any "bigger" ppl do 30DS and have results?

Or am I wasting my time? I'm 260 (have lost 31 lbs so far). I've completed 2 days of the 30 Day Shred so far ... but I am not able to do very many push ups and can't complete all the reps of everything yet (not that I expected to), but I'm just wondering if anyone else struggled but still saw results from the 30 Day Shred?

Just seems like all the B&A pics I've seen are people much smaller and closer to their goal weights, so that is why I am wondering.


  • baypathgradLyns
    baypathgradLyns Posts: 639 Member
    I did 30D Shred (well, I spread it out though). I was pretty consistent with Level 1, but Level 2 I have only done 4 days of in the past month. So, it is harder for me to tell if the routine is having a big role in my success or not.

    I still can't do the push ups, so don't sweat it! :)
  • thefreemans28
    thefreemans28 Posts: 267 Member
    I think it's totally normal to not be able to do it all at first. I also just completed day 2 and i definitely feel the workout! I think the more you do it the better you will get. That's why she suggests moving on only when level 1 gets easy! When I first started working out in january, I could only do 1 pushup. Yesterday I did 8! So over time, with more practice and repitition, you WILL get there!

    Also, just because it's called "30-day shred" doesn't mean you can only do it for 30 days. if it takes you 30 days to get through level 1, so be it! You can stretch it out as long as you want! At least you are working out!!!
  • Navie42
    Navie42 Posts: 152
    When I started 30ds I did "girly" push ups and couldn't do all the reps... by the end of it I could do the walking push ups they have on level 3.

    If you are struggling, do the best you can while still pushing yourself and add in some extra days, maybe do each level for 15 days instead of 10. You can do it!
  • meg811
    meg811 Posts: 49
    Thanks everyone for the encouragement! Finished day 4 yesterday and already can tell a difference in my endurance! I think I'll be okay, just freaked out a little early :)