The Cravings....*sigh*

PhoenixFire975 Posts: 70
edited September 24 in Food and Nutrition
Ok, so I'm not exactly talking about food cravings. I need help with these crazy ice cravings. I read online that it's called "pica" or something where you crave strange things with no nutritional value. These ice cravings got so bad that my sister has bet me that I can't go 1 week without ice.'s only the second day in and I'm goin nuts here. It got so bad today that my sis dumped the ice tray and watches me like a hawk:frown:

Ok, so what I'm asking here is...Has anyone ever had this problem or something similar and what do you recommend I try to go for instead of ice??????

Oh yea, and I usually eat ice when I have the munchies for food too. I thought since it's just frozen water with no cals that it would be ok and trick my mind into thinking I'm eating something. However, my aunt had the same prob as a kid (turned out she was anemic) and now has permanent dental damage.:frown: I just don't want to end up like that.

So to anyone who can help, thanks in advance:flowerforyou:


  • ct1986
    ct1986 Posts: 200
    You've already talked about the big one. There is more and more recognition of it being a sign of anemia. I would still say it's worth asking a doctor about since it could be anemia, especially considering your family history, and pica itself can be a sign of underlying problems.
  • I've heard of Pica and as a matter of fact there is a special that comes on the TLC channel about people with weird cravings. The majority of people that I've witness with that same problem of having weird cravings are women. The one thing about your craving is that there is little health harm that can be done besides dental concerns. I know some people who crave corn starch and chalk. It's some type of unknown deficiency......but I can definitely relate to having weird cravings!
  • bikerbiz
    bikerbiz Posts: 179 Member
    I found this, but who knows if it's true--this one is new to me. Do you have other signs of anemia, like a swollen tongue? Check with a doc...

    "Well, the most common reason for someone craving ice is often anemia. This is related to your body not getting enough iron. Because of this, you may suffer from different symptoms and related issues. Some of the most common symptoms related to anemia are being tired, being out of breath, being dizzy and even craving ice. Often, women who are pregnant will experience the need for a nap as well as craving ice. When they finally have blood work done it shows that they are anemic.

    Another issue that may cause you to crave ice, without having anemia, is pica. This is a condition in which people will crave certain things that are not food. Ice may be one of these cravings. However, these people can also crave things like dirt, laundry soap and starch to name a few. The individual is going to be craving things that do not have any nutritional value.

    If you are suffering from iron deficiency anemia you may have a sore tongue or it may begin to swell. If that is the case, the craving of ice may help with some of these symptoms and make these symptoms feel better. This would explain why so many people with this type of anemia end up craving ice. The ice may actually taste different to some of the people who eat it because of the anemia. It is not going to taste the same to them as it does to you or me.

    If you find that you are craving ice you may want to be checked for low iron anemia. You may also want to consult your doctor if you or your child has been craving ice so that they can help determine the cause and possible solutions. You may also want to begin adding iron rich foods to your diet. This may decrease your cravings but it will also help you determine if anemia may be the cause of the cravings. You are also going to want to find out if the ice craving is caused from pica because this can be a sign of other complications. Pica can be a sign of emotional stress or other problems. It can also be an early sign of psychological issues such as obsessive compulsive disorder. You are going to want to have every aspect of the ice craving explored so that you can determine what is going on with you."
  • DST513
    DST513 Posts: 140 Member
    I was like this a one point and my doctor recommended that i take iron pills. now honestly i cant tell the last time i ate ice. Good luck!!
  • Yikes - I used to have a boyfriend who did the same thing and now have a 10 yr old stepson who LOVES to munch on ice. Apart from it annoying us around them, I haven't seen any damage associated with it. I think this is just something you need to break, like giving up bread or something. I always chew gum but not sure that is a whole lot better....

    Maybe drink water? Sorry not helping much. Good luck.
  • Well, i had a whole bunch of blood tests done this summer (for some med probs) and my iron was a fine level, just slightly low. Everyone in my fam does it, especially my mom so its not like it's the easiest habit to break. So does anybody have any advice for alternatives to munching ice? I tried a popsicle earlier but all it did was stain my mouth and make me give up some cals (ice is starting to sound better and better......).
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