Off Topic, Sorry! Valerian Root

I was just wondering if anyone has taken this all natural remedy for relaxtion or sleep issues??? I have a bottle and I'm afraid to try it, but I've been having anxiety issues worse lately. I know this isn't really a weight loss topic, but it does have to do with health, and if anyone has any insight it would be greatly appreciated! Thanks :)


  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    are you on any medication for anxiety? or any anxiety at all? i'd suggest talking to a pharmacist if taking any meds for possible drug interactions.
  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Hey :) I recently got off of the prescription maybe I should wait a few more days before trying it. I've only been off the other stuff for like 2 days. Chamomile tea is just not cutting
  • Randee75
    Randee75 Posts: 234
    I used to take valerian all the time and its will get a great nights sleep. Stinks like dirty feet but it really is good!
  • david081
    david081 Posts: 489 Member
    Chamomile tea puts my blood pressure up - can you smoke Valerian..?
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,082 Member
    If you bought the powder or whole plant, you can mix it in your green tea. Some teas already have it in them, too. I used to have a lot of anxiety......Best thing for me was my journal and exercise and cutting out caffeine and sugar.

    I agree about the anti-anxiety meds, though - bad to combine them with any OTC herbs without the knowledge and approval of your doc or pharmacist.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,082 Member
    Oh, I see you just quit smoking! Congrats! That will cause all kinds of weird things for a while, both physically and psychologically.

    When I quit smoking, I had problems with this. Try some deep breathing exercises too. When you smoked, you regulated your breathing by taking deep breaths to inhale smoke. I found that I tended to hold my breath or take shallower breaths after I stopped smoking. I still have to make an effort to take deep breaths when I feel anxiety.

    It is tied to Flight/Fight. Prey animals will either bolt when there is danger, or stop moving completely. (You've seen bunnies and birds and deer "freeze", right?)

    Humans have this same flight or fight response - and it is tied to breath-holding. Fear/anxiety can cause the initial breath holding, which just increases the anxiety.

    Whenever you feel anxious, take five really deep breaths - the kind that make your lower abdomen extend. Hold each breath no longer than three or four seconds and exhale FULLY. If you don't exhale fully, carbon dioxide can build up causing anxiety and headaches.

    This is another reason why exercise helps - regulates your breathing.

    I learned this from Scuba diving instruction.

    Good luck!!

  • adhillman01
    I'm in pharmacy school right now and I just checked the Natural Standard for some information for you. There is "unclear or conflicting scientific evidence" supporting the efficacy of Valerian. So it might work, it might not. I would wait a little while before starting to take it to make sure that the prescription drugs you were taking are out of your system. Are you stopping your prescription medications under the supervision of a doctor? I would definitely suggest talking to your doctor before stopping anti-anxiety or sleeping medications. Also taking it with other medications that cause sedation (alcohol, benzodiazepines etc) may increase it's sedative effect and are not recommended. I highly suggest you speak with your doctor before taking this, but that's just the pharmacist in me.
    Oh yeah, and the best anxiety medication is exercise! Good job on quitting smoking, I know I was a bundle of nerves when I quit. Keep at it.
  • JBennis1013
    JBennis1013 Posts: 377 Member
    I have sleepy time extra tea that has it in it! It is awesome!!
  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Oh, I see you just quit smoking! Congrats! That will cause all kinds of weird things for a while, both physically and psychologically.

    When I quit smoking, I had problems with this. Try some deep breathing exercises too. When you smoked, you regulated your breathing by taking deep breaths to inhale smoke. I found that I tended to hold my breath or take shallower breaths after I stopped smoking. I still have to make an effort to take deep breaths when I feel anxiety.

    It is tied to Flight/Fight. Prey animals will either bolt when there is danger, or stop moving completely. (You've seen bunnies and birds and deer "freeze", right?)

    Humans have this same flight or fight response - and it is tied to breath-holding. Fear/anxiety can cause the initial breath holding, which just increases the anxiety.

