Weight watchers

I am considering joing weight watchers, a couple of my co-workers are have great success with it. I was wondering if anyone here has tried it or is doing it along with MFP. Just looking for some insight from others about their experiences with ww.


  • dspearsb
    dspearsb Posts: 186
    I tried it a few times. Never had much luck because I didn't actually see what i was eating (Cals, Fat, Sodium, etc) I prefer MPF better because you get a better understanding of how to eat, not just counting points.
  • ahight28
    I did Weight Watchers before I was on MFP... I lost 20 pounds on the WW program, so yes, I think it works. But they count points and not calories, so there will be a difference between that and MFP. I did WW online, not the meetings. It helped me lose pregnancy weight..... I also exercised along with the WW diet program.
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    I tried it a few times. Never had much luck because I didn't actually see what i was eating (Cals, Fat, Sodium, etc) I prefer MPF better because you get a better understanding of how to eat, not just counting points.

    I agree and MFP is free!
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    Many people will say MFP is free so why pay, but the accountability for me is worth it. My doctor recommend that I do WW because he said its a stable program to follow... he said the new program is great, espcially since i have PCOS. I have had many cysters that started the program and have lost 20lbs in a few short weeks and LOVE it... So I am signing up on Saturday.

    Weather I willd o MFP and WW I don't know...
  • Caper88
    Caper88 Posts: 418 Member
    I tried it a while back but I wasn't committed enough. It's to easy to carry points over so you can have your fast food.
  • becka95
    becka95 Posts: 14 Member
    I have done weight watchers and had success in the past. But this last time I only lost 3 lbs and was extremely disappointed by that. My life style has dramtically changed since the last time and was discouraged because I felt that I really worked harder than I did the last time. But overall, I think it's a great tool. Most of the weight I have lost, I have kept off, it's just getting the other half of the weight off that I am finding to be a challenge.

    The plan has changed to make it easier to keep track of your food and exercise and doing it from work will help keep you motivated when your surrounded by others who are trying for the same goal as you.

    Good luck!
  • NeenaMD
    I'm a huge fan of Weight Watchers -- the first time around (back in 2005), I lost a little over 50 pounds and kept it off for almost two years. Then I got cocky, thought I knew all there was to know about keeping it off and gained it all back.

    I have just started using MFP, and I'm loving it. It's something new and different, which was exactly what I needed to kick start my motivation to lose weight. I'm still a WW member and would encourage anyone to join (be sure to find a leader who's personality is right for you. That can really make/enhance the journey). I don't know how beneficial it would be to use this program as well as WW's PointsPlus, though, since this site focuses on the actual calories/fat/carbs/etc., and WW manipulates those numbers to come up with its PointsPlus system. I'm sure it averages out to about the same thing, but the calorie/points plus counting could get a bit confusing (at least for me).

    If you're looking to use both, I think this site would be great resource for feedback, advice and support (in addition to what you would get at meetings). If you go the WW route, my opinion would be to use their PointsPlus system since you're paying for it. Plus, if you get stuck or hit a plateau, a WW leader would be better able to help you if you're following that system and not blending the two.
  • johnsoag
    I actually just started using WW.
    I like it so far. I use WW as my primary target and it usually ends up meeting my calorie goals as well.
    WW doesnt count calories, it's fat, protein, fiber and carbs.
  • mmoon29
    I just started doing WW today. Im not not using their site but I am using the points system. Im also using this site to log my calories just to make sure that Im within my daily goal. A friend of mine helped me figure out the WW points. She has had alot of success with doing WW. She has dropped over 60 lbs since October 2010. Im hoping that doing both WW and MFP I will drop weight.
  • D_elCoop1216
    I have tried weight watchers a bunch of times! I originally started going when I was 11 or 12 with my mom and my aunt. They both had success with it and wanted to teach me the right way to eat to stay healthy for life (I wasn't overweight at that time). I have been yo yo dieting since. I would loose great each week and I was physically fit and tone, then I would get comfortable and gain it back. I am now at my heaviest. I just used the online tools and lost about 20 pounds last year. I think it pays off to go to the meetings and hear from other people who also struggle loosing weight and you can hear what has worked for them! WW also doesn't make you feel deprived at all, where as some diets (south beach, atkins, etc) constantly make you hungry and you're not eating enough.

    On the other hand, I found this website very helpful because it's free. I like the idea of the points with weigh watchers. It works if you stay dedicated to it.

    Good luck!
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    I've done WW several times and have quit every time. I found it too easy to cheat with points and getting away with sneaking in too much processed foods and junk. With MFP, I can see what is in the foods I'm eating instead of just seeing a point number and assuming if it's a low point, it's good for me. I don't want to just lose weight, I want to be as healthy as possible and MFP has been the best way for me to work toward that goal! :)
  • newnhealthierme2011
    Thank everyone I think I'm going to give it a try for 3 months and see if I have any results, if not I'll try something else.
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    I'm a WW member, I joined in Jan & track using the WW site for ProPoints & here to track the calories & to see how 'clean' I'm eating.
    Using both takes a few extra minuets a day but it gives me a more rounded look at my food.

    I do like the ProPoints system, in the past if I'd had a bad day it ended up being a bad week then a bad month. With the PP system I feel a lot more in control. And it encourages healthy eating as all fresh fruit and most veggies have 0 points so you can eat your fill of those.
  • ChassityGetsFit
    ChassityGetsFit Posts: 173 Member
    I also did WW about 3 years ago and had lost 20 lbs, so it works great! they have changed the program a little since then but it's all the same principle! The points are figured based on carbs (I think), protein, fat, and fiber! So even though you don't really calculate the calories and protein and things the way you do her on MFP, you're still working toward a certain amount of each because it's figured into your points based on their science/math! The one thing that WW might be able to offer you that MFP can't is the weekly meetings and being to sit down with people and see people face to face for motivation and support! the one thing I loved about the meetings then was that they often handed out recipes and talked to us about our weight loss and what works and what doesn't! the people that work at WW are all people who have lost weight and reached their goal on WW, so they know what they are talking! In the end I think it's a matter of what being able to afford it, having people physically there to support you, and whether or not you want to take that extra step!