Any other early dinner people?

krisvtx8777 Posts: 163
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
I eat my dinner at 4:00 usually. I do this because when I don't- I seem to come home and want to eat everything in the house!
If I make dinner for everyone and I have already eaten, I'm fine.
But if I try to wait and say ok I'll just eat a small portion of what I make then I usually end up eating more than I should still.

Occasionally things change and I end up having to eat later. But- I used to pick up my kids from school and come home and eat a ton of snacks and THEN eat dinner on top of it....I know this is why the weight went on. Its still sometimes hard to walk in the door and not start looking around-bad habits are hard to break! But eating dinner as soon as I get home is all that helps me.

Does anyone else eat early or before your family?? Do you feel it affects time with your family at all?

I don't feel it does for me since I usually am sitting down with them or around the table while they eat anyhow...
I'm curious if it's helped anyone else with their weight loss.


  • toloseme
    toloseme Posts: 40 Member
    When I'm at home, I eat around 3:30-4PM, but right now I eat anywhere from 6 - 8 PM because I'm on vacation for a few months at a friend's place. For me the time I eat dinner really depends on when I got up (I work from home so I don't have a set schedule I have to keep), ate breakfast, ate lunch, etc. Tonight I know I'll be eating around 6:30 because I'll be eating with some friends at a church function.

    I find that eating early works fine for me because the whole household eats at the same time. If they didn't it would be more difficult for me to deal with because when other people are eating, I want to eat. LOL
  • cerysrhi
    cerysrhi Posts: 262
    I eat early because its the tea time for the children I look after and for my son (About 4.30) I eat little and often so I eat tea with them and the about 7 i will have my evening snack then thats me done for the day x
  • nbct08
    nbct08 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm a teacher and find that eating early keeps me from eating snacks as well. I'm not a night-time eater anyway, so once I've had my healthy dinner I'm set for the evening.
  • p1xelate
    p1xelate Posts: 141 Member
    At 4:00 I am hungry and ready for something to eat especially on the days I work out. I have little pre portioned baggies of homemade trail mix in my car so that are yummy and filling. (variety of dried fruit and sunflower seeds) If I get that I want to eat everything feeling I eat a bag of trail mix and it helps me get to where I can make better decisions. I have to eat at that time every day even if it just some fruit or something. My bf isn't home until 6:45ish so I eat dinner when he gets home.
  • I get home @ 3:30 M-Thurs ~ I'm hungry and seem to go straight for the pantry! I work out shortly after a snack and after that I'm starving! We do not eat dinner until 7-7:30 b/c of the time my hubby gets home (he does our cooking) Since joining this site, it's for sure helped me keep up with how many calories I take in a day. Since I am not a big breakfast eater, I usually have plenty of calories left by late afternoon. Not sure that that is a good thing though... Oh how I wish I enjoyed or even liked to cook, we could eat earlier if so(sometimes). But, with my husbands different shift schedules it would never be the same time everyday...
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