Suddenly Cant Catch my Breath

Has anyone else ever NOT been able to catch your breath? About a week ago, I laid down for the night and couldnt get a good deep breath. I couldnt catch my breath even though I hadnt done anything strenuous. I got out of bed, walked around, and stepped outside into the cold air and after about 10 minutes I was able to get a good yawn and catch my breath.

Last night, the same thing happened, but it hasnt improved. I tried colder air, my daughter's cool mist humdifier, drinking water...nothing helps. I cant get a good, DEEP breath. I get a little light-headed after a while, but Im able to hold a conversation perfectly fine. I just feel short of breath.
I had a panic attack once, and it sort of feels like that kind of shallow breathing without the whole panic part. I looked online and it just says panic attacks or an allergic reaction but im certain its neither of those things.
My husband suggested I may have pulled a muscle in my back or my chest, and i DO have some muscle soreness in my left shoulder-blade. Could a pulled back muscle cause shortness of breath?

Im exhausted and cant imagine another night without sleep. :( Anyone have other ideas or suggestions?


  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    Do you have diabetes? I get like this when my blood sugar is high.
  • lbarnett300
  • LyonInLondon
    LyonInLondon Posts: 41 Member
    Sounds like you're possibly hyperventilating ... try breathing into a small bag. Have your blood pressure checked.

    I'm not a doctor - just seen something similar before. Best to see your doctor in any case as it's happened more than once.

    Oh and the muscle cramps is because with the shortness of breath, no new oxygen is getting to the muscles and so it's using up it's calcium stores and that leads eventually to cramps and muscle soreness.
  • rdy2begin
    i suffer from asthma and triggered panic attacks (not fun) so to me this sounds familiar or possible acid reflux ? I am not sure but panic attacks do have these affects your best bet would be to see your Dr. :) Best of wishes
  • amylary
    amylary Posts: 46 Member
    for sure call dr can be a sign of soothing more serious especially with arm pain and tiredness
  • Grace76


    If you're not doing anything strenuous to cause some shortness of breath it is serious. Does it hurt to breathe?
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member

    DO THIS!
    Why would you not? If it were your kid you wouldn't be googling!
    i have been a emt for 6 yrs and found than pain you can live with breathing you can not... if you get to the point you get dizzy then you need to see a doctor and if it happened twice you need to see one now. your body is trying to tell you something. your body might be talking now but if there is something real that is wrong then next time it might yell at you and it might be too late.

    look i am not trying to be a *kitten* but not being able to breath is not a good thing.
  • noiinteam
    noiinteam Posts: 92 Member
    i have same symptoms when experencing anxiety.. which leads me to panic attacks..... good luck
  • DawnMarie1970
    DawnMarie1970 Posts: 97 Member

  • ✿KẙMb529✿
    It could be a number of things.. It sounds similar to some symptoms my sister experienced with hyperthyroidism. Definitely call your doctor.
  • Christyp123


    If you're not doing anything strenuous to cause some shortness of breath it is serious. Does it hurt to breathe?
    Could be a sign of something serious. Make an appt ASAP. If not, go to urgent care.
  • radarseven
    radarseven Posts: 50 Member
    This happens to me occasionally too. I've been to the doctor about it and he said it was stress related. When it happens now I just try not to focus on my breathing too much (as thinking about it tends to make it worse), and I try different techniques for lowering my stress levels generally. I find that it will go away within a week. I know how you feel though, it's really uncomfortable.

    Having said all that, definitely go see a doctor for a professional opinion.

    Cheers. :)
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    it sounds like you were hyberventilating, I used to get it then it brought on a panic attack. The only time it happened was right before I went to bed.
  • katbass
    katbass Posts: 351 Member
    I dont have diabetes.

    I am not hyperventilating in the traditional "oh-my-gosh-i-cant-breathe-im-gonna-pass-out-oh-my-gosh-im-dying-and-everything-is-going-black" sort of way. I can talk normally. I have no chest pain. I have no weakness or numbness. Im a pretty healthy person. I ran for an hour on the treadmill yesterday and did 55 minutes of HIIT the day before without ever feeling like I couldnt catch my breath. It doesnt seem to be exercise-related. And Im not anxious or in a panic about anything, so I dont think its a panic attack.

    Thats whats so weird. Ive been trying to catch a good, deep breath or a yawn since about 10pm last night. And just when I think Ive reached that great yawn that "catches" my breath, it starts all over again. I thought about calling my doctor but they'd send me to the ER...and I know its not anything SERIOUS like aheart attack. I just wonder if a pulled back muscle could really hinder breathing. Its almost like I got the wind sucked out of my lungs.
  • Cmuchoa
    Cmuchoa Posts: 161 Member
    Call yr doctor or go to the ER asap.
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    I would call your doctor. It may be nothing but it could be serious and you should get it checked. It could be blood clots or walking pnemonia. I would get it checked. At least call and see what they say.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member

    I know its not anything SERIOUS like aheart attack.

    which would you rather - be sure that it's not because of what people write on here? Or find out it was?

    seek medical help. You can last forever with a pulled muscle, you can't last long without breathing.
  • p1xelate
    p1xelate Posts: 141 Member

    I agree!! This doesn't sound right and you should see your doctor as soon as you can.
  • katbass
    katbass Posts: 351 Member
    Ok, now I MIGHT have a panic attack haha! It doesnt FEEL like a big deal but I agree that it doesnt hurt to call the doc. Sure there is nooo way it could just be a pulled muscle?! :tongue: