NOT losing!!!!!!

stephbraden74 Posts: 92 Member
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
Im starting to get frustrated. I have been working out and eating better since Jan 1st, been on here about two weeks and doin REALLy well staying under, and doing hard workouts sometimes twice a day. I dont have much to lose but the last 15 is really important to me. I dont understand why the scale is not moving!!!!!!! measurements arent changing either! what is giong on!!!??


  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    If you have only 15 lbs to lose you should aim for 0.5lbs to 1lb/week and make sure you are eating your exercise calories back.
  • sarahanne40
    sarahanne40 Posts: 69 Member
    Maybe you're not eating enough to fuel your workouts? If you don't replace the excercised calories your body will think you're trying to starve it and hold onto all the excess fat it can, as it thinks its needs to stockpile for the winter (so to speak) - check that you are consuming and retaining at least 1200 cals a day (i.e. eat back your excercise cals so your net intake is 1200 cals) - hope this helps - good luck :happy:
  • stephbraden74
    stephbraden74 Posts: 92 Member
    Yeah, I was not sure whether I was supposed to eat those cals back or not. Maybe I just cant tell on the scale then since its an oldschool one?? Its always withing a lb or two so maybe I am down .5 lb and its just hard to see because of the marks....who knows. Im just impatient and was hoping to see 3 or 4 lb loss =(
  • stephbraden74
    stephbraden74 Posts: 92 Member
    as far as eating enough, I think I def. am ;) its HARD for me to stay at 1200 hundred as I LOVE to eat....=(
  • givprayz
    givprayz Posts: 328
    Most common problems:
    1) Not recording calories correctly (mis-measuring.)
    2) Sodium intake too high
    3) Net calories too low so body is holding on to weight, though it will come off eventually, it is not the healthiest way.
    4) Estimating calorie burn too high and eating back those calories. If you've lost recently, you may need to reset your HRM or equipment to your lower weight so it calcilates your burn more accurately.
    5) It's just a plateau and you will eventually get past it.
  • I just read something about Calorie Zig Zaging that made a lot of sense. You eat high one day and low the next etc.. It was on this site, I'll see if I can find it and get it to you. It's for just what you are going thru. Hang in there!!:flowerforyou:
  • sarahanne40
    sarahanne40 Posts: 69 Member
    as far as eating enough, I think I def. am ;) its HARD for me to stay at 1200 hundred as I LOVE to eat....=(

    So are you eating 1200 calories then exercising - because this maybe dropping you calories way too low. Invest in some digital scales, they are great - your can't go wrong with mis-interpretation that way too :wink:
  • Found it. Go here and read about zig zaging maybe that will help.

    Best of luck!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Yeah, I was not sure whether I was supposed to eat those cals back or not. Maybe I just cant tell on the scale then since its an oldschool one?? Its always withing a lb or two so maybe I am down .5 lb and its just hard to see because of the marks....who knows. Im just impatient and was hoping to see 3 or 4 lb loss =(

    Yes eat them back,it is the only way for the calculation, calories in minus calories out, to be at the goal you set. You have to eat all (within 50 or so) the cals MFP suggests to meet your goal, not less, not more.
  • are you drinking enough water?
  • stephbraden74
    stephbraden74 Posts: 92 Member
    ( water) probably not.... I may step that up and see if it helps.
    the zig zag thing makes sense, but Im SCARED to try it!!!!!!!! =)
  • A lot of times you just need to change your exersize workout. Muscle confutsion will help jump start your body and re-program your muscles. :flowerforyou:
  • dontpanic1984
    dontpanic1984 Posts: 82 Member
    If you're scared to zig-zag your calories, you can also try zig-zagging your workouts. Try your best not to have a regular, predictable workout schedule. Burn 400 calories doing cardio one day, then just take a 100 calorie walk on another day, etc. Also, I know everyone's really grinding this in, but definitely eat your exercise calories back. Soooo many times I've heard of people slightly increasing their calories and then suddenly seeing the scale move. After I lost the first 10lb I added 100 calories to my daily allowance. I had become more active and was burning more calories in my daily activities (not including the workouts). Also, the more lean muscle you have, the more calories you're going to burn on a daily basis, so your metabolism may just be slowing down because your body wants a bit more. Give yourself a tiny increase in daily calorie allotment and you might see results - just make DAMNED sure that the calories that you add are healthy, nutrient-dense calories. Don't just add a cupcake to the end of every day ;p An extra 100 cal isn't going to kill you, and it just may cause results. I'm just under 5'2" and I weigh 126 - I eat 1300 net calories a day and I almost always eat my exercise calories back (I occasionally don't eat them back, but that's maybe once a week). Also, if there's a nicer scale at the gym or something, start using that one instead so that you can get a really accurate result. They have one of those doctor's office type ones at my gym and it's the only scale I use. I don't even touch the one at home. Keep us posted when you get results!
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