Knee injury...i am going nuts!!

carajo Posts: 532 Member
edited September 19 in Fitness and Exercise
Has anyone had a knee injury....and still been able to workout???? I have a cyst behind my knee and went to the dr. and got it looked at along with cortizone shots:grumble: it is so painful.....but i have not been able to workout because of the pain...and it probably would not good anyway...any thoughts on exercise that will not impact the knee....I know swimming is good....any other thoughts....THANKS!


  • carajo
    carajo Posts: 532 Member
    Has anyone had a knee injury....and still been able to workout???? I have a cyst behind my knee and went to the dr. and got it looked at along with cortizone shots:grumble: it is so painful.....but i have not been able to workout because of the pain...and it probably would not good anyway...any thoughts on exercise that will not impact the knee....I know swimming is good....any other thoughts....THANKS!
  • i have the worst knees ever. :mad: seriously. ive had paetella femoral syndome for almost 5 years, was in PT for 2 years, had braces and taping, cortisone shots (so horrible) and finally got double knee surgeries that cut the ligaments outside my knees and shaved my kneecaps to fit better. so i know alllll about that crap. not really much you can do...swimming is awesome if you can make it to a pool or whatnot ( i find that pretty inconvieniet tho), walking is always good, if you could walk on a treadmill on an incline thats better, elliptical is easier on the knees...on manuel setting of course, and bike is easiest i think. obviously its not going to be completely pain free...but i find those to be the best. i usually walk everyday, go to PT, and i just got an exercise bike to use at home. and make sure to ice after. hope that helps :smile:
  • I have osteoarthritis in my knees, esp. my left one.

    Recumbant biking is what I do when they're not doing so well.

    When they are better, then I do elliptical. The treadmill seems to aggravate them.

  • carajo
    carajo Posts: 532 Member
    THANKS so much!! It is very frustrating!!! I love cycling so i guess that and strength training, my upper body will be the new workout!! No more Turbo Jam for a while:grumble:
  • Punching also will raise your heart rate. I like to hold 2 pound weights and do air punches. I usually do them while on my stepper, but it's still beneficial on it's own.
  • rndmtn
    rndmtn Posts: 10 Member
    *HUGS* Sorry to hear about your knee. I've been there, all of last year I was recovering from a fractured knee (shattered into 6 pieces). It can be so very frustrating. Depending on how much weight you can bear, water exercise is the best. Be sure to get as much range of motion exercises in that you are allowed and can endure. Keeping the range of motion (ROM) will pay big dividends when you start walking again. Recumbent bike as someone already mentioned. Electrical muscle stimulation helps in keeping your muscles from atrophying too much, I used a Dr. Ho machine at home. That's about all I can think of off the top of my head. Good luck with it......this too shall pass!
  • douganl
    douganl Posts: 283 Member
    I can relate aswell, I have had both my knees replaced at the age of 15 after a horrific skiing accident. I don't think they ever got back to normal, you just learn to live with it. Swimming is the best excercise for your knees as there is no impact. You probably have a good chance of healing though!

    Good luck!
  • Is it a Baker's cyst?

    Just like any injury, activities that avoid aggravation are what you want to shoot for. You hit the nail on the head when you said swimming, but also low impact activities that don't place the knee in loaded extension so pilates is a good option and if you're a yoga person that also. The thing to remember is to ICE the back of your knee with it straigtened for 10-15 minutes after workout to decrease the swelling of the bursae.

    Keep me posted, it's been a while since I treated someone with an outpatient need being I work in acute care, but what I can't recall I can find as it relates to a treatment plan.

    God bless,
  • carajo
    carajo Posts: 532 Member
    I am not sure on the kind of cyst it is, i had an MRI and could see it surrounded by a pocket of fluid, the Dr. thinks my myniskiss(spelling) has a small tear, which is causing this......thanks to everyone for your reply!!! I love to run and do kickboxing, so this pretty much kills my typical workout routine!
    And i pretty much hate swimming.....i guess i will have to learn to like it.....the best workout for me is when you are drenched with sweat and you feel like you have accomplished something, ya swimming does nothing for me:tongue: Thanks again to everyone out there, i knew i could count on you for some advice:drinker:
  • yep a meniscus can cause swelling, usually tears when we either deep bend repetitively or we twist violently to one side or the other. If so you probably felt a sharp pain temporarily when and if it did tear.
    You may be okay with a stationary bike, but raise the seat so there isn't too much pressure on the back of the knee during each revolution.
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