I eat the right amount and i feel like I'm starving!

Nerdlover12 Posts: 10 Member
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise
I eat 1,200 calories a day. Plenty of whole grains,lean meats, good carbs, fruits and vegetables but between lunch and dinner i feel like I'm starving. I was so hungry when i got home from classes at 3 that i broke into my room mates rice krispy stash. I ate 5, they were small but now i feel guilty so i had a slim fast shake for dinner because i don't want to go over my calorie limit. I only have 10 pounds i want to lose. I exercise a lot but yet after 2 months i don't see a difference so i got frustrated and lowered my calorie intake but that doesn't seem to be working because i constantly feel hungry even when i haven't exercised in a couple days.



  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Eat the exercise calories....no wonder your starving
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Are you eating your exercise calories? If you're only trying to lose 10 pounds, I would adjust your settings here. Just change your goals.
  • hubbardmm
    hubbardmm Posts: 34 Member
    try looking for foods that have more quantties and same cal count
  • kmeekhof
    kmeekhof Posts: 456 Member
    I have the opposite problem.... I cant get enough calories and fell full.. and like I am constantly eating!!!! I actually feel like I eat more now that I am logging than I did before. (I've always eaten fairly healthy)
  • Tuckersn
    Tuckersn Posts: 149
    I couldn't sit at the net calories of 1200 . . . I ended up binging every few days . . . up the calories, keep the healthy stuff; 1200 net calories is so extreme, you'll still lose weight if you up it.
  • hubbardmm
    hubbardmm Posts: 34 Member
    Are you eating your exercise calories? If you're only trying to lose 10 pounds, I would adjust your settings here. Just change your goals.
    eat excerise calories doesnt that defeat the point of the exercise
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Are you eating your exercise calories? If you're only trying to lose 10 pounds, I would adjust your settings here. Just change your goals.
    eat excerise calories doesnt that defeat the point of the exercise

    Not if you are at a deficit for calories...1200 is the minimum you should be eating
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    Are you drinking enough water? Sometimes you feel like you're hungry but, really are dehydrated!
  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    Well if you're starving then obviously you aren't eating the right amount lol
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    If you eat 1200 calories but exercise a lot and don't eat some of those exercise calories, it will not help you lose weight. It will put you in starvation mode and you won't lose at all.
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 948 Member
    I just dont get it. I have 1616 calories remaining tonight after my workout. Teres no way I can eat all that. What do I do?
  • david081
    david081 Posts: 489 Member
    What exercise are you doing, and is it enough? I can't eat all my exercise calories (I sometimes do over 2000 a day) but always eat at least my limit, and sometimes a bit more. I so far lost 18lbs in 46 days - we don't all react to the same exact regime - try eating 25% or 50% of your exercise calories and see if anything changes

    best regards, David
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    double post
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    I just dont get it. I have 1616 calories remaining tonight after my workout. Teres no way I can eat all that. What do I do?

    You don't have to eat all the calories; but, you should still be taking in 1200 calories minimum every day
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 948 Member
    play wallyball every wednesday night. You burn 1165 calories.
  • If you know that your are eating all the right portions and servings and such and still feeling like you are starving and you are at your calorie limit, it is really not a big deal. Drink some water (trying to make sure that you have had your 8 glass of water really helps me with the starvation feeling) so that there is something in your stomach and you then don't feel so hungry, and then go for a walk or something burn off some of those calories, so that you can replace them later or, eat and go for a walk or something and burn off those calories you are over.
    Just because it says that you should eat 1,200 calories does not mean once you hit 1,200 calories you have to stop eating, it means at the end of the day you should be around 1,200 calories even with the excercise that gets done. So you can actually eat, say 1,800 calories as long as you try to burn 600 of those calories with some sort of activity though out the day. 1,800-600 is still 1,200 calories for the day.


    Eat food with less calories so you can eat more during the day, like if you have a 100 calorie snack pack of some sort pack a veggie tray and a peice of fruit instead so you can eat more without going over.

    Best of Luck :flowerforyou:
  • ace175
    ace175 Posts: 518 Member
    Are you eating your exercise calories? If you're only trying to lose 10 pounds, I would adjust your settings here. Just change your goals.
    eat excerise calories doesnt that defeat the point of the exercise

    Not if you are at a deficit for calories...1200 is the minimum you should be eating

    1200 should be the minimum for NET calories?
  • cathyv0409
    cathyv0409 Posts: 230 Member
    I agree with the poster that said maybe you need more water. I always thought that was crazy but now that I drink 80-100 ounces of water a day I'm rarely starving. It is worth a shot.
  • eating4balance
    eating4balance Posts: 743 Member
    You should probably cut down on your calories per meal, but add in small snacks in between.

    Also try upping your protein and fiber amounts.

    This is a normal day for me (1200 calories)

    Breakfast: 200
    -1/4 cup egg beaters
    - 1 T Peanut Butter
    - 2 Slices light wheat bread

    -Tomatoes, diced
    -2 ounces of grilled chicken
    -Baby carrots
    -100 calorie almond pack

    Snack: 200
    -Low sodium tuna packet
    -Fuji apple

    Dinner: 310
    -Tilapia grilled (2 oz)
    - 1 T Peanut butter
    - 1/2 cup fiber one cereal
    - Green beans

    Snack: 190
    Zone protein bar
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