Rheumatoid Arthritis

I am a newbie and need to lose 50 lbs to be in better health and my Rheumatoid Arthritis should not be so active if I do, but I am limited to physical activity due to damaged joints in my hands, knees and feet. Any advice?


  • Katymom22
    i have been diagnosed for 3 years.i am doing the 30 day shred and was scared to have joint and muscle pain but the joint pain just got better not worse!!! i get epidural injections once a month now and that helps sooo much!!
  • slhamby
    I'm 41 and have had RA for 20 years, but I've been very lucky and only had a few really bad years. I started walking in Jan and didn't try to overdo it and it has been going great. I've also added in bike riding every other day. I stopped taking my Aleve about a week ago and sometimes my knees ache pretty bad while walking, but overall, the pain has lessened. I did one week at a gym and walking on the treadmill was a lot less impact, but I didn't have the $$$$ to sign up. I try to walk on dirt as much as possible to lessen the impact. (rather than pavement) Get good shoes!
  • sadenniston
    sadenniston Posts: 96 Member
    I have RA and I'm taking Embrel. I've done P90X. I've lost a total of 30lbs and my advice would be to listen to your body. If you need to rest take it. If something bothers you don't do it. Like for me yoga actually hurts my joints, so I just don't do it. Find something that works for you and if you have fare ups, go for a walk. You can still be active and have RA, you just have to find something that works for you! Good luck!
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    I thought my achy, creeky, lethargic-ness was coming from being middle-aged. Got a kick in the butt when, I threw my back X-rays showed arthritis, DR. did blood work and diabetes, & cholesterol numbers came back high as well.

    I look at what a rough time of it my parents have had in recent years due to their chronic health issues. And decided I had to DO something. I was amazed at how much better I felt after just the first 10 lbs. It's easier to move and it's easier to make the healthier choice. Sometimes I still think "ugh" before I get up and realize that that thought is just a habit. I don't actually feel that way anymore.

    So, really just start. you'll figure out the rest as you go.

    I have to thank a friend of mine, who, when I was overwhelmed at the big picture, told me "Just lose the first 5 lbs"

    So I lost the first 5, the second 5, the third 5, I'm a silly millimeter away from the fourth 5 (I bounce around a bit and I like to maintain a number for 3 days before I update it) and the fifth 5 I'll have achieved my goal.

    So really I just had to lose 5 lbs, I just had to do it 5 times.

    (Really it's the same head game I used to play with myself when I lived in a 5 floor walk-up. If I bought some heavy piece of furniture. I didn't think about getting it up 5 flights of stairs I thought about getting it up 1 step, if I could do it 1 time I could do it 60 times.)

    Good luck
    -Aunt B
  • rawdmd
    rawdmd Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I am new to this website also. I am newly diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and have got to lose 40 pounds. I feel your frustration when it comes to limited movement and exercising and you ways due to joint damage, But I will not let it keep me back. I am looking forward to discovering new ways of moving and getting this weight off once and for all. The thing I am most concerned about is learning how to live and thrive in spite of rheumatoid arthritis! If this resonates with anyone out there please let me know how you are doing.="frebyrd38;179311"]I am a newbie and need to lose 50 lbs to be in better health and my Rheumatoid Arthritis should not be so active if I do, but I am limited to physical activity due to damaged joints in my hands, knees and feet. Any advice?[/quote]