Fat, new and determined

Hi, I'm relatively new to MFP, and I've not had the courage to post on the forums yet. I'm 31, live in the UK and my start weight was 266lbs on 7th January 2011. I've never really dieted before; I can't claim to have tried everything, I'm just incredibly lazy. My weight's always been a bit of a problem, but the last 10 years have been a real battle. My partner and I both decided to try and lose some weight at the beginning of this year and together we've supported each other through the ups and downs of the last few months.

I'm ashamed of my build, I hate clothes shopping (black goes with black right?), I hate that I get through jeans not because they're old, care worn and beautifully soft, but because my thighs rub together and I wear through the fabric before they've seen 6 months in my wardrobe. Letting my boyfriend of 5 years see me naked is not a pleasure he's had yet and although I love him to bits, we barely have a sex life because I'm so ashamed of my figure, or lack of it.

Today I got on the scales and I'm a total of 22lbs lighter than I was at the beginning of this journey just 50 days ago. I'm still scared that it's mostly water loss, but I'm beginning to believe this weight loss thing might just be possible. Only another 100lbs to go!


  • marielw
    marielw Posts: 126 Member
    Welcome to MFP, you'll get all the support you need here, everyone is really friendly. Well done for losing 22lbs already! That's great. Think of it more as a lifestyle change than a diet and you'll get through it. I'm like you - i'm quite lazy and making myself exercise is hard, but once i'm doing it i do enjoy it. Good luck!
  • kouzzzz
    kouzzzz Posts: 540 Member
    22lbs is a great start. Keep up the good work. Good luck!!!!
  • lucysmommy

    welcome to the boards, i am in glasgow :-)

    you can do this and these boards are brill for advice

    feel free to add me as a friend and we can encourage each other
  • BronteLondon
    22 lb is a fantastic start. I can really recommend MFP - it is like it helps you keep track of things (I use it on my iphone and I note down absolutely everything so I don't cheat). I used to cheat myself all the time but now I cant. No excuses is good!

    Keep up the fantastic work and I'm sure youw ill meet your target.

    Bronte in London x
  • bex22mcn
    Welcome! I'm from the UK too. I have found everyone on here really motivational, I'm sure you will too. We are all in a similar boat and it's amazing how compassionate strangers can be!

    Wow-what an amazing achievement - you should be so proud of yourself. I bet you can see a huge difference already? Hacve you taken photos (for your own personal use...not suggesting you share them...although one day you might!) so that you can see your progress? I have some password protected on my personal laptop so that in a few months time I can take more and revel in my skinniness (hopefully!!!)
  • HeatherH1984
    Well done on the 22lb loss!

    I'm in essex, so it's nice to have follow UK people on the site :) People here are really friendly, I've been here on and off a couple of years, and when I'm in a fitness phase, it has really looked to look at what I'm eating and the encouragement from others does give a real boost.

    You're welcome to add me if you're looking for motivation buddies, even though you've already got one of the best buddies having your other half do it with you! That way you have someone helping you through the good and bad days!

    Welcome to the boards and goodluck x
  • mrsmooset
    mrsmooset Posts: 5 Member
    That's a great start to your diet well done! I've joined with my husband as he needs some support, we've tried most diets too, but my husband and I really like this one, it's easy to use and he can work out his own diet which is nice as it gives me a bit of a break from having to do it all for him! Unfortunately I still have to do all the cooking though! lol
    Good luck.
  • rosiesparkle100
    Welcome; that's a great first post. and 22lbs is amazing! You'll like it on here, it's super friendly and supportive. :)
  • wenders123
    wenders123 Posts: 338 Member
    Well done on the weight loss so far. This site is great for keeping you focused with the food tracking, and for motivation from your friends.

    I totally sympathise with everything you have said (aspecially the naked thing), and just think you won't only loss weight and look fab, but have a great new sex life too :wink:

    If you need any more support, feel free to add me as a pal ....

    Wendy for Yorkshire :bigsmile: