Having a hard time getting in all my calories!

Hannah_92 Posts: 26
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
1200 is a good number for me....Now that I actually got the hang of it (eating low calorie foods and not high).....But since I started working out I have all of those extra calories I need to eat. Of course I could eat a brownie or something : P But thats not what I want to do...I hate having to eat when I am not hungry! Ideas?


  • geri25
    geri25 Posts: 43 Member
    i don't eat the exra calories from exercise even a dietician doesn't recommend to eat the extra calories u r defeating the purpose. your exercising to burn calories theres no reason to eat them doesn't make since
  • corey_e
    corey_e Posts: 162
    Protein shake or bar after your workout to help re-energize your muscles. Then you acn get in those extra calories too :happy:
  • tlussier
    tlussier Posts: 42 Member
    I wouldn't bother eating exercise cals unless you are actually hungry! I rarely if ever eat mine but if you really want to try almonds or natural peanut butter they are high in cals but are good for you and you don't need to eat a lot for the cals to add up :)
  • marialy21
    marialy21 Posts: 60 Member
    You don't necessarily have to eat your exercise calories back. If I burn more than 450 calories I tend to eat a light snack. Anything lower if I'm not hungry I just don't eat.
    I log my exercise at the end of the day so that I'm not tempted to eat those calories back :tongue: :tongue:
  • I wouldn't eat if you're not hungry. When you work out you want to get protien right away, but after that just eat to nourish yourself and feel good, not to fill up a chart!
  • Losing2Live69
    Losing2Live69 Posts: 743 Member
    See my forum post today titled "Two weeks a waste. Who to trust"....I think that is what I titled it. I went to the doc today only eating 1200 calories for the past two weeks. I was starving myself. My potassium and sodium were dangerously low. I wasn't eating my exercise calories either because my trainer told me not to. Get a doc to tell you 1200 calories is ok for you. Don't just pic a number. I was told I would have been in the hospital by the weekend if I wouldn't have gone to the doctor today. Do it, but do it right. Don't just listen to anyone. I did and it could have really hurt me.
  • corey_e
    corey_e Posts: 162
    i don't eat the exra calories from exercise even a dietician doesn't recommend to eat the extra calories u r defeating the purpose. your exercising to burn calories theres no reason to eat them doesn't make since

    This issue will never go away I swear. But....if you only consume 1200 calories a day and burn say even 300 working out you are only feeding your body 900 calories a day and that will cause your metabolism to slow because your body goes into starvation mode. But if you eat those extra 300 then you're back at 1200 total consumed.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Lean protein, good fats, good carbs! Try adding just 25-50 cals more per meal/snack and it adds up. Some good boosters:
    Nuts - Almonds, walnuts, pistachios
    Peanut butter (preferably without added sugar)
    Cooking with natural oils (olive, canola)
    Protein shake
    More lean meat - make sure you're getting enough protein with each meal/snack
    Eggs - hard boiled are easy to carry

    Also, try looking through the Recipe board, and do a search for Protein, and Good Fats. :wink:
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    i don't eat the exra calories from exercise even a dietician doesn't recommend to eat the extra calories u r defeating the purpose. your exercising to burn calories theres no reason to eat them doesn't make since

    The dietician would tell you to eat them, if you properly explained how MFP works. MFP has a built in MODERATE cal deficit, regardless of exercise. If you do not eat those exercise cals, you create a larger deficit, resulting in underfeeding, slower metabolism and loss of muscle, rather than fat. Eating too little will backfire, sooner or later.
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    i don't eat the exra calories from exercise even a dietician doesn't recommend to eat the extra calories u r defeating the purpose. your exercising to burn calories theres no reason to eat them doesn't make since

    Well then you should educate the dietician that MFP already has you at a defecit according to the information you gave them.
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    i don't eat the exra calories from exercise even a dietician doesn't recommend to eat the extra calories u r defeating the purpose. your exercising to burn calories theres no reason to eat them doesn't make since

    This issue will never go away I swear. But....if you only consume 1200 calories a day and burn say even 300 working out you are only feeding your body 900 calories a day and that will cause your metabolism to slow because your body goes into starvation mode. But if you eat those extra 300 then you're back at 1200 total consumed.

