Trying to keep high blood pressure and blood sugar numbers d

Any of you ladies on the borderline of high blood pressure and diabetes, and trying to keep them at bay med-free? Is it working?


  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    Mine was creeping up and they wanted to put me on meds. I refused and insisted on dietary changes first. I lowered my carb intake, take a magnesium supplement, drink plenty of water and exercise regularly. My last reading (yesterday) was 116/77. When they wanted to put me on meds it was 160/95 (part of that is white coat hypertension because I hate going to the doctor! I have a monitor at home and it was consistently between 130-145/80-90).
  • unluckynomad
    unluckynomad Posts: 5 Member
    I highly recommend that you ladies check out The Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson! Paleo/Primal lifestyles are known to significantly help with blood pressure, cholesterol, and diabetes!!
  • danaviac3
    Thank you! I will definitely look into that. :)
  • danaviac3
    Time for me to get my own monitor! Thank you! :)
  • mvln
    mvln Posts: 96 Member