
I'm starting to get angry:mad: lol but seriously tho I gain 2lbs one week and then lose it the next week and then it gain back the 2lbs the next week! AHHHHHHHH! Not gonna lie I have been hittin up the fast food places and goin out to eat a lot with friends and family but I always try to make the healthier choices! My best friend said its pry the sodium thats kickin my butt which is pry right so I added Sodium to my diary and it is gonna be the death of me! I've also been tryin to work out everyday in some sort of way or another and I've only ever gone over my calories once! HELP!!!! I would love some advice PLEASE! I've already made my mind to cut out fast foods for a whole week and see if that makes a difference!


  • joeygirl84
    joeygirl84 Posts: 224 Member
    I honestly feel the fast food will help alot. I haven't eaten anything fast food like in 4 weeks and I feel better too actually.

    I will say that for me, I only noticed the weight loss after I stopped consuming bread, pasta... stuff like that. My husband is gluten free, and I"ve learned through reading that the gluten has a huge part to play with weight too.

    Not sure if that helps, but being on a very low carb diet has jump started me!

    Keep your chin up!
  • lrmantione
    lrmantione Posts: 4 Member
    I travel a lot and so have to eat out a lot as a result. I have found the "Eat This, Not That" book super helpful!! It has all of the major fast food chains, and a lot of the dine-in restaurant chains included, and tells you exactly what to eat and what to avoid. You would be surprised at what is and isn't healthy at those places. Of course, I agree with your friend that cutting out out the fast food, or even cutting it in half, will help the most. Good luck!!
  • Flacachica
    Flacachica Posts: 328 Member
    Try drinking more water. How much do you drink? Whatever it is ... double it. See if that works. Always works for me. Good luck!! :wink:
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    I added sodium to mine to. It means I have to cook alot more! but it seems to be making a difference. Keep it up
  • pluschek
    pluschek Posts: 8 Member
    How far under are you eating on your calories. I know that my big eye opening moment was discovery that I was not eating enough. When I first started on MFP I was told to eat 1879 calories and I was only eating about 1300-1500 a day. when I started eating within a 100 or less of my alloted calories is when I started seeing the results. And I quit seeing the bouncing of the scale. I was also seeing the up 2 down 2.5 over and over. So try that. Tray eating the same thing and planning your meals to get with in 100 or less of what you should be getting. Good Luck!
  • JJBRAY85
    JJBRAY85 Posts: 35 Member
    I've never heard of people ADDING sodium to there diet unless they were trying to balance electrolytes due to extreme exercise.... The only other thing I have heard about sodium is to cut back as much as possible because it will make you retain more water weight.
  • Lindsey72386
    I usually eat all my caloires and I don't really drink that much water :( Lol I didn't mean I was adding sodium to my food intake I added it to my diary so I can keep better track of how much sodium I'm taking in!

    Thanks everyone
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    I'm not adding sodium, I mean I added sodium to my tracker.
  • JJBRAY85
    JJBRAY85 Posts: 35 Member
    OOOOoooOOOHHH... Gotcha! Yeah I've done that too. I used to eat canned vegatables thinking i couldn't go wrong untill I saw the numbers showing how much sodium I was eating. Good idea then!!! lol. There is also alot of sodium in fast food meals. I've noticed that even though I would get grilled chicken on wheat bread with veggies, I was still gettin ALOT of sodium.