    Yeah, I've been so sick of people so against eating these calories (or try to understand the science behind it) and stop replying to subject like these. My bad, not like my good fellow lady friend ladyhawk00! :o)
  • Losing2Live69
    Losing2Live69 Posts: 743 Member
    i don't eat the exra calories from exercise even a dietician doesn't recommend to eat the extra calories u r defeating the purpose. your exercising to burn calories theres no reason to eat them doesn't make since

    It didn't make sense to me until I went to the doctor today with dangerously low potassium and sodium and in starvation mode according to my blood work. I posted about it earlier. I thought the same thing. I was eating too few calories to support the potassium your muscles burn when you exercise, even taking a potassium supplement. I was doing what a "professional trainer" told me to do and I took her at her word. I sat down with my doctor today and showed her my numbers on my goals sheet. Most of them were all incorrect.
  • david081
    david081 Posts: 489 Member
    Only eat healthy food. I always eat my regular calorie allowance, but almost never eat ALL my exercise calories. I often burn 1000 or more a day through cardio work. Make sure you are having complex carbs, that stay in your system longer. Exercise means you can add extra food to your diet, and time will tell what's good for you in terms of how much of your exercise calories you consume. I don't consume all my exercise calories because I'm never hungry enough, and the weight is coming off ok so far
  • Protein shake or bar after your workout to help re-energize your muscles. Then you acn get in those extra calories too :happy:
    This is exactly what my trainer suggested because if you don't eat your body has nothing to draw from. People don't always understand that unless you are eating calories you won't really burn any. I have a huge problem getting all my calories in, so tomorrow when I see her again we are going to review my diet habits and she will make more detailed suggestions. But def go with a protein bar (I love odwalla) or a shake to supplement. Plus in order for your muscles to maintain strength and grow you need to replenish the protein and carbs you used to work them out.
  • sarahanne40
    sarahanne40 Posts: 69 Member
    Only eat healthy food. I always eat my regular calorie allowance, but almost never eat ALL my exercise calories. I often burn 1000 or more a day through cardio work. Make sure you are having complex carbs, that stay in your system longer. Exercise means you can add extra food to your diet, and time will tell what's good for you in terms of how much of your exercise calories you consume. I don't consume all my exercise calories because I'm never hungry enough, and the weight is coming off ok so far

    I don't often eat back all my calories either - but I ALWAYS make sure my net is above 1200 cals (i.e. daily cals minus excercise cals, then eat back up to AT LEAST 1200 cals - if not more, lol). Agreed on the healthy food etc, but by undereating your body will start to head into starvation mode after just 1 day (raised ketone levels in blood proves this) - this lowers your metabolism and makes the weight loss journey prolonged, as several people have already suggested.

    If like me your allowance is ~1400 cals (I only want to lose a lb a week) then excercising off 400 cals then eating back 200 isn't so bad. But if you have yourself on the minimum allowance of 1200 cals, excercise off 400 cals then don't eat them back, your net intake is only 800 cals - if you only ate 800 cals a day (without exercise) you would be considered as having an eating disorder - I don't see how exercising the cals off to get to same net isn't seen in the same light as under-eating....
  • curleesam
    curleesam Posts: 462 Member
    I've lost nearly 36lbs with this method so IT WORKS... If I burn over 500calories exercising I always eat half of them back. Usually I will have some almonds/cashews, a banana, a fat free yoghurt or a slice of wholemeal toast and peanut butter. With these choices I am getting good fats/calcium/protein/fibre so I'm not eating rubbish. Like I said, it has worked for me. I totally understand the logic in eating back exercise cals but I only eat half as I allow for the gym equipment to be slightly out on my cals burnt. I also don't weigh my food so I allow for that also.
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