Heart Rate / Calory Monitor - recommendations?

I would like to purchase a new Heart Rate Monitor. I've never used one before and I would like to hear your recommendations. I am looking for something easy to use and for it to display how many calories were burned. Best value for my money :) What do you use?


  • jenespo98
    I have a Polar FT7 and I love it! once you start using a HRM you will never turn back!
  • jipper44
    jipper44 Posts: 111
    I recently bought a Mio Women's Digital Petite Heartrate Monitor Calorie Counter Sport Watch to track my calories burned. I am used to Timex running watches and this one's functionality is a bit limited in comparison, but for $52.99 it has tracked my calories and heartrate pretty well so far. Much more reliable than the heartrate monitors on the cardio machines at the gym. Good Luck!
  • Supa817
    Supa817 Posts: 17 Member
    I just bought a Polar RS100 and so far I'm loving it. It gives you your Heart Rate, calories burned, and what percentage was burned from fat. It also does laps and splits if you run at all. It was a little over $100. If you're not a runner, Polar makes some less expensive HRM's that do pretty much everything else but the laps and splits.
  • Soooze
    Soooze Posts: 122 Member
    I'm not a runner but I do want to monitor my cardio (mostly kickboxing) and I also do a lot of weight training.
  • kaylynn723
    kaylynn723 Posts: 5 Member
    I have a polar that I have had for 8 years!! Besides replacing batteries it works great!!! The newer polars don't require them to be sent to a polar dealer for batter replacement which would be nice. Luckily I have a dealer close to me!!! I agree that once you start using a monitor you will be addicted. The machines always measure a little high compared to my polar!!
  • Supa817
    Supa817 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm not a runner but I do want to monitor my cardio (mostly kickboxing) and I also do a lot of weight training.

    Then I'd go for one of the less expensive Polar's... I run and do a lot of cardio/weight training and I LOVE knowing exactly how much I'm burning... It keeps my snacking in check LOL!

    Also, Timex makes some pretty decent ones that are inexpensive and you can change the battery yourself. With my Polar, i have to send it out to be changed.