New Mom on a mission

Hello, I am new to this site. I had my first baby girl 6 weeks ago, lost all of my pregancy weight, but there was a little more loven to me to begin with. I have a strong goal, before we get pregnant with baby #2. I am hopen this site will help, along with worken out, eating right, and pushing myself.
:flowerforyou: Here is to hopen to reach my goal in 10 months....


  • DoneWithTheFatGirl
    You came to the right place!! Best of luck to you hon!
  • adriperez
    Congratulations on becoming a new mom. I myself had, and up until recently, have had a hard time losing the weight. My son is now 5 years old. Never really commited myself to a weighloss plan. But with MFP, Ive lost 10 pounds.
    So you are on the right path, I know you will lose that baby weight in no time. Good luck!