Any other "40-something" ladies out there that are strugglin

Just wondered if there were any other ladies out there that are struggling to lose weight that are in their 40s - that would like to share support / tips?

I haven't a huge amount of weight to lose - 25 lb in total - have lost 7lb so far (in 7 weeks) but stayed the same for the last 2 weeks. I know it could be a lot worse but it's still frustrating!!!! Have lost an inch off my waist & hips but nowhere else!!

I do about 6 hours exercise a week burning around 300 / 400 cals a time & had been sticking to 1200 cals a day but in the last week have started eating some of my exercise calories as well as most people on here seem to say is the right thing to do!

Think my hormones are playing a part but am only 42 & not sure how to work round that - any ideas welcome if someone has found something that works?!! Even considering using lipobind tablets or similar but not sure if they actually work?

Trying not to get downhearted as don't want to give up but can't see why I have stopped losing the weight - I would be happy with one a week!!! :wink:

Anyway if anyone wants to compare notes - feel free to respond to this thread or add me as a friend!!!:sad:


  • dgweisblatt
    Don't give up. I just turned 49 and have been on this site for a while. Your weight WILL change depending on the TOTM (Time of the Month) and other factors like water-retention, muscle growth, etc. I've noticed that I'll be SUPER GOOD on my program (diet and exercise) and two or more weeks will go by in which I don't lose a thing and then BOOM - I'll get on the scale and be down 1.5 kg! If you find you've hit a plateau, don't reduce your calorie intake - keep with what the site recommends. Make sure you're drinking your 8-glasses of water - I found that this REALLY does make a difference. Keep up the good work and're in this for the long haul and not just to temporarily lose a few lbs. Go 40+ team! :happy:
  • soccermom004
    soccermom004 Posts: 444 Member
    I fall into that category. Send me a friend request and we canhelp motivate each other!
  • dcathers
    Hi. Sounds like you are doing everything right. Just keep on doing what you are doing. This is a lifestyle change and should not be temporary. I am 43 and have been struggling with the same issues. But, overall I think just exercising and eating right are all any one needs to do. Try changing up your exercise.. I find that just makes this more fun . My favorite website is it out! Good luck to you:)
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Hi--there are lots of us! I'm your age and started a year and a 1/2 ago. I didn't think I had much to lose--about 8 lbs --but then stuck with it, and did eat the exercise calories, and lost 22 lbs. I was shocked. The key for me was being patient with the weight loss. Not weighing myself throughout and being happy w/the changes in my clothing sizes as I saw the change happening. It was also that I wasn't much of an exerciser when I first joined but then realized if I wanted to eat a level of food acceptable to me (not 1200 calories), I had to exercise every day so I could eat back those calories. The math to me made so much sense and although I never loved it, I started exercising everyday.

    I'm on maintenance now and have been for about a year. I exercise still as much as you do --about 6 hours a week and continue to eat those back. I find this part super hard--more difficult than losing actually. I have found quite a few woman like us who are great support--I know you will too. Will send you a request....:)
  • hemlock2010
    hemlock2010 Posts: 422 Member
    I'm also 40-something and peri-menopausal--oh, those hormones. :tongue: Eating 1650-1900 calories per day, and averaging 2400-2700 calories of exercise per week. I'm losing just a little over 1lb/week. So as counter-intuitive as it sounds, I wonder if you need to raise your calorie intake for a while?
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    You might try decreasing your exercise just a little. When I was losing the most weight, I was exercising 30 minutes 3 days a week and eating my exercise calories. When I tried to go overboard on the exercise, my body rebelled because I put it into shock. Slow it down just a little and weigh yourself after you've had a day's break from exercise.
    Good luck!
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Hi--there are lots of us! I'm your age and started a year and a 1/2 ago. I didn't think I had much to lose--about 8 lbs --but then stuck with it, and did eat the exercise calories, and lost 22 lbs. I was shocked. The key for me was being patient with the weight loss. Not weighing myself throughout and being happy w/the changes in my clothing sizes as I saw the change happening. It was also that I wasn't much of an exerciser when I first joined but then realized if I wanted to eat a level of food acceptable to me (not 1200 calories), I had to exercise every day so I could eat back those calories. The math to me made so much sense and although I never loved it, I started exercising everyday.

    I'm on maintenance now and have been for about a year. I exercise still as much as you do --about 6 hours a week and continue to eat those back. I find this part super hard--more difficult than losing actually. I have found quite a few woman like us who are great support--I know you will too. Will send you a request....:)

    Wow, this was almost my exact journey... except only needing to lose 8 lbs. :laugh:

    I agree 100% with what she stated.

    Not weighing & giving yourself time.

    It took me about 1.5 years to lose about 30 lbs. I worked out at least 6 hours a week and ate back every single exercise calorie :embarassed: I weighed myself, maybe every 3 or 4 months. Fitting into smaller clothes is just as rewarding as seeing the number on the scale go down. :bigsmile: I also gifted myself a HRM to keep a more accurate count of calories burned, and that turned into a fun competition with myself. Seeing those calories burned was like "money in the bank" instead it was food. :tongue: I also discovered that you can burn just as many calories on the eliptical as you can walking briskly... in a longer time of course. So when i felt burned out or was PMSing I would Turn up the tunes and get to steppin. :smile: However, I live in the Sunshine state and can do that any season.

