Maintenance - Are there any people at goal and starting the

I got my goal 2 weigh ins ago and am starting on the rocky path of keeping it off. Need to set weekly goals, air frustrations, bask in successes.

Anyone out there to join in?

So far I have reached almost a pound under goal weight and lost a smidgeon last week. Increasing calories to find my breaking point. Who knows where that will be but for now I am enjoying a little more day by day.

Any one else doing this?


  • brityn
    brityn Posts: 443 Member
    I'm maintaining now. I can't ever remember being happy with my weight! It's a very strange transition. You'll have to learn not to feel guilty about it. Enjoy!
  • dragonbug300
    dragonbug300 Posts: 760 Member
    Yes. I'm now four pounds under my goal weight. But suddenly my appetite is sky-high and I'm filling myself with junk food. I can't figure out that good balance between exercise/eating.... I love both so much, but they run my life!
    So I'm trying to set weekly goals, too. I just don't know where to start. There's so much I need to improve on. I'd love a maintenance buddy :-)
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    I've been maintenance since nov, but i've gone way under.. trouble breaking the weight loss mind set. Starting today actually someone is helping me add a ton in.
    Ill add you.. few maintainers I feel like!

    Congrats on reaching your goal btw :)
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    Yes. I'm now four pounds under my goal weight. But suddenly my appetite is sky-high and I'm filling myself with junk food. I can't figure out that good balance between exercise/eating.... I love both so much, but they run my life!
    So I'm trying to set weekly goals, too. I just don't know where to start. There's so much I need to improve on. I'd love a maintenance buddy :-)

    I didn't know where to start either, Just sat down with someone yesterday to see what you do for maintenance. Ill add you!
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    I reached my Goal Weight (145) on October 6, 2010 I have stayed within 5 pounds of that since then, I am currently at 147.
    I have not really figured it al out yet, but am working on continuing my Exercise, and eating healthy.
  • Adsnwfld
    Adsnwfld Posts: 262 Member
    Just started to maintain. I could lose a few more I guess, but this was my goal weight and I want to see if I can hold it here.
  • verbifyvenus
    verbifyvenus Posts: 175 Member
    In the same boat as all of you. Now I can actually ENJOY working out and not worry so much about how many calories I'm burning. As well, it's normal to have a few pounds gain or loss from week to week.

    My new goals are running a 10K next weekend and a half marathon in May :)

    Any one of you feel free to add me :)
  • jbug100
    jbug100 Posts: 406 Member
    I'm there. I reached my goal weight of 145 about a month ago, and I'm trying to lose a little more, but also working on maintenance.
    In general, I'm eating about 200 cals more than when I was actively losing. I really wish I could maintain without having to think about food and calories so much. I want it to be second nature. Do you think this will ever happen? Maybe it will always have to be a conscious effort.
  • verbifyvenus
    verbifyvenus Posts: 175 Member
    I reached my Goal Weight (145) on October 6, 2010 I have stayed within 5 pounds of that since then, I am currently at 147.
    I have not really figured it al out yet, but am working on continuing my Exercise, and eating healthy.

    What an amazing weight loss! Good for you!
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    I hit goal Sep 2010, and then decided to go for 5 more (vanity weight, LOL!). Now I'm thinking of taking another couple off since I have stubborn belly fat that just doesn't want to let go. :grumble:

    It's not easy. It's tempting to loosen up TOO much, since, hey, I'm done, right? Wrong! I still have to be vigilant, and I still log food and exercise every day. But it's much easier now in a way, since eating right and exercising are practically a built-in habit versus something I have to think about too much. So that's nice.

    By the way, there is already a Maintenance thread here in the Motovation section. Search around and you'll find it. We discuss these very difficulties. Congratulations on your goal and welcome to the club! :drinker:
  • duckdogs
    duckdogs Posts: 31 Member
    Well looks like we will need a bigger boat :laugh: Lots of good support to chose from.

    What I have been doing so far is heavily relying on my diet calculator here. I diarize everything thing I eat and do and stay within the allowable calorie count. I lost my weight with Jenny Craig and their philosophy is eating regular food in controlled portions voluminize with free veggie and exercise. This trained me to accept all food as ok as I ate what I loved and still lost. Now I am slowly adding calories to my day to see where my breaking point will be. So this week I am taking in 1700 for 5 days and 1500 for 2. Next week will be full on 1700 and the week after adding more to the point of gaining or my threshold, if you will.

    Who would have thought I would be so scientifical :wink:

    I have purchased a WII and with my doggie walking team I have the exercise portion down pat.

    Life is good when you are driving a "sports car" with the top down full out. Never thought I would be interested in nice skinny jeans, slinky dresses and EXERCISE:bigsmile:

    Life is good and my new bathing suit is waiting. Motorhome comes out of hybernation middle April and we will be lounging by the lake sooooon.

    Got to go fire up the WII

    Have a great day all and BEEEEE GOOD!
