
I am determined to lose ONE FLIPPIN POUND this week! I have been here for 50 days... Lost one, gained two, lost two... STALL... I have completed the 30 day Shred... I lost a total 8.75 inches with the Shred.. I have moved onto No More Trouble Zones and other assorted Jillian workouts. I am eating healthy and eating most of my exercise calories back... WTH? Is it all going to fall off at once... I am cardioing my *kitten* off... Whew. I try to mix things up..ARRGGGHH! Thats not the pirate in me... Thats frustration.. Don't get me wrong I am VERY proud of my inches lost I am just wondering if and when I will lose #'s.. What choo think?


  • LettyGates
    If you're losing inches but not seeing the weight come off that probably means you're gaining muscle...and muscle weights more than fat. The true sign of fat loss is in inches being lost, and if you are definetly losing inches step off that scale and keep measuring. YOU'RE DOING GREAT!!!
  • bzr21
    bzr21 Posts: 13
    I too am one of those people who gain 1, lose2, gain 2 lose 1. I stay in the same area all the time and feel like the hard work is not paying off. I did not measure myself when I started MFP. Maybe I shoudl have, but I have noticed that my clothes are fitting better and that makes me feel great. I feel you on the lbs frustration. I tell myself that I am not going to get on the scale, but I cannot help it. I think I am addicted to it.
  • dkpruitt
    I just joined this week, but have lost over 100 lbs before now. I have found that just changing up something I have been doing for awhile will kick start my lbs lost. For example: Leaving out bananas or change my cardio to just walking for a few days.