    You can do it too

    Good Luck :flowerforyou:
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    You are all welcome to join the thread: Women 40+ would like to share progress- part 13

    We are a pretty active group chiming in daily on tips, motivation, encouragement, etc. We tend to share a bit more than just exercise and eating as our lives influence how we are doing. Kids, deaths, illness, jobs, etc...all play a part of the big picture.

  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Another 40-something struggling here. Last time I did it I was approaching 30 and hadn't exercised before. As soon as I started the weight just fell off. I kept up the exercise but stopped keeping an eye on my food (and wine!) intake and gradually it all crept on plus another stone.
  • derocherl
    derocherl Posts: 13 Member
    I'm on board the 40+ train! Using HCG homeopathic drops and protocol to reset my metabolism. I, too, have been a yo-yo dieter. I know sugars and grains are what pack the pounds on me.

    Sarah, I looked at your food diary. Ample sugars and grain carbs there. Those can cause insulin reactions and store weight. I bet if you went a week on proteins, veggies, fruits and healthy fats you'd see the scale drop. Plus backing off the exercise intensity like someone else mentioned.

    I watched a great video online yesterday that had sound advice from a nutritionist who had struggled with weight until she found the truth. She says sugar, refined carbs, bad fats (they might not be what you think they are) and processed foods are our worst weight-loss enemies. Check it out. It's really worth the 20 minutes or so. No hard sells but lots of good info:
  • tigger2009
    I continue to struggle but not giving up! Back on tracking my food intake after being off website for winter time. Which I did not move at all! Joined an Gym with hubby and going to get back to walking with my friends twice a week starting next week. I had done some major yardwork last weekend both days with hubby and just starting to feel myself again. I have not weighed myself yet to get a fresh start where I am at but will tomorrow morning. "Never give up!" Keep telling myself too!
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Another 40+ here. The biggest tip I can give is be patient. Keep doing everything right and it will catch up. I jump on the scale every morning, but only log a loss when I have seen the same # (or less) 3 days in a row. I will go 2-3 weeks without reporting a loss, then it will move like gang busters for 1-2 weeks. It averages out over time. Our bodies just get stranger and stranger after 40ish. Patience Grasshopper!
  • joystout
    How about 50+ women. Need a sounding board. I make a good one!:smile:
  • NY2SC
    NY2SC Posts: 5
    :drinker: Im knocking on 40's door in 7 more months and I swear that I feel like Im going to scream I need to listen to what the sucess stories are.. thank you for putting this out there!
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Has anyone else found that post-40 they changed shape? I swear I was a classic pear shape all my life, but the morning I turned 40 I had my first-ever belly!
  • hemlock2010
    hemlock2010 Posts: 422 Member
    Yes!! Where did my waist go??
    Has anyone else found that post-40 they changed shape? I swear I was a classic pear shape all my life, but the morning I turned 40 I had my first-ever belly!
  • looby1968
    looby1968 Posts: 742 Member
    Has anyone else found that post-40 they changed shape? I swear I was a classic pear shape all my life, but the morning I turned 40 I had my first-ever belly!

    I always seemed to be the classic pear-shape too. Now I'm more apple!!!!

    I'm 42 and I started on mfp in May last year. Fell off the bandwagon after a month. Started back in September, with more resolve! I started with needing to lose over 80lbs and I've lost 33 of those since then.

    I'm exercising more and enjoying it! I participate in a couple of challenges each month and set myself these goals:

    every weekday - leslie sansone walk at home dvd, at least 3 miles,
    sat/sun - walk at home, full 5 miles,
    mon,wed, fri - Davina, power of 3 dvd (at least 25mins),
    tue, thu, sat/sun - at least 30mins of Just Dance,
    drink 8 glasses of water each day,
    relax for 15-30 mins each day (reading a book).

    I found that actually WANTING to change has worked. It's not easy and, let's face it, it's not going to get any easier!!!!

  • Myschelle
    Myschelle Posts: 101 Member
    I'm also in this category! I've been 165 for over a year, even when I was busting my butt and eating exactly what I was supposed to, I found it beyond difficult to budge that scale. My doctor's view point?....."What do you expect? You're 40, what worked in your 30's will require double the effort now."....WOW, thanks for the encouragement. With all that goal is to feel great about myself, REGARDLESS of what the stupid scale says...what does it know anyway?! Stay with it, don't give up, and remember there are more important measures of your success than the scale. Good luck! Add me to your friends or a 40-something group. :happy:
  • Dragonfly1996
    Dragonfly1996 Posts: 196 Member
    It's really great to hear so many other women out there with the same issues & problems with being 40 something brings & been good to read your stories & tips!! There is light at the end of the tunnel....!! :drinker: