Unsupportive Facebook friends

PepsiGal Posts: 85 Member
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
I have been sharing my MFP goals and progress on Facebook and I'm thinking I'll stop doing that. Why? Either my FB friends don't comment or they say things like "Are you starving yourself?", "1600 calories are too low!", blah-blah. I started MFP with a modest goal of losing 10 lbs. Maybe my FB friends think I'm nuts because they don't view me as overweight. But, they don't know or remember that I used to be nearly obese 10 years ago and lost 50 lbs in 9 months. Gaining 10-12 lbs after 8 years of relatively successful maintenance is kind of troubling. So, I'm taking control and striving to improve my eating and fitness.

I'm not pissed at my FB friends, just a little disappointed. However, people on MFP are amazing and supportive! Thank God for this site! I love how there's support for all kinds of people, no matter how little or big their goals are.


  • I get much the same from my FB friends. Everytime I update my weight loss, I get somethinig like "You are going to wither away to nothing" or something like that.

    I stopped sharing my MFP information with FB friends as well.
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    I don't share my MFP stuff on Facebook. Most of my "real life" friends know that I'm exercising and watching what I'm eating anyways and when I meet a big goal I mention it, but I don't update all of my exercise stuff or when I'm under on calories, etc.
  • KariQuiteContrary
    KariQuiteContrary Posts: 274 Member
    You can limit what MFP posts to facebook. Mine only posts when I've lost weight or make a 'status' update on here. I have refrained from sharing my food or exercise diary because of the same concerns. I have FB friends that would either think I'm starving myself or feel like I'm rubbing it in because they are much larger than I. :/ Good thing we can find great support here. Keep up the good work!
  • melissarforlife
    melissarforlife Posts: 47 Member
    I know how that is! I decided NOT to link mfp to fb because of people opinions! I get the same crap at work, I work in a kitchen at a school, and they laugh at me for not eating what they eat. I will have some fruit and veggies but I can't have what they have. So, I would do the same, don't let this get you down! You know what you need...take care!!! Melissa
  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    The sad truth is...Misery loves company. They are jealous that you are taking steps and sacrifices to better your health. Instead of rising up to join you it's easier to try and tear you down. It's not that they don't care about you, it's just you make them feel bad about themselves.
    I've been there hundreds of times with my friends and family, don't let them get to you.
  • Wendi_S
    Wendi_S Posts: 489 Member
    I get the - how long are you going to stick with it this time Wendi? from my FB friends...... I want to say F/U!!

    Sadly most of my FB friends are real life family and friends!!!!! JERKS!!
  • Fabnover40Kat
    Fabnover40Kat Posts: 300 Member
    I dont share on Facebook! Its personal for me but I dont want everyone to my battles with weight! I have my support system on MFP!
  • Jaemoo34
    Jaemoo34 Posts: 15 Member
    I know exactly what you mean! I have not even tried posting any of my goals on my Facebook because I know I will get mixed replies from my friends. They don't mean any harm but sometimes I just want to do things for myself without worrying about other people's opinions. BUt at the same time it doesn't hurt to have some motivation and support, and I've found that here with MFP. We're all going through the same process and using the same tool to get us to our goal. Sometimes people on the outside looking in just won't understand the details that we get excited about such as having extra calories or going below our calorie goal.
    But i'm glad you <3 MFP just as much as me, and once you reach that goal all your fb friends will be like ooooh so it did work out for you the way, your way. lol
    good luck =)
  • annj1019
    annj1019 Posts: 17 Member
    I am so sorry to hear that they aren't really being supportive. That can be really frustrating to try to better yourself and have people not understand that you are just trying to get in to shape. I hope everything goes better. :) Good luck.
  • RosieB405
    RosieB405 Posts: 150 Member
    I don't put mine up on Facebook because it seems that many of my friends want me to just stay the same as I have always been and even though I am still a "big" girl they think I am too skinny :/
  • s_hamm_08
    s_hamm_08 Posts: 117 Member
    I feel the same way when I lost 10 pounds I posted about it, I was so happy about it. I got back some mean comments or nothing, I was hurt. I just quit sharing on facebook, I don't need the negative. I was never overweigh just carried around about 20 extra pounds after having kids, so people are always telling me that I have unreal goals of loosing that weigh. I'm not just trying to loose the weigh but get healthy. I agree with people on here being supportive so this is now where I post.
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    the same happens with mine! if i ever said anything about eating better or working out, they'd be like you dont need to do that you look fine! no motivation what so ever, but they don't realize i am also in it for the health. it seems a lil selfish of them, i just dont think they understand.
  • millhouse828
    millhouse828 Posts: 5 Member
    i have gotten the opposite reaction. i have people come into where i work to tell me that they hope i keep it up and that i look great. they just keep me positive
  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
    Other then my two gym buddies I can't talk to any of my friends about weight loss or health. Even my gym friends aren't interested about anything on the nutritional side. I have my mom and sister on my MFP and thats all the outside support I get. I wouldn't even bother putting it on facebook,I only have about 15 lbs to lose and a lot of my friends are overweight or obese and get angry when I mention anything about myself losing weight.
  • LeonaB17
    LeonaB17 Posts: 304
    I personally feel that Facebook isn't the best forum for posting about weight loss efforts. MFP is a much better place to make those posts, and a much more supportive audience.
  • cmw9696
    cmw9696 Posts: 123
    I DO NOT update on facebook...I would say most of those people are in a different place than me. And, typically, like you said, they think that I am okay the way I am, that I am going to wither away with that few calories, that I am wasting my time.

    MFP is for support with the facebook-like features...Now, I have made some pretty good "friends" on here, and may even meet a couple of them some day. I also am pretty selective on my MFP friends. I don't just friend anyone, and if I un-friend someone, it is not generally a personal thing. I am not trying to offend anyone, I just have different goals and ideals. I look for supportive people who do the same activities as me. I also only "friend" females in my general age range...that's just me.
  • I don't post to FB for that same reason, Others do not realize that my health and goals are not about them its about me. So Those who know me as a health nut or exercise freak don't deserve to share in my journey. I just keep it to MFP, this site is a blessing in more ways than one. Keep up the good work and know that there are many people on this site that are going through the same thing and support you in your efforts.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Par for the course, I suppose.

    Most peoe just don't get it. Whether they don't want you to succeed, or are playing keyboard commando, I don't know. I get the same thing. I eat my meals at specific times, usually before and after lunch during the work week. So few people see me eat. They ask if i am starving myself. But when I do eat, they comment how nice it would be if they could eat all they want and not put weight on... not having a clue how much time and energy i put into myself. I find it best to just let it slide.
    But; when boating weather gets here, I'll be the one with out a shirt on.
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    I have 2 facebooks. 1 is for friends and family and the other 1 I created when I started my fitness journey and just added people who were fitness minded. I did get a lot of BB coaches but I have deleted them now as there post bother me.
  • oxnina
    oxnina Posts: 203 Member
    i know if i start posting mfp stuff on face book, i'll get some randoms that i knew in high school saying, oh hun, you don't need to lose weight, but i don't think they realize that i've gained 10 pounds since we graduated and its a never ending spiral if i don't get it under control. I think once i get to my goal of loosing 40 pounds and there will be an obvious difference i might post a side by side picture of myself like people do here on mfp and so people can just congratulate me. i know there will be people who will want to see that or will get inspiration from it, so at that point i think its worth it to post on face book.
    But for now, i don't think any of my face book friends will appreciate me posting every week that i've lost 2 pounds or whatever lol.
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