Fun exercise ideas??

s704a191 Posts: 30
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise
Does anybody have ideas on adding some fun and variety to my exercise. I am doing 30 day shred right now, but quite honestly I am on day 4 or 5 and already getting bored of the repetition. I know I need to keep going with the shred, and I plan on it, but I was hoping to add some variety to my routine with some fun cardio or something. I don't really know, but I want to keep things fresh so that I don't get to bored.

Thanks everyone!!!


  • kallen51
    kallen51 Posts: 2 Member
    Try the WII fitness It is fun and you do burn calories. I do the stepping one and then a running in place. Somedays I do the treadmill for 30 minutes while watching TV and then the stationery exercise bike for another 15 minutes.
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    try listening to your own music or Pandora while doing the shred. It helped for me to drown her out and listen to stuff I like. Made the 20 minutes go by so much faster!

    Do you have cable with On Demand? Exercise TV has some great workouts...Maybe take a Zumba class once a week, so so much fun!
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    Sports :) My husband and I play tennis! It's a great workout, and fun! You work out without even realizing it. Maybe you could find a tennis partner (depending on where you live becuase I know it's still cold up north). Good luck!
  • byHISstrength
    byHISstrength Posts: 984 Member
  • lenwie
    lenwie Posts: 240
    Just Dance 2 if you have Wii machine?
  • heatherhart
    heatherhart Posts: 113 Member
    Zumba is lots of fun! You can go on youtube and see videos
  • swylie
    swylie Posts: 13 Member
    I LOVE doing Zumba!! It really is fun and you really get a good workout doing it too!!
  • Sharont213
    Sharont213 Posts: 323 Member
    depends on whether you are looking to work out at home or if you want to go out..

    I work out at home.. the Dvd's I use most often are Zumba, Shaun T Hip Hop Abs, Shaun T Rockin' Body and Turbo Jam.. on Wii I use Zumba, EA Sports Active 2, Just Dance 2 and Michael Jackson.. there is a new Country Dance Wii coming out soon and that will definitely make it to my home..
  • Is Zumba, a dance thing? I am quite honestly a terrible dancer. Infact I bought a hip hop dancing dvd and as near as I can tell the only thing it did was make me look silly :)

    I am more of an at home exercise lady, I have 2 young girls (8 and 2) and it is difficult to get out and about to exercise on any sort of a regular basis. I would love to jog and things like that, but can't figure out how to pull it off with the kiddos in tow. I don't know that it is worth it to buy a treadmil or elliptical, they seem so expensive, do you think the running in place on the wii is equivalent?

    I am feeling a little lost, but I am trying anything and everything. Thanks for the tips!! Keep 'em coming.
  • jrm39
    jrm39 Posts: 29

    yes, so much fun!!!

    i'm sure i look like a FOOL doing zumba, but it doesn't matter! because you're just dancing for yourself and for no one else. :) plus, once you get the hang of the moves, you really notice an improvement in ~dance skills~, haha.
  • swylie
    swylie Posts: 13 Member
    Zumba is dance, but if you get the DVD's there is a step break down and it shows you step by step how to do each move. The DVD's are kinda expensive though, I think shipping and all I paid $80-$90. But for me, its been well worth the money!!
  • fitinyoga14
    fitinyoga14 Posts: 448 Member
    I know it can be hard to enjoy exercise when its winter weather and you don't have access to a gym. the best at-home work-outs in my opinion are the dvd's or wii games. If the repetition of the dvd's feels like a drag, listen to the radio while do it. concentrate on the songs instead of the t.v to get in 'the zone'. If you want some extra cardio, dance to the radio! (you may feel silly at first, but its fun!)
  • paleonyx
    paleonyx Posts: 32 Member
    Do you live somewhere where it snows? If so sledding burns a ton of calories. Or if you don't, a public pool? Take the kiddos to the pool and go swimming. My daughter and I play the 2P run on Wii fit and "race" each other. She is 5 so of course she beats me mercilessly, but, it's fun for both of us and burns a decent amount of calories.
  • I totally need to get over feeling silly about this I know. I would love to learn how to dance, and I think maybe I should just put myself out there.

    I live in Kansas, so the weather is crazy most all of the time. It was over 70 degrees last week and this morning it is 15 degrees out. It is so hard to plan activites in this sort of weather. Listen to me making excuses :wink:

    I am going to do this! I am loving the new ideas.
  • Ally_Clare
    Ally_Clare Posts: 355 Member
    Turn up your music and dance around the house, one of the most fun things to do!
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    Turn up your music and dance around the house, one of the most fun things to do!

    Yep! To me it's more fun and a better work out than Zumba! And...I get to pick the music!
  • i fyou have netflix you have to order carmen electras aerobic strip tease... its a blast but it does kick your *kitten*. i have a copy of it that i'm trying to locate so i can start doing it again.... seriously though its alot of fun.
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    Dancing around to your own kind of music is not only cheap, but it's something you can do with your kiddos. They will have fun, and you will burn calories. I agree with adding music while you're doing the Shred. I find that music really motivates me and helps me burn calories (which is why I LOVE Turbo Jam and Turbo Fire).
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