Do you fell great at the gym...until you take a skinny frien

Sams111 Posts: 7
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
I have been working out about 6 times a week doing different classes like spin and Zumba. I usually go by myself unless my boyfriend goes to spin with me, but tonight I brought one of my best friends. (Who is thin and pretty active) And I felt like crap! Even though I work out with skinny fit people all the time it only seems to bother me if they are my friends. Am I alone here?


  • skinimin
    skinimin Posts: 252 Member
    I don't think you would be alone, I dont go to gym for my workouts but I think everyone feels bad about themselves when they compare them self to another person. My advice would be don't compare yourself, your friends size is nothing to do with you and her being skinny doesnt mean you've made any less progress. It also doesn't make what you're doing any less valid or pointless, youre trying to improve your health. At the end of the day I think that's the most important thing, it's still hard being around skinny friends but try to focus on yourself and all the handwork and progress you're making.
  • Don't think about it in the way that your skinny friend does have to try to maintain her weight or that this stuff is just easier for her. But try to think of it as she is there to support you or to motivate you. Just think of it the "One day soon, this well be just as easy for me as it is for her or even easier!"

    I always try to do workout stuff with friends skinny or not. For one it just makes it seem more enjoyable spending time with a friend and reaching my goal(s). And two working out with skinny friends is like an easy way to literally visualize my goal and find it kinda inspiring.

    Best of Luck
  • Thanks for the advice! I think I just need to get used to working out with people I know because I usually always do it solo and keep to myself.
  • I know the feeling I don't have a problem doing a workout with a friend but I just can't bring myself to do it in front or with my husband or other family members and we are doing this together.
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