Suggestions for a good breakfast.

I've recently decided to start actually eating breakfast, I typically don't have time before work, but I've decided to try and get up at least 30 min. eariler than usual to see if it has any affect on my day. I already have a hard time getting up in the mornings but I want to try (if I need to be up by 7:30, my alarm clock needs to be set for at least 6:15, and that doesn't include the second one I have on my desk). The first time I did this I was starving by the time lunch rolled around, so I figured now that I have the time I can eat breakfast.

What I want to know is if anybody out there has any good breakfast ideas between 200-250 calories (any more than that and it won't fit into my meal plan). I'd like to hear those creative ideas, other than cereal, I know I can eat that but I get bored of that pretty quick and I don't mind a little cooking. Let me know what you guys have :happy: Thanks!

Note: Sorry if this thread has been done before, I wanted to be a little more specific so I thought I'd make my own.


  • Ineedtorun
    protein shake with trim milk, a banana and some frozen berries?
    2 poached eggs, one slice of vogel toast?
  • HoopFire5602
    HoopFire5602 Posts: 423 Member
    Greek Yogurt and a granola bar. Or breakfast burrito with egg whites and FF cheese. Or a smoothie with FF milk. Breakfast is my fav. meal of the day. :)
  • sarglava
    sarglava Posts: 206 Member
    Make a frittata before bed. Egg whites, vegetables, meats... mix all that up in a frying pan and stick it in the oven (top with 2% cheese if you can afford the calories). Reheat in the microwave or even in the oven if you have time. Eat it with some toast, or make a sandwich with it and take it to go. I do this a lot when I know I've got an early class that I won't be able to wake up early enough for. I've been eating breakfast all my life so when I don't I get ravenous.
  • bgeer34
    bgeer34 Posts: 135 Member
    My breakfast this morning was exactly 200 calories and it's one I can make quickly and eat on the way to work if I am running late.

    1 Nature's Own 100% whole wheat thinly sliced bagel
    2 TBSP Philadelphia fat free cream cheese
    1/4 cup egg beaters

    I toast the bagel, put half the cream cheese on each half, put the egg in the middle and a quick and easy breakfast sandwich that is good for you and only 200 calories.
  • Hsanders3961
    Hsanders3961 Posts: 245 Member
    I made an omelet the other morning with 1/2 cup egg beaters (maybe a little bit more), 4 slices Sara Lee turkey breast shredded, and 1 slice kraft american cheese (50 cals). All together it was only 160 calories and it was very filling. You could also add veggies to it and not add many, if any, calories.
  • caysea
    caysea Posts: 16 Member
    I like to quickly sautee 2 mini bell peppers with a couple slices of onion, then add 1/2 cup of egg white and 1 tbsp of hormel peppered bacon crumbles (25 cals!!!). Is super yummy and feels like a cheat to me. It's under 200 cals...roughly 165 I believe.
  • CynPierce15
    CynPierce15 Posts: 17 Member
    If you don't have time then make breakfast at work. I keep a tub of oatmeal at work. I use a 1/2 cup oatmeal, 2 tsp of brown sugar, a packet of sweet-n-low, and a single serve creamer. Its 195 calories and filling.
  • lahina99
    lahina99 Posts: 6 Member
    I'll have a Pure Protein bar which are delicious and only 180-200 calories, and great when I'm on the go. A protein shake made with skim milk, Dymatize Elite protein powder, and some berries. Sometimes I made high protein pancakes over the weekend and reheat them for 1 minute in the morning and eat them on the go. Egg whites with veggies made the night before and reheated in the morning are always a great option as well.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Eggs and hash browns. I make two scrambled eggs (140 cals), 1 cup of hash browns (80 cals) and 1/4 cup of pinto beans (50 cals). It's filling, healthy, and only 270 calories.
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    Mine are usually around 3 to 400 but some of my lower ones include

    Eggbeater (1/2 cup) with a laughing cow cheese wedge broken in it, and salsa. (120 calories) Usually paired with a vitatop or a bowl of fruit which only adds another 100 calories or less.

