I need snack/meal ideas...

Missy1021 Posts: 8 Member
edited September 24 in Food and Nutrition
Hi All,
I wanted to see if you guys had any suggestions on snacks and/or meals that are low cal but filling. It seems I am ALWAYS hungry (even after drinking a glass of water) and want to find some healthy snacks and meals that will keep me full but not use up my daily calorie allotment.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.



  • Hi,
    Kashi Bars are really good. The dark Chocolate coconut is really good . They are filling. I always have it with a glass of water. I cut up celery to.
  • natep
    natep Posts: 1
    Mini Cliff or Luna bars are great snacks and help you meet your nutrition goals for the day. That is what my wife and I use anyway. As for dinner Fish is good because you can eat a good amount of it to feel full without wrecking your work for the day. Hope this helps.
  • Schwaig
    Schwaig Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there, this is what I made for breakfast today. More of a meal than a snack! Its just like an egg mcmuffin. Super yummy, very filling and only 255 calories!!!

    Franz double fiber english muffin (toasted): cal 120
    laughing cow garlic herb lite cheese triangle cal 35
    2 slices kroger canadian bacon (microwaved): cal 30
    1 medium egg cooked in coffee cup in microwave: cal 70
    hot sauce: cal 0
  • yarinathan
    yarinathan Posts: 36 Member
    Currentlt I am into an apple with an orange and a mug of tea! Carrots with hummus with a glass of unsweeten iced tea!

    I used to be into LUNA bars with a glass of water. However I get bored pretty fast along with the lack of interest.

    Lack of interest and boredom are horrible for a healthy lifestyle.
  • brendajs
    brendajs Posts: 110 Member
    I don't know how you feel about prepared meals, but I keep a few Lean Cuisine 3 Meat Deep Dish pizzas in my freezer. This one is 390 calories (that's all I remember off the top of my head), tastes pretty good and is very filling. You could add a side salad or veggie for a few more calories if necessary. I cut the pizza into 8 pieces--just as I would a large pizza.

    Does the trick for me when I'm short on time and meal ideas/fixings! :smile:
  • yarinathan
    yarinathan Posts: 36 Member

    Franz double fiber english muffin (toasted): cal 120
    laughing cow garlic herb lite cheese triangle cal 35
    2 slices kroger canadian bacon (microwaved): cal 30
    1 medium egg cooked in coffee cup in microwave: cal 70
    hot sauce: cal 0

    Sounds YUMMY!!!! I think I might have to try this one morning!!!
  • Missy1021
    Missy1021 Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks all, i will definitely try those ideas...i can always go for a lean quisine pizza..and that breakfast sandwich sounds FABULOUS!
    if you have any more recipes you like or snack ideas, send them on over :smile:
  • maremare312
    maremare312 Posts: 1,143 Member
    To beat hunger I try to incorporate a fruit or veg plus protein into every meal or snack (a little fat is good for satiety too). A dietician told me that a long time ago and it's some of the best advice I've received.

    I love quaker rice cakes with a smear of peanut butter and a piece of fruit.
    Veggies and hummus, or hummus with rice crackers. Trader Joe's has mini rice crackers~37 for 130 calories with very low fat.
    Turkey slices rolled up with laughing cow
    I always forget to eat canned tuna but it's a great protein. Mix it up with a little light mayo, mustard, and some chopped onion/celery/carrots and plop it onto a salad, that salad is going to be much more filling!
    Peanut butter or almond butter on a banana is surprisingly filling
    A couple eggs scrambled with veggies/cheese/salsa. To lighten up use Egg beaters, or combo 1 whole egg plus egg whites. Eat with a corn tortilla (less cals than flour tortilla)
  • weightedfootsteps
    weightedfootsteps Posts: 4,349 Member
    at about 141 cals I have a buttermilk waffle and 1 T. chocolate frozen yogurt on top. It is absolutely delicious..My sis fell in love with my idea and had to go buy it...lol. You can eat some fruit with it to round it out some more...mmmmmm yummy :) as for a treat..sometimes I just keep some licorice around but I also eat celery with peanut butter and sometimes I know bad and a mini icecream sandwich that is at 100 cals. Hard to stop at one...lol I've also had those 100 cal snacks. They aren't bad..but they usually don't do it for me. Good luck!!! There are lots of great suggestions on here for you :)
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