I'm a few days new, I'm Tanya and startin to get the hang of this.


  • thinspire_me
    Hi Tanya! Aka Mom!
    I'm really glad you joined this site. Now we can lose weight and transform ourselves into sexier more beautiful ladies together.
    We got this!
    Love you. <3
  • thinspire_me
    Bump. (:
  • Kay148
    It nice to meet you Tanya.
    We are all in this together and are here to support one another.
  • cookingcriolla
    Hey Tanya and Welcome to you and your daughter. I'm sure you'll love this site. There are some great tools and suggestions but what makes it great are the members, they are there for you to help keep you motivated, to celebrate your victories or just for a good laugh! I love to go to the success boards and read the awesome successes of some of the members and it's fee!!! LOL.

    Good luck to you and your daughter and like she said, you've got this!!!
  • tanyatucker
    thankyou so much, it really is harder than anything.
  • danilandry
    danilandry Posts: 48 Member
    Aww thats so cute that you are a mother/daughter team on losing weight. You've inspired me to tell my mom about this website, even though I'm away at college.
  • tanyatucker
    thankyou, as I get more used to this site I like it more and more and you're right, it does
    help to get the support. thanks alot
  • tanyatucker
    that works, my daughter is in the Army in CA and I'm in Ohio, so it still works.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi Tanya, welcome to MFP. Glad you've come.