    Multigrain cheerios mixed with fiber one bran and almond milk. (160) I always have to add strawberries, blueberries, or banana in. ((200 calories.))

    Cup of light yogurt (110) with about 1/4 cup of cereal of choice (40) and strawberries or a vitatop crumbled on top. (250 calories.)

    Whole wheat tortilla (la factory 50 cal) spread on one side with a tablespoon of PB (95 cal) and half a banana sliced on it (50). Fold it over for a pb&b taco for around 200 calories. Haha, very yummy. (Warm the tortilla for about 15 seconds before spreading pb on so it gets all gooey and warm. :)
  • shunke
    shunke Posts: 12 Member
    You just cannot beat soft boiled eggs, a handful of nuts and a piece of fruit. Eggs help keep me full for hours!! They are so easy to have on hand and very inexpensive.
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    My mornings are very tight too, but I always managed to grab something quick:
    - if you can find this brand of muffin: The Classic Cafe Muffin, which wholefood sells them (don't get those muffins made in the store those, calorie killers). It's 150 calories, and very yummy. I can grab one and drink a glass of milk or orange juice.
    - A slice of toast with hummus, spread, almond butter or peanut butter. With milk or orange juice
    - Cereal (if you don't have time, take it with a bag or container to go, with milk or orange juice (or to go as well)
    - Healthy breakfast bar

    If you have a little more time, you can make an instant oatmeal (I know it's not the best compare to those home cook ones, but I don't have time). And you should be able to find really good and healthy ones. I go shopping @ wholefood for that too).

    If you want some eggs and don't have time to do it in the morning, try to boil some eggs at night, and you can have them for breakfast right away. Same for scramble eggs. Nothing wrong with preparing it the night before.

    THEN, grab a handful of fruits, eat in an hour or whenever.

    Don't skip breakfast!
  • padbh
    padbh Posts: 40
    Thomas wholde grain light english muffin has 100 calories, and really good. I put a scrambled egg I microwaved, or cheese, or canadian bacon or peanut butter or just butter.
  • lilpull
    I love oat bran I buy from the bulk foods in the natural section of my grocery store. 1/2 c has only 120 cals and I believe 7 g protein, 6 fiber. I nuke it (with H2O) and add a couple packets of equal or splenda and some cinnamon. Almond milk on top also makes it creamier and a little 'nutty'. Sometimes I just use a drop of lemon extract with equal-- to me it tastes a little like cutout cookies. Also could use light syrup in place of artificial sweeteners...
  • KWSR16
    KWSR16 Posts: 91
    We have Healthy Life English Muffins... like 80-85 calories, then we put 1/4 cup of eggbeaters original in it with a slice of Kraft singles fat free cheese and a slice of turkey bacon from butterball (only 25 cals!!!) Its right around 175 cals I think... I cant remember without looking at my food diary for today (it was my breakfast :happy: )
    We also get the Kangaroo Pita Pockets Honey Wheat flavored 1/2 a pocket is like 90 calories and we fill it up with eggs cheese and bacon like above for a few extra calories.
    Or we have Quaker instant oatmeal, Banana nut, and Cinnamon...MMM.
    Other days I have a low fat yogurt with an apple or a Special K bar. Its more filling than it sounds, plus the yogurt comes in yummy dessert flavors like Red Velvet Cake or Strawberry Shortcake, Black Forest Cake, Raspberry Cheesecake..MMMM CAKE! lol Now I want some.
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    On my busy days I have 1/4 cottage cheese, a single of yogurt, a cup of fresh fruit, usually a berry or pineapple with bran buds. It's the only way I seem to be able to get protein in on my day shifts.
    I also will sometimes make Red River cereal and top it off with yogurt and a banana.