Support
I made it thru my weekend (previous post about friend's birthday). As best as I could, I counted every drink and the things I ate. I worked out extra hard Saturday and didn't go over my calories. Sunday we spent the day at the Air Show. I did some walking, drank lots of water and ate well (except Wendys for dinner....damn cravings! ) but I stayed within my calories.
I am ALWAYS under on my calories...not a lot cuz I know we are suppose to eat them all...but anywhere from 50-300. I don't eat a lot of crappy foods, yes once in a while but not everyday, like I used too. I exercise 5 or 6 times a week, at least 20 minutes of cardio. I walk the mile to my son's school to pick him up at least 3 times a week and walk the mile home. I do some strength training about 3 times a week. These are all MAJOR changes in my habits. Before 8/25 (my start date) I ate whatever I wanted, when I wanted it. Granted for 9 long months I was pregnant. But at 6 weeks post partum, I started to make changes. The first week I started exercising and lost about 4 lbs. The next week I found MFP and started counting calories and lost another 3 lbs. The next week I lost 0 and this last week I only lost 1 lb (which I don't understand because mid week I was down 3 lbs). I know that 8 lbs in 1 month is great, but it doesn't seem great.
I feel unmotivated. I really need to lose this weight because I'm not happy with the way I look. I know that it took 9 months to put the weight on but I don't want it to take 9 months to come off. My goal is to be to pre preg weight by Christmas, that's 23 lbs in 3 1/2 months. At the rate I'm going its still possible but I don't feel like I will make it. I'm unmotivated NOW how am I going to make it another 3 months!!!
I'm ready to cry because I know eating right and working out is something I need to do just to be healthy, but I want to lose the weight. I'm tired of looking in the mirror and not liking what I see. Better yet I'm tired of seeing someone I don't know. My reflection is not the "me" I see in my mind. "When will my reflection show who I am inside?" (song lyrics) :cry:


  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    I made it thru my weekend (previous post about friend's birthday). As best as I could, I counted every drink and the things I ate. I worked out extra hard Saturday and didn't go over my calories. Sunday we spent the day at the Air Show. I did some walking, drank lots of water and ate well (except Wendys for dinner....damn cravings! ) but I stayed within my calories.
    I am ALWAYS under on my calories...not a lot cuz I know we are suppose to eat them all...but anywhere from 50-300. I don't eat a lot of crappy foods, yes once in a while but not everyday, like I used too. I exercise 5 or 6 times a week, at least 20 minutes of cardio. I walk the mile to my son's school to pick him up at least 3 times a week and walk the mile home. I do some strength training about 3 times a week. These are all MAJOR changes in my habits. Before 8/25 (my start date) I ate whatever I wanted, when I wanted it. Granted for 9 long months I was pregnant. But at 6 weeks post partum, I started to make changes. The first week I started exercising and lost about 4 lbs. The next week I found MFP and started counting calories and lost another 3 lbs. The next week I lost 0 and this last week I only lost 1 lb (which I don't understand because mid week I was down 3 lbs). I know that 8 lbs in 1 month is great, but it doesn't seem great.
    I feel unmotivated. I really need to lose this weight because I'm not happy with the way I look. I know that it took 9 months to put the weight on but I don't want it to take 9 months to come off. My goal is to be to pre preg weight by Christmas, that's 23 lbs in 3 1/2 months. At the rate I'm going its still possible but I don't feel like I will make it. I'm unmotivated NOW how am I going to make it another 3 months!!!
    I'm ready to cry because I know eating right and working out is something I need to do just to be healthy, but I want to lose the weight. I'm tired of looking in the mirror and not liking what I see. Better yet I'm tired of seeing someone I don't know. My reflection is not the "me" I see in my mind. "When will my reflection show who I am inside?" (song lyrics) :cry:
  • You have done amazing - you have to think positive.
    You have started your journey and are 8lbs in you are doing great.
    working out and trying to lose weight is a difficult enough without a baby!
    Keep up the good work sometime lack of sleep will effect your weight too and if you are not eating your calories and working out lots your body does not let go of fat as quick as it goes into starvation mode.

  • Fab140
    Fab140 Posts: 1,976 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hey there sweetie :flowerforyou:

    You seem to be having a "Monday" day. I have those quite a bit myself....but 8 pounds is AWESOME! Look at what you've accomplished since you gave birth (besides the birth itself, of course :wink: )

    Have you been measuring? Are you noticing pants are easier to zip or the tops are a bit looser? These are the things that matter most during weight loss, because with all of your excercising, I don't doubt for a second that you are building lean mass.

    You are doing everything right, you just have to trust your body to do what it needs to safely and in a healthy way! Chin up, hun. And read TamTastic's posts. She is living proof that slow and steady win the race and that fad diets do more than go out of style.

    Tomorrow will be better!
  • As of today I've been on MFP for 5 weeks. I'm down 8 pounds as well. I've always been looking for quick results while dieting and have gotten them from time to time but it never stayed off. :grumble:

    This time I told myself that as long as I lose an average of 1 pound per week I'm going to be happy :smile: about it. Well, 8 pounds 5 weeks means I could go another 3 weeks and not lose a thing before I'm allowed to complain...lol. I really and truely believe that this time I'll lose the weight and keep it off cause I'm doing it slow.

    So...I think the 8 pounds you've lost is awesome!! :bigsmile: You have 14 weeks or so before Christmas so add 14 pounds to your 8 and that's 22 pounds off by Christmas. I think that's quite the accomplishment!!

    Stick with it...you're doing great!:drinker:

  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    New baby huh? Congratulations!

    Now, you didnt smoke, drink or take drugs(aspirin, benedryl etc) during your pregnancy because we will do ANYTHING for our baby, right?

    You changing your lifestyle to a healthy one, will be for your child. I raised 3 kids who ALL went thru an unhealthy obese stage because I didnt teach them well, provide them with good food and I just plain didnt know any better.

    I corrected it by taking them to the gym, changed our eating habits after spkg to a nutritionist at the school

    You on the other hand have the opportunity to raise a health conscious child who will not be one of Americas obese or overweight children.

    HURRAY for YOU!! Keep up the good work! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Thank you for the encouragement. I made it thru my down day yesterday by working out and staying within my calories. One of you suggested that I read Tami's posts; I ALWAYS read Tami's posts. She is such an inspiration.
    I'm not too motivated today but I did do my cardio and I'm eating well so far today. I'm excited that the new season of Biggest Loser starts tonight. That show always motivates me!!! I :heart: it!!!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I am glad you are feeling a bit better. Each time you work out, eat well then weigh in and lose a pound or so it will help you for the next time.

    So now I am going to work out...thanks for reminding me.
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