    Whenever you feel anxious, take five really deep breaths - the kind that make your lower abdomen extend. Hold each breath no longer than three or four seconds and exhale FULLY. If you don't exhale fully, carbon dioxide can build up causing anxiety and headaches.

    This is another reason why exercise helps - regulates your breathing.

    I learned this from Scuba diving instruction.

    Good luck!!

    Thanks so much :) Very good advice
  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I'm in pharmacy school right now and I just checked the Natural Standard for some information for you. There is "unclear or conflicting scientific evidence" supporting the efficacy of Valerian. So it might work, it might not. I would wait a little while before starting to take it to make sure that the prescription drugs you were taking are out of your system. Are you stopping your prescription medications under the supervision of a doctor? I would definitely suggest talking to your doctor before stopping anti-anxiety or sleeping medications. Also taking it with other medications that cause sedation (alcohol, benzodiazepines etc) may increase it's sedative effect and are not recommended. I highly suggest you speak with your doctor before taking this, but that's just the pharmacist in me.
    Oh yeah, and the best anxiety medication is exercise! Good job on quitting smoking, I know I was a bundle of nerves when I quit. Keep at it.

    Thankyou for looking it up :) I will give it a few more days before trying it out....I did talk to the doctor about stopping the prescriptions and I weaned off, but I had only been on them for a couple months so it didn't take long to get off of them :) I have generalized anxiety disorder, and it doesn't seem to get any better with any of the medications I have tried...sooo gonna try some herbal! lol Thanks again :)

    And thankyou to everyone else. I appreciate the support and the 1st hand experiences. :flowerforyou:
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    I take it about once a week. Another great night time remedy is chamomile tea...very relaxing. I try to use herbs instead of over the counter meds. as often as possible.
  • rachswann
    rachswann Posts: 27 Member
    The same thing happened to me when I quit smoking 4 years ago. I would stay up all night with panic attacks. Once a panic attack starts (at least with me), nothing works. I refuse to take prescription meds for it, it's fight or flight. I just fight it until it goes away. Of course, that's just me. Everyone is different. During the day, try taking some Kava Kava. That did seem to settle me down a bit. I've been ok for about a year now, so it will get better! I think if people who smoke realized exactly what they do to your body, they would have never started. I did love the damn things though; so I try to be understanding. Keep up the good work!
  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Thankyou :) Never heard of Kava Kava that sold at the pharmacy or is it something I would need to go to a health food store for??
  • rachswann
    rachswann Posts: 27 Member
    I'm in VA and got mine at a health food store. GNC would probably have it as well. I always have a few with me, even doing that makes me feel more at ease. Good Luck and hang in there!
  • adhillman01
    I took an ethnopharmacology class (pharmacology of natural medicine basically). After sitting through this class I came away with one important point "Just because it's natural, it doesn't make it safe." There are lots of herbal drugs that have been found to not be safe and herbals are not regulated by the FDA. Just be careful about what you are taking, even if it's an herbal.
  • adhillman01
    I just checked on Kava root and we also had a lecture on it during a class. It has an A rating for anxiety meaning there is strong scientific evidence of its efficacy. It is rated as "possibly safe" when taken over a short 1-2 month period and at doses less than 300mg. BUT it is not recommended ("possibly unsafe") to be taken for more than 1-2 months due to possible liver toxicity. It was used as prescription medication in some countries, but was pulled off of the market due to safety concerns. The FDA has also issued warnings on it to consumers and physicians. We learned in our lecture that it is actually used recreationally in many countries. Sorry to keep posting on this, but it is kinda my area of specialty.
  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Thanks for checking that out for me :) I will call my doctor and double check before I take anything. I was just curious if anyone had any success :) Thanks again everyone
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I take it about once a week. Another great night time remedy is chamomile tea...very relaxing. I try to use herbs instead of over the counter meds. as often as possible.
