How many calories?

I started at MFP with the reccomended 1200 calories plus the exercise calories (I was losing weight, but couldn't see any fat burning).

Then I went to a nutritionist and she told me my metabolism was slow (even working out every day). In order to fix that I should eat 1600 to 2000 calories a day (independently of my workouts).

The question is, I lost some fat (I can see it in my belly), but now I'm not losing any more weight, and apparently nor fat, and I am really stuck at my current weight.

Do you think 1200 calories a day put us under "starvation mode"?

I burn 300 to 500 calories a day in exercise 5 times a week and a 1200 calories once a week challenge. I went to a doctor that did a lot of tests and I am doing exactly what I was told (taking vitamin D suplements, etc.). And I just don't lose anymore for more than a month!

Any suggestions?



  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    1200 a day may, but probably not if you were eating your exercise calories. if you eat 1200 and burn 400 you would be eating 1600. I am surprised with the 2000 plus exercise cals, I would gain weight at that level. It all depends on activity level, BMR, gender, muscle mass, etc.

    Try setting your goal for a 1 lb/week loss and see what MFP gives you. then do that and eat your exercise cals.
  • sdhorne
    sdhorne Posts: 69 Member
    Don't concentrate so much on the weight. Muscle weighs more than fat but takes up less room. I would suggest starting to measure yourself to see results. I only lost .6 lbs this past week, but I lost an inch on my waist. I still consider last week a win!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    1200 can be too low for some people. I need 1300-1400 at the lowest to keep losing. I know it's because of my genetics, my Mexican-Indian heritage makes my body store fat easily if I get too few calories. Losing weight is a little difficult because my calorie deficit can't be too big. For me, the exercise is more important for weight loss, not the calorie deficit. So it's definitely possible that 1200 calories is too little for you.
  • fmouco
    fmouco Posts: 100 Member
    Thank you all...If you guys gain weight at 2000 net calories, that is well explained why I am stuck!
  • patriciamohs
    Never eat less than 1200 - 1300 calories per day or you are right, you will put yourself in starvation mode!

    Are you eating the same number of calories on your days you are not working out? Or are you adjusting? When I started seriously working out last March, I was at 1300 cal before the took me only a couple of months before I had to increase my calories, while still losing weight. It is true that as you build more muscle you will increase your metabolism and your body will need more fuel, also depending on how intense your workouts are you may burn more or less calories. Are you still doing the same type of exercise as when you started? That will cause you to platuea as well. Your bodies muscle need to be continually confused to continue to grow and inprove in strength, so switch up your exercises, make sure you have both cardio and strength training in your schedule.

    I used to spend all my time thinking about wieght, for years that was what I based my success on. No more, I use inches as a better judge of my fitness. Try using measurements to see what sucess you are having, you may be pleasantly surprised. I measure my chest, R & L arm, waist, hips, R & L Thigh. I also take pictures. Try that for thirty days and see what happens.
  • fmouco
    fmouco Posts: 100 Member
    Yes, I was following the nutritionist plan every day (even in my rest day).

    In terms of workout, I do weight lifting with a personal trainer 3x a week (and he mixes up everything).

    For cardio, I take 2 spinning classes (60 minutes each) and on saturdays I ride my bike for around 40 to 45 miles (which takes me 2 to 2,5 hours).

    Since I've taking it seriously (since last november) I have already improved. I feel I have muscles in my belly, my thighs are much better and now I am focusing at arms and back.

    I feel that I need more calories now than when I started this. My body fat percentage came from 30% to 22% (and I lost around 12 pounds). So I already consider it a huge sucess. This is the first time in my life I saw a glimpse of abdominal muscles...

    But it looks like I really reached a plateau now. I would like to go to 19% and lose around 4 pounds.

    It seems the closest I get to my objective, the farer it appears....