I think I can....but why aren't I?

onealz Posts: 4 Member
edited September 19 in Motivation and Support
I have wanted this weight loss for a long time. I want about 30-40 pounds off. I want to look better, feel better and catch hubby's eye like the past....ie: skinny days. I have so much want, but no ambition because I am one that tends to want fast results. Does anyone haveany ideas for a mom of 5 with no energy for exersise and no stamina left to count calories so I really can do this finally!!!!


  • onealz
    onealz Posts: 4 Member
    I have wanted this weight loss for a long time. I want about 30-40 pounds off. I want to look better, feel better and catch hubby's eye like the past....ie: skinny days. I have so much want, but no ambition because I am one that tends to want fast results. Does anyone haveany ideas for a mom of 5 with no energy for exersise and no stamina left to count calories so I really can do this finally!!!!
  • lagavica
    lagavica Posts: 25 Member
    :flowerforyou: Come on, just start registering every thing that you eat, it will give you an idea of the total of your intake to start making better choices. Good luck
  • I know this is probably going to be the answer everyone gives you: but you gotta just DO IT!
    I got on here, lost 20 pounds, stopped, binged, and gained it back in less time than it took me to lose it.
    I'm in your same position, almost. I don't have kids- I'm only a student. But I'm in a musical that runs from 6-10 PM, and I'm taking classes that are 2 or 3 years beyond what an average student would take. I also play 2 instruments, and have lessons to give and lessons to take. I run on about 4 hours of sleep a day, but I find the little things to make me exercise:
    -Walk to work
    -Get the kids involved (dance around) and
    -For dinner, keep it light- veggies and chicken are my favorite.

    Always think about your kids- I use my peers for motivation. Don't you want the best? I want to BE the best, and with your kids, you want them to HAVE the best.
  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member
    I imagine that as the mother of 5 you move plenty. Just start logging the food and see where you are compared to your recommeded calories. You'll know when it's time to make the next step.

    Welcome, you're going to do great.
  • onealz
    onealz Posts: 4 Member
    That makes a lot of sense. It seems like a huge job, but I need to quit thinking of it as a job, rather....a new way of life. Thanks!:flowerforyou:
  • stop making excuses, and just do it, there is no easier way. I got really sick and i started losing weight from that, so i guess i got a little push. but wow u will feel amazing after those first few pounds come off.
  • GoGetterMom
    GoGetterMom Posts: 852 Member
    Hi there! I am a mom of 4 (20, 17, 12 &9)... Wow they grow fast. I started really getting a cardio program going about 1 1/2 years ago because the older my kids got, the faster & more active they got. I couldn't out run them anymore and I didn't like that.... My goal was not weight loss, it was to increase my energy level and out run them (yes... ALL of them).

    After the first 15 days or so, I noticed more energy. (Please keep in mind I am a HUGE proponent of supplementing with high quality multivitamin/multimineral too - and NO not the stuff from Costco.)

    After about 4 months, I could outrun all of them. It felt so good and I felt so energized (not even wanting to take a nap at all) that I kept going. I kept running on the elliptical and Arc Trainer and in the first year I lost 50 inches. I never really kept track of weight, but did inches. I felt o good, I have kept going.

    It was huge for me to find this site because I am able to count my calories (and exercise calories), visit with others and get great feedback. Now my goal is to drop 2 pant sizes by Christmas and get back in my old wardrobe next summer.

    I know it will happen. Does it take time, sure... But like those 5 kiddos you have, all good things come with a wait time. We live in an instant gratification society and look where it got us. Your goals are within reach and getting them the right way should be part of your goal. It is worth it. I put notes up around myself to remind me, I have the friends here to remind me and a bunch of kids I shared my goals with so they can help me.... I even have a note on the visor of my truck. You can do this!

    Don't be hard on yourself because it doesn't happen overnight. It took some time to get to where you are, at least give yourself time to take it off....

    Blessings of Success!
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    Just jump in. I find now, after being here for 6 months, I don't even have to log my foods, I know what and how much to eat. Sometimes I still log but not always and I am still consistently losing weight. You can do this, you said you want it so just do it. Think of fyour family that you do so much for. Think of this as something that will benefit not only you but your family as well. Involve your kids. Teach them how to eat healthy and excercise regularly so they NEVER have to go through what you're going through.

    I know this sounds weird but one thing I've found is that losing weight is EASY. There. I said it. It's actually really really easy. I never ever thought I could lose this much weight, especially in such short a time period! And ya, I mess up, I eat pizza and I've been known to cheat with ice cream, but a little cheating isn't going to ruin everything. You CAN do this... just DO IT.

    PS- welcome and good luck! We are all here for you! :flowerforyou:
  • Hi there - I'm not a mom, but what really helped me to get the ball rolling, was logging in my food intake under the "food" tab...Wish you the best :flowerforyou:
  • jenn10
    jenn10 Posts: 161
    Hi I am a mom of 5 also and it was really hard for me to get started too- I started by asking my husband to point out people I was shaped like to see myself through his eyes-- I know that is not a regular thing to do - but I started convincing myself I wasn't that bad off - but after I got the outside view--gross time to work! It helped me - if you don't want to ask your husband ask a friend who will be very honest with you and aslo -- dig out an old "good " photo of you when you were happiest with your looks and make copy after copy and plaster the fridge and your closet - I have an old bathing suit pic and it really keeps me focused because i have it taped next to the now bathing suit pic! I was so cute! now I'm not ! and the candy bar in the fridge is not going to get me there!
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    Hi I am a mom of 5 also and it was really hard for me to get started too- I started by asking my husband to point out people I was shaped like to see myself through his eyes-- I know that is not a regular thing to do - but I started convincing myself I wasn't that bad off - but after I got the outside view--gross time to work! It helped me - if you don't want to ask your husband ask a friend who will be very honest with you and aslo -- dig out an old "good " photo of you when you were happiest with your looks and make copy after copy and plaster the fridge and your closet - I have an old bathing suit pic and it really keeps me focused because i have it taped next to the now bathing suit pic! I was so cute! now I'm not ! and the candy bar in the fridge is not going to get me there!

    lol I'm glad that that worked for you but if I asked my guy to do that the wedding would definitely be off! I don't take criticism very well:grumble: lol
  • "Without ambition one starts nothing. Without work one finishes nothing. The prize will not be sent to you. You have to win it. " ---Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Please don't take this this wrong way....all I am saying is we all wish we didn't have to do the things we do to lose weight....but we have to. And this is a great site....so try it, you just might like it!:wink:
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