It doesnt make sense

i am trying to be healthy by eating fruit but if I have a couple of clementines and an apple for snacks it puts me way over my sugar allowance for the day? How can this be?


  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    I never worry if I'm over in my sugar if it's due to natural e.g fruit sugars. It's the process stuff you need to be concerned about. Don't worry about it.
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    I don't track sugar for just this reason. I do try to avoid refined sugar & products that contain it, but natural sugar from fruit is a different thing all together.
    Fruit is not just sugar, it's full of vitamins, minerals & fibre too, so carry one eating it & dont worry about the natural sugars it contains.
  • sabcooke
    sabcooke Posts: 82 Member
    I can understand what your saying I thought rfuit was supposed to be good and the slimming world plan promotes unlimited fruit
  • mikehextall
    Ok thanks for your help
  • katierg
    your body breaks down natural sugars way better than refined or substitutes. don't worry about fructose. it's good for you. worry about starches and refined added sugars and syrups.