BEWARE - Restuarant Food - The calories, fat, carbs are frig

I was looking at the nutrional information on the Applebees menu yesterday because I am planning a trip, and I was looking at the under 500 calorie menu to pre plan what i will eat.
Wow..have you ever just taken the time to look at the amount of calories, fat, carbs, sodium in the items on the menu?? OMG I am shocked...even the things you would think would be a good choice.....NOT. wonder restaurant eating is so good, and makin us so fat.
The under 500 calorie meals are pretty questionable in the sodium dept as well...but at least they are lower in everything else.


  • 1983Miller
    1983Miller Posts: 89 Member
    Yup I agree, down right frightening, they might like to blame Fast food, but I think all restaurant portions are out of wack, I wish they would cut the portions in 1/2 and lower the prices, best marketing technique they could do! Helps the budget helps the waistline and think of all the attention to our national obesity this would get! Maybe you and I should start up a new trend restaurant am not in that line of work but it sounded good...yes?
  • boobee32
    boobee32 Posts: 450 Member
    lol..yup...sounds good. We all know you CAN cook low fat , low cal, low sodium food that actually tastes good.
    I mean, some of those numbers were ridiculous, and especially for what you were eating.....I think everyone should just go to their fav restuarant and download the menu and just look at it..but be ready for your jaw to drop...I know mine did...