I look as fat as ever

I started this 2 months ago and have since lost nearly 24 pounds.. I've been feeling So much thinner and prettier... Well while walking to the store I passed by one of those buildings that has reflective windows and saw my reflection... I still look fat and "rolly". Don't get me wrong, this is just motivation to continue BUT I feel a bit sad that I dint look nearly as good as I was thinking.


  • GraciellaEsther
    Yeah me too! but keep with it and look back at old pics that helps us feel better about us now :)
  • Reka2011
    Reka2011 Posts: 134 Member
    Those reflection mirrors can be wrong. Keep the motivation and dont give up!! I'm sure You have noticable changes!! Keep it up!!
  • brenda_allport
    Never trust those mirrors. Their design is just stupid! Im sure you are doing great.
  • jmwolffyy
    jmwolffyy Posts: 212 Member
    I have only lost 8 pounds, but I have had two people tell me they can see a difference already. I don't see it. At all. BUT I was also told I will be the last person to see it. I know that doesn't help a lot, but I bet if you ran into someone who hasn't seen you since you started, they would definitely notice the changes!
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,239 Member
    Ya, those mirrors are not designed to give a clear reflection, they are sort of like funhouse mirrors with their distorted pic. Keep it up, you have lost a good amount.
  • Tammysueless
    Don't lose hope! I know where you are comming from. A couple of years ago I lost 40 lbs but only went down, just barley, 1 pant size. I was so discuraged and thought that i just might as well get used to being 'a big girl' cause I was never gonna get thin. I really wish i would have kept going because my body was just getting started but instead i gave up.

    well not this time around! We will do this and in the end we will live much better! One meal, One pound, One mile, One Day at a Time!!
  • GinaKurtz
    GinaKurtz Posts: 228 Member
    You always look better when you feel better! We are our own worst critic too. I know what you mean though. I feel like that lots!
  • MobiusMan
    MobiusMan Posts: 385 Member
    you're absolutely beautiful and you have beautiful children. What more could anyone ask. find an old picture and compare, i'll bet you view changes.
  • stinago
    to be fair, those things are all sorts of distorted. It's not really showing you what you're looking like. AND besides, if you feel good, you look good.
  • zacherybinx
    zacherybinx Posts: 215 Member
    Trust yourself and how you feel and not what you see or how you think you appear.
  • jimmydeanbakker
    Lol. You're judging your looks based on your reflection off a glass building? You might as well went into one of those fun-house mirror rooms or something. Just keep on logging and losing, and you'll meet your weight-loss goals.
  • AnneRenee155
    AnneRenee155 Posts: 4 Member
    i know how you feel...going from 240 to 230 to 220 make a big difference in clothing size, but I didn't feel normal-ish until i was closer to 210...Depending on how tall you, give yourself 10 more pounds and you'll see it! Trust me! And those mirrors make everyone look rolly :)
  • us05
    us05 Posts: 54
    Im struggling to see a difference in me, but I have only lost 4kgs.... Hubby reckons he can, the rolls on my back are dissapearing.

    Im feeling alot better with exercise and a better diet without so many carb or rubbish food