other than the treadmill

I want to take a day off from the treadmill to give my sore legs a break. What other excersices can I do to burn calories! I wish laundry counted! HA


  • fitniknik
    fitniknik Posts: 713 Member
    move the couch around? lol what kind of things do you have to work with?
  • YMTaylor
    YMTaylor Posts: 230 Member
    If you have access to a bike or elliptical they are both great for cardio and gentle on your knees. Also a DVD of intense pilates or yoga can actually burn quite a few calories. Good Luck! :)
  • swbmcknight
    I really hate the days I'm stuck walking on the treadmill. I get bored with it so fast! Not sure about your area, but near where I live is a great walking/biking trail. I've found that I can walk at least twice as long on the trail than I ever could just walking on the treadmill. If I walk 3 miles out from my car, I HAVE to walk the three miles back lol Not like with the treadmill where it's too easy to just hop off.
    Someone suggested walking around the mall to me during with winter months, but I can't imagine walking for an hour or more smelling Auntie Ann's pretzels!

    :-) One of my little tricks at home is to drink TONS of water. ( our bathroom is on the second floor, up about 15 stairs) so I get a little extra in without really noticing it.
  • akascotty2hotty
    I don't have a treadmill but do a lot of running outside, but on some of these stormy winter days I've been giving myself a break and working out with EA Sports 2 on the Wii. It's an excellent burn!
  • javamonster
    javamonster Posts: 272 Member
    I've got a load of 105 bales of hay coming, so if you're in the S. Ontario area come on over, that definitely gets your HR up and burns some calories! ;-)

    I agree a bike is good if you have that option. I also have a cheap little stairclimber thingy that I will use when I want something a little different. One day I just put on the iPod and made sure no one was around and bounced around for a while, haha. ;-) My favourite is swimming, but that entails going into town as I haven't managed to put an indoor lap pool in yet (haha) so that's a little harder to pull off. I'd love a rowing machine too.
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    If you belong to a gym try the stair stepper or the rowing machine. I do the gym 3 times a week, one day I walk 5 miles with Leslie's tape and one day I do the Ultimate fat burner DVD. On the other days I rest or do a 10 minute solution target zone from Netflex.