
samisnail Posts: 8
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
Hi Guys

Ive been on here for a bout a week now but hardly post anything.
i am 26 years old and have 2 children a 4 and a 3 year old, im also married and have been for 5 years.
For the past 4 years i have put on so much weight as i have my 2 children to look after and also work a full time job (i know its not a good enough excuse) but i seem to have put everyone elses needs ahead of my own. I feel its now time to think of me for a change and do what i need to do in order to be around longer for my family.
I have been on so many diets over the years but really struggle, i lose some weight then it just piles back on again. this needs to STOP.
The most recent one was the Cambridge diet which i stopped last week. i do find teh food tracker on here is good as it makes you think about what you are going to eat.

I will be very apprecaitive and greatfull for any advice or tips you can give.
Feel free to add me.



  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Hi Sam. Welcome to the site. 1st I want to say that you have taken the 1st step to a better, more healthier you by joining this site. Tracking your daily intake and exercise will help you tremendously.

    Don't think of it as a diet first of all because its not. Its just a healthy life change. Its about looking at your normal choices of food and making healthier substitutions and choices.

    Planning is a key to success. Plan your daily meals and plan your daily exercise.

    Follow-thru. Don't just talk about it, be about it. Use this site, use the gym or work dvds, stick to your planned meals and get at least 20 minutes of exercise in a day. You will succeed.

    And hydrate!! Water, Water, Water! Make sure you are getting you daily in-take in. The MINIMUM of 8 cups a day so try to work on getting that in and then work on adding more.

    You can do it!!
  • FaithandFitness
    FaithandFitness Posts: 653 Member

    I am in the same boat as you! ( I don't work full time, just part time, but I also homeschool the older kids) I have had to be deliberate about finding time for me. Right now I get up at 0530 . . . hit the gym which is about 3 miles from my house . . . come home and get the kids and the husband going in the morning. If I don't get it knocked out right away then I am struggling to find the time the rest of the day.

    When grocery shopping I make my own list. After I meal plan for the week for the family I make a list of everything that I will need for lunches or alternate dinners and snacks for the week. If I don't have those things readily available I will start snacking on whatever and driving through fast food to meet my hunger needs.

    I "tell my husband" what I need to do. If I didn't get a morning workout in I will tell him "I have to hit the gym tonight after the toddlers are in bed" That way he'll look at me after the kids' bedtime and say, "Are you ready to go to the gym" just as my body hears the couch and afghan calling my name.

    I signed up for a 5K in May and I have been faithful to stick to the training program. Right now I can run a mile with relative ease (Check back with me in a month or two when the plan calls for a 3 or 4 mile run)

    Hope some of this helps, My progress is slow and steady and I just have to choose to focus on the positives and not beat myself up over imperfections.
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    I completely agree with Desirai!!!!! This site really works for you, but you have to do the work as well! This is going to be my life for the rest of my life, watching and tracking and exercising... it's really worth it, and so are you!!! Taking care of yourself will help you take better care of your family, and they will be healthier for it as well!!

    Good luck, check in daily, and add some friends to help keep you accountable... you can add me if you like!
  • Vicky14174
    Vicky14174 Posts: 715 Member
    OK first off, don't think of this as a "diet". The word diet refers to what you eat so the word is being miss used most of the time. There are all kinds of diets. Junk food diets, high fat diets, sugar filled diets, etc, etc, etc. You need to think of this as a "healthy lifestyle" change. Notice the word diet is no where in that sentence. Also notice that everyone in your household can be on the same healthy lifestyle. From the babies to your husband. Eating healthier foods will benefit everyone whether they need to loss weight or not. My grand kids eat what I eat and they love the foods that I serve them because they taste good but are healthy.

    Fad "Diets" never work for long and usually when people stop them that gain back everything they lost plus some. When you change your lifestyle it becomes a way of life, not a fad. This also sets good examples for your children and will help them to not do what all of us have done to ourselves. We lead by example.

    Welcome to our family and we will all be here to help you with your journey.
  • nandana
    nandana Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Sam,

    Firstly, well done for decided to make a change, the hardest part is the decision, and as long as you stay motivated - this site can then help you along the way.
    My main advice would be to try to change your mind set and stop thinking of it as a 'diet' as that carries the connotation that it is a 'short term fix' which ultimately suggest you should reach a 'finish' that is, if you don't get get fed up with it first.

    Try to think of it as a new lifestyle choice, the database will help you to make better food choices but there is no need to cut anything out just make sure you don't exceed your calorie goal (and don't massively undercut it either - starvation mode will kick in if you do and your body will stop using your resources effectively)

    In my view it is 90% in the kitchen 10% exercise but that 10% packs a punch so try to walk more places or perhaps cycle?

    Finally I'd say don't expect miracles straight away, it's not a sprint but a marathon and you need to stay in it for the long haul.

    Good luck

  • luvtowalk
    luvtowalk Posts: 14 Member
    I understand totally, I am stuck right now and it is easier to just ea the crap then stick with a diet, BUT we will all doo this. Come up with a goal, a date. a reason to lose and right in on your calendar, keep it as your computer screen saver. and just take one day at a time. do not worry about when you slip. but just start again the next day.
  • Adsnwfld
    Adsnwfld Posts: 262 Member
    No more fad diets. By monitoring your caloric intake you will learn what you should and should not eat for the rest of your life. No "diet" can be sustained forever, this can. Write down EVERYTHING that you eat, no matter how small the portion.
    If you input the correct information, the website will take care of the rest for you. Follow its recommendations and ask questions, their are plenty of people here willing to help and not see you fail.
    No one is here to judge you, because we have all been through it.
    Just please do us and yourself a favor and forget the fads.
    Initially you may have problems staying under your goal for any given day, then over time you will teach yourself about food and learn what fills you up, what leaves you craving for more and what to flat out avoid because it just isn't worth it.
    You can do it and still go out on occasion, still go to parties and not feel like you can't eat. Sure you will blow it from time to time, but you have to eat 3500 extra calories to put a pound on, so that isn't going to happen.
    You have the tools right now to get into the shape you want.
    Good Luck
  • Hi Sam, welcome! Desirai gave some great advice! Like many people, I found that dieting doesn't work for me. I started tracking what I ate with a different tracker at the beginning of February and switched to this one a week or two later, and along with getting my exercise, it has made a difference (12 pounds so far this month!).

    I'm not on a particular diet, but tracking what I eat has found me modifying what and how much I eat. I haven't given up any of my favorite foods, but I do find I eat them much less often and less of them when you see those big numbers on the screen. I also spend 1 hour on an elliptical machine 6 days a week. I know that's a time commitment for a busy guy, but that's what it takes for me. I'm 41 and don't burn the calories like I used to, but you may be able to get by with half that (30 mins /day).

    Stick with it, drink your water, and get your exercise. It's worth it!
  • Thanks for all your replies i will take each of tehm into consideration.
    I have tracked my food for today so far and suprised that i have 130 cals left. My friend brought me a cone of chips and small fishcake so i made sure i tracked them plus the dinner we are going to have tonigh (which for the first time my hubby is cooking)
    I have told him to cook it as healthy as he can use my grill for the bacon etc.
    I have also recently purchased a cross trainer which i will be using and also do 100 step up on my stairs at home of an evening (not sure how to track those yet)

    Thanks agin for your advice.

    Sam x
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